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Table 9.3 Comparison of the Occurrence of Tree Species within the Three Study Areas

Family Genus, species Dicot./
Life-form Yensiso area Sekesua area Amanase area
Aden- ya Oson- son Seke-
Agavaceae Dracaena arborea Monocot. t   +   + + + +
Anacardiaceae Anacardiurn occidentale Dicot. t + +          
Mangifera indica Dicot. t + + + + + + +
Annonaceae Annona sp. Dicot. t +            
Apocynaceae Alstonia boonei Dicot. T/t + + + +      
Tabernaemontana glandulosa Dicot. T/t +            
Rauvolfia vomitoria Dicot. t/s +   + + + + +
Bignoniaceae Newbouldia laevis Dicot. t   + + + + +  
Bombacaceae Bombax buonopozense Dicot. T +   + +      
Ceiba pentandra Dicot. T + + + + + +  
Adansonia digitata Dicot. t     +        
Caesalpiniaceae Caesalpinia pulcherrima Dicot. t     +        
Cassia occidentalis Dicot. s       +      
Cassia siamea Dicot. t + + + + + +  
Dialium guineense Dicot. t              

Table 9.4 Comparison of the Occurrence of Herbaceous and Shrub Species in the Three Study Areas

Family Genus, species Dicot./
Yensiso area Sekesua area Amanase area
Acanthaceae Asystasiacalycina Dicot. H     +        
Bignoniaceae Spathodea carnpanulata Dicot. T     +        
Cannaceae Canna indica Monocot. H   + +     +  
Cucurbitaceae Coccinia grandis Dicot. c/H     +        
Commelinaceae Commelina capitula Monocot. H   +     + + +
Caesalpiniaceae Griffonia sirnplicifolia Dicot. C   + + + + +  
Combretaceae Cornbreturn aphanopetalurn Dicot. c   + +   + + +
Compositae Acanthosperrnum hispidum Dicot. H   +   + +   +
Ageraturn conyzoides Dicot. H + + + + +   +
Aspilia africana Dicot. H + + + + + + +
Bidens pilosa Dicot. H   + +       +
Chromolaena odorata Dicot. H + + + + + + +
Lactuca taraxacifolia Dicot. H   +          
Tridax procurnbens Dicot. H   +         +
Convolvulaceae Ipomoea muricata Dicot. c/H   +          
Cyperaceae Cyperus rotundus Monocot. H   + +       +
Mariscus ligularis Monocot. H +       +    
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia hirta Dicot. H   + + + + + +
Phyllanthus pcntandrus Dicot. H + +          
Ricinus communis Dicot. H       + +    
Gramineae Andropogon africans Monocot. H   +     + + +
Digitaria diagonalis Monocot. H +     + +    
Eleusine indica Monocot. H +            
Imperata cylindrica Monocot. H   +          
Panicum maximum Monocot. H + + +     + +
Paspalum orbiculare Monocot. H   + +   + +  
Phragmites australis Monocot. H   +          
Sporobolus pyramidalis Monocot. H + + + + + +  
Liliaceae Gloriosa superba Monocot. g/c +            
Malvaceae Abunlon maurifianum Dicot. H           +  
Gossypium arboreum Dicot. s   + + + +    
Sida acuta Dicot. H + + +   +    
Mimosaceae Mimosa pudica Dicot. H     + +      
Shrankialeptocarpa Dicot. c +            
Nyctaginaceae Mirabilis jelapa Dicot. H     + +      
Papilionaceae Arachis hypogea Dicot. H   +          
Centrosema pubescens Dicot. c/H +     +      
Desmodium trifolium Dicot. H   + + + +    
Peuraria phaseoloides Dicot. H     + + +    
Trifolium repens Dicot. H     +        
Portulacaceae Talinum triangulare Dicot. H     +        
Solanaceae Datura suaveolens Dicot. H   +          
Schwenkia americana Dicot. H   +          
Solanum torvum Dicot. H     + +      
Scrophulariaceae Scoparia dukis Dicot. H +     +      
Sapotaceae Chrysophyllum albidum Dicot. T/t   +          
Sapindaceae Allophyllus africanus Dicot. c   + +        
Paullinia pinnata Dicot. c   + + + +    
Sterculiaceae Waltheria indica Dicot. H   +   +      
Tiliaceae Triumfetta rhomboidea Dicot. H +     + +    
Urticaceae Urtica aestuans Dicot. H   + +        
Verbenaceae Clerodendron umbellanum Dicot. c   + + + +    
Lantana camara Dicot. t   +   +      
Starchytarphetta indica Dicot. H + +          
Zingiberaceae Costus engleranus Monocot. H +            

T = large tree capable of exceeding 30 m ht. (megaphanerophyte) c = small understorey climber t = small tree s = shrub or pygmy tree

C = large climber capable of reaching the canopy H = herb

Both tables 9.2 and 9.4 indicated that of the non-tree species, herbaceous plants constituted the largest flora. Considering that the woody tree species listed above were actually very few both in density and abundance, and that the few that did occur were also very widely spaced apart, the flora in the entire study area could be said to be predominantly herbaceous. Among these herbs, there was a preponderance of species from the Compositae, Gramineae and Euphorbiaceae. There were seven species from the Compositae, namely: Acanthospermum hispidum, Ageratum conyzoides, Aspilia africana, Bidens pilosa, Chromolaena odorata, Lactuca taraxacifolia and Tridax procumbens. Of these, Chromolaena odorata and Aspilia africana were found in all the study sites; but whereas Aspilia africana occurred in only sparsely distributed patches, Chromolaena odorata was found everywhere and in thick impenetrable masses, particularly over farm lands that were in fallow. The Gramineae comprised eight species, namely: Andropogon africans, Digitaria diagonalis, Eleusine indica, Imperata cylindrica, Panicum maximum, Paspalum orbiculare, Phragmites australis and Sporobolus pyramidalis. The Euphorbiaceae contained three species, namely: Euphorbia hirta, Phyllanthus pentandrus and Ricinus communist Euphorbia hirta was the most common species in the family Euphorbiaceae. The family Papilionaceae consisted of one cultivated species, Arachis hypogea, and four uncultivated species, namely: Centrosema pubescens, Desmodium trifolium, Peuraria phaseoloides and Trifolium repens. Centrosema pubescens and Peuraria phaseoloides were the most common and predominant. C. pubescens was found in all the villages except Adenya and Sekesua, while P. phaseoloides was found in all except Yensiso and Whanabenya. Desmodium trifolium was found at Adenya, Osonson and Sekesua. The family Solanaceae, consisting of three species, Datura suaveolens, Schwenkia americana and Solanum torvum, with S. torvum being the commonest, was found at Kokormu, Adenya and Osonson.

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