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Other Titles in this Series Food Composition Data

A User's Perspective

Edited by William M. Rand, Carol T. Windham, Bonita W. Wyse, and Vernon R. Young

Examines current problems and needs for improvement, providing an essential introduction and survey of the subject for those involved in gathering, compiling, or using food composition data.

ISBN 92-808-0633-5; 236 pages; paper
US$20: airmail US$28
Developing country price: US$ 10

Identification of Food Components for INFOODS Data Interchange

By John C. Klensin, Diane Feskanich, Victor Lin, A. Stewart Truswell, and David A. T. Southgate

This hook makes available for the first time a comprehensive standardization of nomenclature for international nutrient data exchange. The reader is provided with a straightforward set of rules for identifying food components precisely and constructing data bases suitable for transfer between computers.

ISBN 92-808-0734-x; 112 pages; paper
US$20: airmail US$27
Developing country price: US$10

INFOODS Food Composition Data Interchange Handbook

By John C. Klensin

This manual defines the organizing principles and formats of the data interchange system in sufficient technical detail to permit programs to be correctly written that will produce and interpret interchange files that structure and preserve whatever information is available. It provides precise definitions and explanations of the elements to be used in an interchange file and the rules by which they are combined, with clear illustrative examples.

ISBN 92-808-0774-9; paper
US$30; airmail US$37
Developing country price: US$15

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