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Appendix Four: Angles of Declination and Altitude for Cairo, Egypt

Table A4.1. Angles of declination and altitude at latitude 30° N corresponding to Cairo

Time of Day 21 June Summer Solstice   21 March or 21 September Equinoxes   21 December Winter Solstice  
  Angle of Declination to the North Angle of Altitude Angle of Declination to the North Angle of Altitude Angle of Declination to the North Angle of Altitude
5:03 62°40' Sunrise- zero ... ... ... ...
6:00 69°24' 11°27' 90°00' Sunrise- zero ... ...
7:00 75°42' 23°51' 97°24' 12°57' 117°20' Sunrise- zero
8:00 81°48' 36°35' 106°53' 25°40' 125°50' 11°27'
9:00 88°13' 49°30' 116°27' 37°45' 135°24' 21°18'
10:00 96°34' 62°28' 130°00' 48°36' 148°36' 29°18'
11:00 112°34' 75°05' 151°11' 56°43' 163°15' 34°40'
12:00 180°00' 83°26' 180°00' 60°00' 180°00' 36°34'
13:00 247°56' 75°05' 208°49' 56°43' 196°45' 34°40'
14:00 263°56' 62°28' 230°00' 48°36' 211°24' 29°18'
15:00 271°77' 49°30' 243°33' 37°45' 224°06' 21°18'
16:00 278°12' 36°25' 253°07' 25°40' 234°10' 11°27'
17:00 284°18' 23°51' 262°36' 12°57' 242°40' Sunset at 16:57
18:00 290°66' 11°27' 270°00' Sunset-zero    
18:58 279°20' Sunset-zero        

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