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Appendix One: Data on Saturated Water Vapor
Appendix Two: Thermal Comfort Sensation Scales
Appendix Three: Data on Thermal Transmittance
Appendix Four: Angles of Declination and Altitude for Cairo, Egypt

Appendix One: Data on Saturated Water Vapor

Table A 1.1. Density and pressure of saturated water vapor at different temperatures at sea-level pressure (760 mm Hg or 14.7 psi).




°C °F g/m³ grains/ ft³ millibars mm Hg inches Hg
34 93.2 37.66 16.46 53.26 39.95 1.573
32 89.6 33.87 14.80 47.60 35.70 1.406
30 86.0 30.43 13.30 42.48 31.86 1.254
28 82.4 27.29 11.93 37.84 28.38 1.117
26 78.8 24.43 10.68 33.65 25.24 0.994
24 75.2 21.83 9.54 29.86 22.40 0.882
22 71.6 19.46 8.50 26.45 19.84 0.781
20 68.0 17.33 7.57 23.40 17.55 0.691
18 64.4 15.40 6.73 20.65 15.49 0.610
16 60.8 13.66 5.97 18.19 13.64 0.537
14 57.2 12.09 5.28 15.99 11.99 0.472
12 53.6 10.68 4.67 14.03 10.52 0.414
10 50.0 9.42 4.12 12.28 9.21 0.363
8 46.4 8.28 3.62 10.72 8.04 0.317
6 42.8 7.27 3.18 9.35 7.01 0.276
4 39.2 6.37 2.78 8.13 6.10 0.240
2 35.6 5.57 2.43 7.05 5.29 0.208
0 32.0 4.86 2.12 6.11 4.58 0.180
-2 28.4 4.15 1.81 5.18 3.89 0.153
-4 24.8 3.54 1.55 4.39 3.29 0.130
-6 21.2 3.01 1.32 3.70 2.78 0.109
-8 17.6 2.56 1.12 3.12 2.34 0.092
- 10 14.0 2.16 0.94 2.62 1.96 0.077

Source: Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, ed. Robert C. Weast and Melvin J. Astle, 62d ed. (Boca Raton, Fla.: Chemical Rubber Co. Press, 1981).

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