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OUR principal thanks are to Gadjah Mada University which hosted the conference, and particularly to the Vice-Rector for Cooperation, Dr Sofian Effendi, and to the Director of the Centre for Environmental Studies, Dr Sugeng Martopo, who, together with their colleagues, handled all local arrangements. Both the Rector of the University, Dr Mochamad Adnan, who opened the conference, and a former Rector, Dr Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri, initiated the co-sponsorship between the United Nations University (UNU) and Gadjah Mada University, and participated in the conference. The University housed most of the participants, and conducted a field excursion to its forestry station at Wanagama in the Gunung Kidul district (southern uplands), south of Yogyakarta, and to historical sites; this excursion was led by Dr Djalal Tandjung of the Centre for Environmental Studies. Members of the senior academic staff of the University acted as chairpersons for most of our sessions. The warm hospitality of Gadjah Mada University was greatly appreciated by us all.

The thanks of the organizer and Editors, as well as of the UNU, also go to the Research School of Pacific Studies, the Australian National University which met all the communication costs associated with the conference and this book, and in particular to the Administrator of the Department of Human Geography, Mrs Elizabeth Lawrence, a South-East Asian by origin, who willingly carried a large additional burden of work. The invaluable participation of the joint Editor, Ms Yvonne Byron, the Research Officer in the same department, was facilitated by support from the UNU, as was also that of Mrs Ria van de Zandt of the Department of Anthropology, who efficiently handled the huge task of word processing the text and its editorial changes. The Research School's Cartography Unit, under the direction of Mr Keith Mitchell, either prepared from sketches or finalized from drawings, all maps and diagrams.

The East-West Center Environment and Policy Institute funded the travel costs of its participants at the conference. The Australian International Development Assistance Bureau paid the travel costs of some of the Australian participants. All other costs were met by the UNU, where Dr Juha Uitto, the Academic Officer responsible for the conference, particularly thanks Ms Hiroko Nakazawa for all secretariat work, and Ms Audrey Yuse, Programme/Administrative Officer, for financial administration. Mr Achmad K. P. Mochtan, Programme Associate, assisted with local contacts in Yogyakarta. The UNU also thanks Professor Walther Manshard of Albert-Ludwigs Universitat, Freiburg, Germany; at short notice, he represented Vice-Rector Dr Roland Fuchs, who was unable to travel to Yogyakarta.

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