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1. Block RJ, Mitchell HH. The correlation of the amino acid composition of proteins with their nutritive value. Nutr Abst Rev 1946-1947;16:249-278.

2. Committee on Dietary Allowances, Food and Nutrition Board, National Research-Council. Recommended dietary allowances. 9th ed. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1980.

3. Food and Agriculture Organization /World Health Organization. Energy and protein requirements: report of a joint FAD/WHO ad hoc expert committee. Geneva: WHO Technical Report Series No 522, 1973.

4. Food and Agriculture Organization. Amino acid content of foods and biological data on proteins. Rome: FAO Nutritional Studies No 24, 1970.

5. Food and Agriculture Organization. Protein requirements: report of the FAO committee. Rome: FAO Nutritional Studies No 16, 1957.

6. Joint FAD/WHO Expert Group. Protein requirements. Geneva: WHO Technical Report Series No 301; Rome: FAO Nutrition Meetings Report Series No 37, 1965.

7.Jones DB. Factors for convening percentages of nitrogen in foods and feeds into percentages of proteins. Washington DC: United States Department of Agriculture Circular No 183, 1941.

8. McLaughlin PJ, Weihrauch JL. Vitamin E content of foods. J Am Diet Assoc1979;75:647.

9.Merrill AL, Watt BK. Energy value of foods: basis and derivation. Washington, DC:United States Department of Agriculture Handbook No 74, 1973.

10. Paul AA, Southgate DAT. McCance and Widdowson's The composition of foods. 4th ed. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1978.

11. Pellett PL, Young VR, eds. Nutritional evaluation of protein foods. Tokyo: United Nations University, 1980.

12. Watt BK, Merrill AL. Composition of foods. Washington, DC: United States Department of Agriculture Handbook No 8, 1963.

Other UNU Tit/es of Interest Food Composition Data: A User's Perspective
Edited by William M. Rand, Carol T. Windham, Bonito W. Wyse, and Vemon R. Young

Knowledge of the composition of the foods we eat is of critical importance, and yet, the available data are extremely inadequate. Food composition data play a key part in research and policy relating to public health, dietetics, nutrition, and epidemiology and are crucial to all phases of food production and manufacturing. In this volume, prominent workers in the field pin-point the problems and offer concrete steps to remedying the situation.

WHTR 10/UNUP-633 ISBN 92-808~633-5
240 pages, 16.4 x 23.9 cm, paper-bound, US$20

Intrahousehold Resource Allocation: Issues and Methods for Development
Policy and Planning
Edited by Beatrice forge Rogers and Nina P. Schlossman

Emphasizing the importance of understanding how resources are distributed within the household in order to design successful and effective development programmes, the authors ofthis3-part study first consider various conceptual approaches to the subject, then examine different methods for collecting the information needed for analysing household resource allocation,and,finally,focus on such key variables as how members allocate time, individual food consumption, and household flexibility in adapting to external economic and social changes. Of special note is the sample approach to incorporating household issues into the design and evaluation of development programmes presented in the Appendix.

WHTR-13/UNUP-733 ISBN 92-808-0733-7
16.4 x 23.9 cm, paper-bound, US$35

Positive Deviance in Child Nutrition-with Emphasis on Psychosocial and Behavioural Aspects and Implications for Development by Marian Zeitlin, Hossein Ghassemi, and Mohamed Mansour

Positive deviance refers to children who grow and develop well in impoverished environments where most children are victims of malnutrition and chronicillness.Theseexceptional children are important as examples of successful child care behaviour and community support systems that can be applied when designing policies and programmer aimed at the malnourished. The book features policy recommendations, a guide to future research, and a pilot project model.

ISBN 92-808-0697-1 16.4 x 23.9 cm, paper-bound, US$30

Research Methods in Nutritional Anthropology
Edited by Gretel H. Pelto, Pertti J. Pelto, and Ellen Messer

A comprehensive manual of anthropological methodologies applicable to field studies in nutrition, this volume describes strategies of field research in nutritional anthropology, determinants and cultural components of food intake, methods for collecting and analysing data on energy expenditures, and statistical methods for nutritional anthropology.

WHTR-9/UNUP-632 ISBN 92-808-0632-7
218 pages, 16.4 x23.9 cm, paper-bound, US$20

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