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Amazonia - Resiliency and Dynamism of the Land
and its People
Table of contents (268 p.)
Nigel J.H. Smith, Emanuel Adilson S. Serrão, Paulo T. Alvim, and
Italo C. Falesi
© The United Nations University, 1995
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations University.
United Nations University Press
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Cover design by Joyce C. Weston
ISBN 92-808-0906-7
03000 P
UNU Studies on Critical Environmental Regions
Edited by Jeanne X. Kasperson, Roger E. Kasperson, and B.L.
Turner II
from the editors
1. Amazonia under siege
Major objectives and regional coverage
The substance of sustainability
The question of criticality
The urgency of improved resource management
The myth of virginity
Climatic change
The environmental impact of smoke
Soil erosion and floods
Hydroelectric dams
The environmental impacts of mining
Petroleum extraction
A blizzard of cocaine
Habitat destruction and the loss of biodiversity
3. Forces of change and societal responses
Population change
Technological change
Socio-economic and institutional change
Beliefs and attitudes towards development
Income and wealth issues
Societal responses
4. Forest conservation and management
Parks and preserves
Extractive reserves
The extraction of non-timber forest products by settlers
Forest management for timber and charcoal
5. Silviculture and plantation crops
6. Agro-forestry and perennial cropping systems
Diversity in space
Diversity in time
Agro-forestry integration with acquaculture and livestock
Laissez-faire biocontrol
Innovation at Tomé-Açu
Revival in the Bragantina zone
The pioneer experience: Transamazon and Rondônia
The emergence of nurseries for perennial crops
Comparisons with the Old World tropics
Cash crops on the horizon
Constraints on further intensification
7. Ranching problems and potential on the uplands
Driving forces and the mythical hamburger connection
Pasture development in the uplands
Pasture restoration
8. Land-use dynamics on the Amazon flood plain
An aquatic breadbasket
The collapse of jute and the emergence of market gardening
Flood-plain orchards
Livestock in conflict with crops and fisheries
Setting the stage
Environmental degradation
Wealth and well-being
Fine-tuning the policy environment
A team approach
Conservation and sustainable development
1. Scientific names of plants (exclusive of ornamentals, medicinal plants, and vegetables) growing in 31 home gardens and agro-forestry systems in 121 polycultural fields involving perennials in upland areas of the Brazilian Amazon, and their occurrence in second growth or forest
2. Ninety-seven agro-forestry configurations observed in 121 polycultural fields involving perennials in upland areas of the Brazilian Amazon, 1988-1992
3. Seventy-four plant species (exclusive of ornamentals, medicinal plants, and vegetables) found in 31 home gardens in upland areas of rural Pará,, 1992
4. Locations and composition of 31 home gardens (exclusive of ornamentals, medicinal plants, and vegetables) sampled in upland areas of rural Pará, 1992
5. Sixty plant species observed in 97 agro- forestry configurations in 121 polycultural fields involving perennials in upland areas of the Brazilian Amazon, 1988-1992
(A - K)
References (K - Z)