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Food Composition Tables Referenced

DAN Moller A. Levnedsmiddeltabeller, 2. udgave [Food composition tables, 2nd ea.]
Soborg, 1986.
EA Food and Agriculture Organization. Food Composition Table for Use in East Asia.
Rome, 1972.
EGP Nutrition Institute. Food Composition Tables. Cairo, 1985.
ETH Agren G. Gibson R Food Composition Table for Use in Ethiopia 1. Uppsala, 1968.
Also Agren G. Eklund A, Lieden S-A. Food Composition Table for Use in Ethiopia 11. Uppsala, 1975.
FRN Feinberg M, Favier JC, Ireland-Ripert J. Répertoire Général des Aliments. Paris, 1987.
IND Gopalan C, Rama Sastri BV, Balasubramanian SC. Nutritive Value of Indian Foods.
Hyderabad, 1984.
MW Paul AA, Southgate DAT. McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of Foods. 4th ed. London, 1978.
NE Food and Agriculture Organization. Food Composition Tables for the Near Fast.
Rome, 1982.
PRC People's Republic of China. 1982 Food Composition Table.
SFK Souci SW, Fachmann W. Kraut H. Food Composition and Nutrition Tables. Stuttgart, 1986/87.
SWD Statens Livsmedelsverk [National Food Administration l . Livsmedelstabeller - Energi och Näringsämnen (Food composition tables - Energy and nutrients). Stockholm, 1986.
USDA United States Department of Agriculture. Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference.
release 5. Washington DC, 1985. (Numbers listed with "USDA" are USDA nutrient identification numbers in the USDA nutrient data base.)

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