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5. Sixty plant species observed in 97 agro- forestry configurations in 121 polycultural fields involving perennials in upland areas of the Brazilian Amazon, 1988-1992

Planta Local name of
Fields Amazon
Native to
Old World
Açaí Açai 7 +    
African oil-palm Dendê 2     +
Andiroba Andiroba 2 +    
Annatto Urucu 3 +    
Arabica coffee Cafe 6     +
Avocado Abacate 9   +  
Azeitona Azeitona 1 +    
Bacuri Bacuri 1 +    
Banana Banana 20     +
Barbados cherry Acerola 3   +  
Biribá Biribá 4 +    
Black pepper Pimento do reino 26     +
Brachiarão Brachiarão 1     +
Brachiaria Brachiaria 1     +
Brazil nut Castanha do Pará 12 +    
Cacao Cacau 23 +    
Caribbean pine Pinheiro 1   +  
Cashew Caju 5   +  
Cedar Cedro 3 +    
Coconut Côco 16     +
Common bean Feijáo 1   +  
Cotton Algodão 1     +
Cupuaçu Cupuaçu 29 +    
Erythrina Erytrina 1   +  
Freijó Freijó 8 +    
Gandu Gandu 1   +  
Grosela Grosela 1   +  
Guarana Guarana 1 +    
Guava Goiaba 6   +  
Guinea grass Colonião 1     +
Ingá Ingá 2   +  
Ingá-cipó Ingá-cipó 1   +  
Jackfruit Jaca 4     +
Jarana Jarana 1 +    
Lime Limão 2     +
Macacaúba Macacaúba 1 +    
Mahogany Mogno 4 +    
Maize Milho 2   +  
Mamey Abricó 2   +  
Mango Manga 9     +
Manioc Mandhioca 25   +  
Orange Laranja 32     +
Palhateira Palhateira 1 +    
Papaya Mamão 5   +  
Passionfruit Maracujá 12   +  
Peach-palm Pupunha 6 +    
Pineapple Abacaxi 7   +  
Piquiá Piquiá 1 +    
Quicuio Quicuio 1     +
Robusta coffee Cafe 9     +
Rubber Seringa 21 +    
Soursop Graviola 1 +    
Sweet potato Batata doce 1   +  
Sweetsop Ata 3   +  
Tangerine Tangerina 6     +
Taro Taro 1     +
Tutaruba Tutaruba 1 +    
Uxi Uxi 1 +    
Watermelon Melancia 1     +
Yellow mombim Cajá, taperebá 1 +    

a. For scientific names see appendix 1.

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