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1. Scientific names of plants (exclusive of ornamentals, medicinal plants, and vegetables) growing in 31 home gardens and agro-forestry systems in 121 polycultural fields involving perennials in upland areas of the Brazilian Amazon, and their occurrence in second growth or forest
2. Ninety-seven agro-forestry configurations observed in 121 polycultural fields involving perennials in upland areas of the Brazilian Amazon, 1988-1992
3. Seventy-four plant species (exclusive of ornamentals, medicinal plants, and vegetables) found in 31 home gardens in upland areas of rural Pará,, 1992
4. Locations and composition of 31 home gardens (exclusive of ornamentals, medicinal plants, and vegetables) sampled in upland areas of rural Pará, 1992
5. Sixty plant species observed in 97 agro- forestry configurations in 121 polycultural fields involving perennials in upland areas of the Brazilian Amazon, 1988-1992

1. Scientific names of plants (exclusive of ornamentals, medicinal plants, and vegetables) growing in 31 home gardens and agro-forestry systems in 121 polycultural fields involving perennials in upland areas of the Brazilian Amazon, and their occurrence in second growth or forest

Common namea Scientific name Garden Field Second
Açai Euterpe oleracea +   +  
African oil-palm Elaeisguineensis   +    
Ameixa Eugenia cumin) +      
Andiroba Carapa guianensis + +    
Annatto Bixa orellana + +    
Arabica coffee Coffea arabica +      
Avocado Persea americana +      
Azeitona Roucheria punctata (?) +      
Babaçu Attalea speciosa + + +  
Bacaba Oenocarpus distichus + + + +
Bacuri Platonia insignia   + + +
Banana Musa sp. + +    
Barbados cherry Malpighia glabra + +    
Biribá Rollinia deliciosa + +    
Black pepper Piper nigrum + +    
Brachiarão Brachiaria brizantha +      
Brachiaria Brachiaria decumbens +      
Brazil nut Bertholletia excelsa + + + +
Breadfruit Artocarups altilis +      
Buriti Mauritia flexuosa +   +  
Cacao Theebroma cacao + + +  
Caimito Pouteria caimito +      
Calabash gourd Crescentia cujete +      
Canela Miconuasp. (?) +      
Capsicum pepper Capsicum frutescens + +    
Carambola Averrhoa carambola +      
Caribbean pine Pinus caribaea   +    
Cashew Anacardium occidentale + + +  
Cedar Cedrela odorata + + +  
Coconut Cocos nucifera + +    
Common bean Phaseolus vulgaris + +    
Cotton Gossypium sp. +      
Cumaru Dipteryx sp. + + +  
Cunambi Ichthyothere cunabi +      
Cupuaçu Theobroma


+ + +  
Cupui Theobroma speciosum +   +  
Embileira ? + + +  
Erythrina Erythrina sp.   +    
Freijó Cordia goeldiana   + +  
Gandu Cajanus cajan   +    
Genipap Genipa americana +      
Giant granadilla Passiflora
Groselab Eugenia uniflora (?) +      
Guarana Paullinia cupana +      
Guava Psidium guajava + +    
Guinea grass Panicum maximum +      
Ingá Ingá sp. +      
Ingá-açu Ingá cinnamomea +      
Ingá-cipó Ingá edulis +      
Jackfruit Artocarpus
Jangada ? +      
Jarana Holopyxidium jarana + +    
Lima Citrus sp. +      
Lime Citrus aurantifolia +      
Lemon grass Cymbopogon s p. +      
Macacaúba Platymiscium ulei + +    
Mahogany Swietenia macrophylla + +    
Maize Zea mays   +    
Malay apple Eugenia malaccensis +      
Mamelo Aparisthmium
cordeatum (?)
Mamey Mammea americana +      
Mango Mangifera indica + +    
Manioc Manihot esculenta + +    
Morototó Didymopanax
+ +    
Annona montana +      
Mucaja Acrocomia sclerocarpa +   +  
Muruci Byrsonima crassifolia +      
Oiticica Licania tomentosa (?) +      
Orange Citrus sinensis + +    
Pajura Couepia bracteosa +     +
Palhateira Clitoria racemosa +      
Papaya Carica papaya + + +  
Passionfruit Passiflora edulis + +    
Peach-palm Bactris gasipaes + +    
Pineapple Ananas cosmosus + +    
Piquiá Caryocar villosum + +   +
Pitinga Eugenia uniflora (?) +      
Pitomba Talisia esculenta +      
Quicuio Brachiaria humidicola +      
Robusta coffee Coffea canephora +      
Rough lemon Citrus jambhiri +      
Rubber Hevea brasiliensis + +   +
Soursop Annona muricata +      
Sugarcane Saccharum + +    
Sweet potato Ipomoea batatas + +    
Sweetsop Annona squamosa +      
Tamarind Tamarindus indica +      
Tangerine Citrus reticulata +      
Taro Colocasia esculenta +      
Tobacco Nicohana tabacum + +    
Tropical almond Terminalia catappa +      
Tucumã Astrocaryam vulgare + + + +
Tutaruba ?   +    
Uxi Endopleura uchi +     +
Watermelon Citrulus lanatus   +    
Yellow mombim Spondias mombim +      

a. For local names of plants see appendices 3 and 5.

b. Grosela may be the same species, Eugenia uniflora, as pitinga (or pitanga) below.


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