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Dr. Gotfried Tenkorang Agyepong
Department of Geography and
Resource Development
P.O. Box 59
University of Ghana, Legon

Dr. Kojo Sebastian Amanor
Institute of African Studies
University of Ghana, Legon

Dr. B. Amoako-Atta
P.O. Box 134
Tamale, Ghana

Prof. Elizabeth Ardayfio-Schandorf
Department of Geography and
Resource Development
P.O. Box 59
University of Ghana, Legon

Dr. Mariama Awumbila
The Registry
University of Ghana, Legon

Prof. George Benneh
University of Ghana, Legon

Dr. Lewis Enu-Kwesi
Department of Botany
University of Ghana, Legon

Prof. Edwin Akonno Gyasi
Department of Geography and
Resource Development
P.O. Box 59
University of Ghana, Legon

Mr. Sosthenes K. Kufogbe
Department of Geography and
Resource Development
P.O. Box 59
University of Ghana, Legon

Prof. John S. Nabila
Department of Geography and
Resource Development
P.O. Box 59
University of Ghana, Legon

Prof. Bede N. Okigbo
Director, UNU/INRA
ISSER Building Complex
University of Ghana, Legon
Private Mail Bag
Kotoka International
Airport Accra

Dr. E. Owusu-Bennoah
Department of Soil Science
University of Ghana, Legon

Dr. Juha I. Uitto
Academic Officer
United Nations University
53-70 Jingumae 5-chome
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150, Japan

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