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2c. Tagnames for food components(M - S)

< MALAC > malic acid
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 243, SFK
< MALS > maltose
Unit: g
Tables: USDA 214, SFK, DAN, SWD
<MALSM> maltose; expressed in monosaccharide equivalents
Unit: g
< MALTRS > maltotriose
Unit: g
<MALTRSM> maltotriose; expressed in monosaccharide equivalents
Unit: g
<MANFB> mannose in dietary fibre
Unit: mg
< MANN > mannan
Unit: g
< MANTL > mannitol
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 260, SFK
<MET> methionine
Unit: mg
Comments: Includes only L-methionine.
Tables: USDA 506, SFK, ETH, NE, EA, DAN, SWD
< METH > methyl alcohol
Unit: mg
Synonyms: methanol
Tables: SFK
< MG > magnesium
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 304, SFK, MW, IND, NE, EA, PRC, DAN, SWD
<MGLY> monoglycerides, total
Unit: g
Tables: USDA 655
< MN > manganese
Unit: mcg
Tables: USDA 315, SFK, EA, PRC, DAN, SWD
< MNSAC > monosaccharides, total
Unit: g
Comments: Includes only the free monosaccharides.
< MO > molybdenum
Unit: mcg
Tables: USDA 316, SFK, EA, PRC, DAN, SWD
<MUCIL> mucilages
Unit: g
< NA > sodium
Unit: mg
Note: If the value is expressed in millimoles, mmol must be explicitly stated with the secondary tagname <UNIT/>.
Tables: USDA 307, SFK, MW, IND, NE, EA, PRC, DAN, SWD
<NACL> salt
Unit: mg
Synonyms: NACL
Tables: USDA 375, SFK
< NAM > nitrogen, amino
Unit: g
< NHAEM > iron, non-haem
Unit: mg
< NI > nickel
Unit: mcg
Tables: USDA 371, SFK, PRC
< NIA > niacin, preformed
Unit: mg
Synonyms: nicotinic acid; nicotinamide (These terms are not true synonyms but are often used in food tables to refer to niacin.>
Comments: Nicotinic acid and nicotinamide.
Tables: USDA 406, SFK, MW, ETH, IND, NE, EA, PRC, DAN, SWD
<NIAAVL> niacin, available
Unit: mg
Comments: total niacin minus bound niacin
<NIAEQ> niacin equivalents, total
Unit: mg
Comments: Preformed niacin plus niacin equivalents from tryptophan.
Tables: USDA 409, DAN, SWD
<NIATRP> niacin equivalents from tryptophan
Unit: mg
Comments: 1/60 x tryptophan.
Tables: USDA 407 & 408, MW, DAN
< NITRA > nitrates
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 264, SFK
< NITRI > nitrites
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 265, SFK
< NITRN- > nitrosamine, total
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 266
< NITRNN > nitrosamine, non-volatile
Unit: mg
< NITRNV > nitrosamine, volatile
Unit: mg
Comments: Subject of forthcoming regulations.
< NNP> nitrogen, non-protein
Unit: mg
< NPRO > nitrogen, protein
Unit: g
<NT> nitrogen, total
Unit: g
Comments: Determined by Kjeldahl method.
Tables: USDA 202, MW, ETH, EGP, IND, NE, EA
<OLSAC> oligosaccharides, total available
Unit: g
<OLSACM> oligosaccharides, total available; expressed in monosaccharide
Unit: g
< OXACAC > oxaloacetic acid
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 244, SFK
< OXALAC > oxalic acid
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 245, SFK, IND
< P > phosphorus
Unit: mg
< PANTAC> pantothenic acid
Unit: mg
Synonyms: D-pantothenate; vitamin B-5 (obsolete term, may still appear in some tables)
Tables: USDA 410, SFK, MW, EA, DAN, SWD
< PARHBAC > parahydrobenzoic acid
Unit: mg
Tables: SFK
< PB > lead
Unit: mcg
Tables: USDA 367
< PECT> pectin
Unit: g
Comments: Reflects AOAC or equivalent procedure. Polymers of galacturonic acid unspecified.
Note: Additional tagnames will be added, when needed by food composition tables and data bases, to reflect the very large number of polysaccharides present in foods and, specifically, to reflect different degrees of methoxylation in pectic substances.
Tables: USDA 220, SFK, SWD
< PENSN > pentosan
Unit: g
Tables: USDA 222, SFK
< PHE > phenylalanine
Unit: mg
Comments: Includes only L-phenylalanine.
Tables: USDA 508, SFK, ETH, NE, EA, DAN, SWD
< PHOLIP> phospholipids, total
Unit: g
Tables: USDA 603
< PHYSTR > phytosterols, total
Unit: mg
Synonyms: total plant sterols
Comments: Includes avenasterol, brassicasterol, campesterol, sitosterol, spinasterol, and stigmasterol.
Tables: USDA 636
<PHYTAC> physic acid
Unit: mg
Synonyms: phytin P
Tables: USDA 246,SFK,MW, IND
<PIPN> piperine
Unit: g
Tables: USDA 259
<PRO> proline
Unit: mg
Comments: Includes only L-proline.
Tables: USDA 517, SFK, ETH,NE, EA, DAN, SWD
<PROA> protein, total; determined by direct analysis
Unit: g
<PROCNA> protein, total; calculated from amino nitrogen
Unit: g
Comments: Two pieces of data are associated with the tagname <PROCNA>. The first is the quantity of total protein and the second is the conversion factor used to calculate total protein from amino nitrogen.
Note: The total protein found in food tables is rarely calculated from amino nitrogen. <PROCNT> is the appropriate tagname for total protein in most cases.
<PROCNP> protein, total; calculated from protein nitrogen
Unit: g
Comments: Two pieces of data are associated with the tagname <PROCNP>. The first is the quantity of total protein and the second is the conversion factor used to calculate total protein from protein nitrogen.
Note: The total protein found in food tables is rarely calculated from protein nitrogen. <PROCNT> is the appropriate tagname for total protein in most cases.
< PROCNT> protein, total; calculated from total nitrogen
Unit: g
Comments: Three pieces of data are associated with the tagname <PROCNT>. The first is the quantity of total protein; the second is a keyword which identifies the source of the conversion factor used to calculate the total protein from total nitrogen; and the third is the actual conversion factor used. If possible, all three pieces of data should be included with <PROCNT>. However, it is acceptable to include only the keyword or the conversion factor (rather than both) with the total protein value if one or the other is unknown. If the conversion factor used was generated from a source other than one of those identified without any keyword information.
Keywords: Following are the available keywords that can be used as the second value for the < PROCNT> tagname:
JONES conversion factor originally derived by Jones (7)
Tables: EGP, NE, EA
FAO conversion factor from a table in the FAO Nutritional Studies No. 24 (4), reprinted in the World Health Organization Technical Report Series No. 522 (3) Tables: MW, DAN
USDA conversion factor from a table in the United States Department of Agriculture Handbook No. 8 (12) Tables: USDA 203
STD standard conversion factor of 6.25, not specific for the type of food. (If this keyword is used, the 6.25 conversion factor should not be listed with the secondary tagname < XN> .)
Tables: SFK, IND,PRC
The following secondary tagname may be used to identify 'the specific conversion factor used when a keyword other than STD is present, or instead of a keyword (see above).
<XN> conversion factor for calculating total protein from total nitrogen
Examples: The 3.2 g/100 g of protein in cow's milk which is listed in the Nutritive Value of Indian Foods was calculated from total nitrogen using the 6.25 conversion factor. Therefore, the protein value would be listed using the <PROCNT> tagname and the STD keyword:
The 3.3 g/100 g of protein in cow's milk which is listed in McCance and Widdowson was calculated from total nitrogen using a 6.38 conversion factor. This factor was obtained from the FAO publication. Therefore, the protein value would be listed using the <PROCNT> tagname, the FAO keyword, and the <XN> secondary tagname:
<PROCNT> 3.3 FAO <XN> 6.38 </PROCNT>
As a hypothetical example, if a value of 0.3 g/100 g of protein in watermelon seeds were calculated from total nitrogen using the conversion factor 5.30, and this value had not been taken from one of the tables identified by the list of keywords, the protein value would be listed using the <PROCNT> tagname in the following manner:
<PROCNT> 0.3 <XN> 5.30 </PROCNT>
Note: In these examples, </PROCNT> is an end-tag required in interchange format to indicate the end of the information about protein calculated from total nitrogen. See the INFOODS Data Interchange Handbook for details on interchange format.
<PRO-> protein, total; method of determination unknown
Unit: g
Comments: The <PRO-> tagname should be used for a total protein value when it is not known whether the value was the result of a direct analysis or whether it was calculated from total nitrogen, protein nitrogen, or amino nitrogen. The <PRO-> tagname should also be used if it is known that the total protein value was calculated from one of the nitrogen components, but the conversion factor used in the calculation is unknown. (It is meaningless to have <PRO-> in combination with either
<PROCNA>, <PROCNP>, or <PROCNT> for a given food item.)
< PROPAC > propionic acid
Unit: mg
Tables: SFK
<PSACALG> polysaccharides, algal
Unit: g
Comments: Includes carageenan, agar, and alginates.
< PSACNC > polysaccharides, non-cellulosic
Unit: g
Comments: Includes hemicellulose, pectin, gums, algal polysaccharides, and mucilages.
Tables: SWD
<PSACNCI> polysaccharides, non-cellulosic, water-insoluble Unit: g Tables: SWD
<PSACNCS> polysaccharides, non-cellulosic, water-soluble Unit: g Tables: SWD
< PSACNS> polysaccharides, non-starch
Unit: g
Comments: Includes non-cellulosic polysaccharides and cellulose.
<PSACNSI> polysaccharides, non-starch, water-insoluble
Unit: g
< PSACNSS > polysaccharides, non-starch, water-soluble
Unit: g
<PURAC> polyuronic acids
Unit: mg
Tables: SE;K, DAN
< PURN > purines
Unit: mg
Tables: SFK
< PYRUAC > pyruvic acid
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 247, SFK
< PYRXL> pyridoxal
Unit: mg
Comments: Vitamin B6 aldehyde form.
Tables: USDA 412
< PYRXM > pyridoxamine
Unit: mg
Comments: Vitamin B 6 amine form.
Tables: USDA 413
< PYRXN > pyridoxine
Unit: mg
Comments: Vitamin B 6 alcohol form.
Tables: USDA 411, EA
< QUINAC > quinic acid
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 248, SFK
< RAFS > raffinose
Unit: g
Comments: Not available for humans.
Tables: SFK
< RETAL > retinal
Unit: mcg
< RETALD > retinaldehyde
Unit: mcg
< RETOL > retinol
Unit: mcg
Synonyms: preformed vitamin A
Comments: All-trans retinol only.
Tables: USDA 319, MW, NE, EA, DAN, SWD
< RETOL13 > 13-cis retinol
Unit: mcg
< RHAFB> rhamnose in dietary fibre
Unit: mg
< RHAS > rhamnose
Unit: g
Comments: Includes only the free sugar.
< RIBF> riboflavin
Unit: mg
Synonyms: Vitamin B-2; riboflavine.
Tables: USDA 405, SFK, MW, ETH, IND, NE, EA, PRC, DAN, SWD
<RIBS> ribose
Unit: g
Comments: D-ribose only; includes only the free monosaccharide.
< S > sulphur
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 308, MW, IND
< SALAC> salicylic acid
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 249
< SE > selenium, total
Unit: mcg
Tables: USDA 317, SE;K, EA, PRC, DAN, SWD
< SEIO> selenium, inorganic
Unit: mcg
< SEO > selenium, organic
Unit: mcg
< SER > serine
Unit: mg
Comments: Includes only L-serine.
Tables: USDA 518, SFK, ETH, NE, EA, DAN, SWD
< SEROTN > serotonin
Unit: mg
Tables: SFK
< SHIKAC> shikimic acid
Unit: mg
Tables: SFK
< SI > silicon
Unit: mcg
Tables: USDA 378, SFK, PRC
< SITSTR > sitosterol
Unit: mg
Comments: Beta-sitosterol only.
Tables: USDA 641, SFK
<SN> tin
Unit: mcg
Tables: USDA 385, SFK
< SORTL > sorbitol
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 261, SFK
< SPISTR > spinasterol
Unit: mg
Comments: Alpha-spinasterol only.
Tables: USDA 650, FRN
<SR> strontium
Unit: mcg
Tables: USDA 380
< STARCH > starch, total
Unit: g
Comments: The sum of all polysaccharides yielding glucose after hydrolysis with suitable enzymes; includes amylose, amylopectin, glycogen, and dextrins.
Tables: USDA 209, SFK, DAN, SWD
<STARCHM> starch, total; expressed in monosaccharide equivalents
Unit: g
Comments: The sum of all polysaccharides yielding glucose after hydrolysis with suitable enzymes; includes amylose, amylopectin, glycogen, and dextrins.
Tables: MW
< STARES > starch, resistant
Unit: g
Synonyms: retrograded starch
< STAS > stachyose
Unit: g
Comments: Not available for humans.
Tables: SFK
< STERFRE > sterols, free
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 660, SFK
<STERT> sterols, total
Unit: mg
Comments: Non-specific colorimetric method or sum of cholesterol and phytosterols.
Tables: USDA 634, SFK
< STID7> delta 7-stigmasterol
Unit: mg
Comments: Values reported as "stigmasterol" in food tables are usually a measure of the delta 7 form only.
Tables: USDA 038, SFK
<SUCAC> succinic acid
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 250, SFK
<SUCS> sucrose
Unit: g
Tables: USDA 210, SFK DAN, SWD
<SUCSM> sucrose; expressed in monosaccharide equivalents
Unit: g
< SUGAR> sugars, total
Unit: g
Comments: Sum of free monosaccharides and disaccharides.
Tables: USDA 269, SFK, DAN, SWD
<SUGARM> sugars, total; expressed in monosaccharide equivalents
Unit: g
Comments: Sum of free monosaccharides and disaccharides expressed in monosaccharide equivalents.
Tables: MW
< SUGIN> invert sugar
Unit: g
Comments: Obsolete.
Tables: SFK
< SUGNRD> sugars, non-reducing
Unit: g
Comments: Obsolete.
Tables: USDA 270, SFK
< SUGRD > sugars, reducing
Unit: g
Comments: Obsolete.
Tables: USDA 274, SFK


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