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Alhassan, W. S. 1985. The advances in ruminant nutrition and their application to the utilization of poor quality forage. Paper presented at the IOth annual meeting of the Nigeria Society of Animal Production, University of Ife, Nigeria.

Anande-Kur, S. 1992. Land management and problems in large-scale farming in Nigeria. Paper presented at a conference on Large Scale Agriculture, Abeokuta.

Barrett, J. C. 1992. The Economic Role of Cattle in Communal Farming Systems in Zimbabwe. Pastoral Development Network Paper 32b, March.

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). 1991. Production Yearbook 1990, vo]. 44.

Harrison, P. 1987. The Greening of Africa. Breaking Through in the Battle for Land and Food. London: Paladin Griffon.

ILCA. 1979. Livestock Production in the Subhumid Zone of West Africa: A Regional Review. ILCA Systems Study no. 2. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: International Livestock Centre for Africa.

Jahnke, H. E. 1982. Livestock Production Systems and Livestock Development in Tropical Africa. Kiel: Kiefer Wissenschafts Verlag and Vauk.

McDowell, R. E. and C. DeHaan. 1986. West African Agricultural Research Review: Livestock Research.

Nuru, S. 1982. Problems and prospects of the Nigerian beef industry. In: O. A. Osinowo (ed.), Proceedings of the National Conference on Beef Production. Kaduna, Nigeria, pp. 12- 43.

---- 1983. Effective harnessing of Nigeria's agricultural resources: The case for livestock production sub-sector. Annual Conference of the Agric. Society of Nigeria, Ilorin.

---- 1986. The role of research in increasing food production in Africa. In: B. Webster, C. Valverde, and A. Fletcher (eds.), The impact of Research on Narional Agricultural Development. A Report on the 7st International Meeting of National Agricultural Research Systems. Brasilia, Brazil, pp. 53 63.

Otchere, E. O. and S. Nuru. 1988. Ruminant livestock production and feed resources in the subhumid zone in Nigeria: Constraints and perspectives. Journal of Animal Research 8(2): 147 168.

Otchere, E. O., C. B. M. Dadgie, D. A. Ayebo, and K. E. Erbynn. 1977. Response of grazing sheep to rice straw or cassava pellets fortified with urea and molasses as supplemented feed. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science 10: 61 66.

Otchere, E. O., H. U. Ahmed, Y. M. Adesipe, M. S. Kallah, N. Mzamane, T. K. Adenowo, E. K. Bawa, S. A. A. Olorunju, A. A. Voh Jr., E. A. Lufadeju, and S. T. Balogun. 1985. Livestock production among pastoralists in Giwa District. Preliminary report of the Livestock System Research Project, NAPRI, Nigeria (unpublished).

Van Raay, H. G. T. and P. N. de Leeuw. 1971. The importance of crop residue as fodder: A resource analysis in Katsina province, Nigeria. Samaru Research Bulletin no. 139, Institute for Agricultural Research Samaru, Zaria.

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Zemmelink, G. 1974. Utilization of poor quality roughages in the Northern Guinea Savanna zone. In: J. K. Loosli, V. A. Oyenuga, and G. M. Babatunde (eds.), Animal Production in the Tropics. Ibadan, Nigeria: Heinemann.

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