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Appendix A registered international food record identifiers

Some International Food Record Identifier components have already been assigned. The first-level facets are listed here for information. More detailed ones are listed as illustrations of the way the IFRI system is expected to work in practice.

Identifier Organization or purpose
UN. For UN system organizations and, in particular, the FAO-produced regional food tables. Assignments within the "UN" identifier will also be made by the INFOODS Secretariat until another UN agency assumes the responsibility. The stem is followed by an identifier for a UN organization or other body.
UN.FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization publications and data bases, including the regional food composition tables series. The stem is followed by the identification of a table, publication, or publication group.
UN.FAO.EAsia72 FAO Food Composition Table for Use in East Asia, 1972. The stem of the identifier is followed by a numeral, indicating the food number in that table. Example: UN.FAO.EAsia72.250
UN.FAO.NEast82. FAO Food Composition Tables for the Near East, 1982. The stem of the identifier is followed by a roman numeral, a period, and an arabic numeral, indicating the table number and the food number in that table. Example: UN.FAONEast82.III.23.
UN.UNU. United Nations University publications, data bases, or food tables.
UN.WHO. World Health Organization publications, data bases, etc.
OC. Oceaniafoods

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