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Conversion tables

Lenght Area
m in ft in2 ft2
1 39.37 3.281 1 1,550 10.764
0.0254 1 0.08333 0.0006452 1 0.006944
0.3048 12 1 0.0929 144 1
0.303 11.93 0.9942 3.3058 5,124 35.58


in3 ft3 US gallons Imperial gallons
1 61,024 35.31 264.2 220.0
0.00001639 1 0.0005787 0.004329 0.003604
0.02832 1,728 1 7.481 6.228
0.003785 231 0.1337 1 0.8325
0.004547 277.5 0.1606 1.201 1
0.1&04 11,008 6.371 47.66 39.68

NOTE: 1 acre-foot = 1,234 m³.

Flow rate

m³/min m³/hour l/sec US gallons/min Imperial gallons/min ft3/min
1 60 16.67 264.2 222.0 35.31
0.01667 1 0.2778 4.403 3.666 0.5881
0.06 3.6 1 15.85 13.2 2.119
0.1804 10.82 3.007 47.66 39.68 6.371
0.003782 0.2271 0.0631 1 0.8235 0.1337
0.004547 0.2728 0.0578 1.201 1 0.1605
0.0283 1.699 0.472 7.481 6.229 1


kg/cm² lb/in2 (psi) Standard atmospheric pressure Mercury column (m) Water column (m) Water column (ft)
1 14.22 0.9678 0.7355 10 0.1757
0.07031 1 0.0680 0.0517 0.7031 0.1782
1.0332 14.7 1 0.76 10.33 0.2389
1.359 19.34 1.3158 1 13.6 0.002343
0.1 1.422 0.09678 0.07355 1 0.0003239
0.03048 0.4335 0.0295 0.0224 0.3048 1


French horse power (PS) British horse power (HP) kilowatt (kW) kg-m/see ft-lb/sec kcal/sec
1 0.9859 0.7055 75 542.5 0.1757
1.0143 1 0.746 76.07 550.2 0.1782
1.3596 1.3405 1 101.97 737.6 1.2389
0.01333 0.01315 0.009807 1 7.233 0.002343
0.001843 0.001817 0.001356 0.1383 1 0.0003239
5.691 5.611 4.186 426.9 3087 1

SI unit conversions

Symbol Unit Equivalents
N newton J/m m • kg • s-2
Pa Pascal N/m² m-1 kg s-2
J joule N.m m2 kg s-2
W watt J/s m².kg s-3
Quantity Unit symbol Other units and related conversions
Area hectare, ha = 10,000 m2
Volume litre, l = 10-3
Weight kg tonne, t = 1,000 kg
Density kg/m³  
Time s minute, m = 60 s
    hour, h = 3,600 s
    day, d = 86,400 s
Velocity m/s  
Pressure N/m² 1 kgf/cm² = 1 kp/cm² = 98,066.5 Pa

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