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2b. Tagnames for food components(F - L)

<F4D0> fatty acid 4:0
Unit: g
Synonyms: butyric acid; tetranoic acid; butanoic acid
Tables: USDA 607, SFK, FRN, DAN, SWD
<F6D0> fatty acid 6:0
Unit: g
Synonyms: caproic acid; hexanoic acid
Tables: USDA 608, SFK, PRC, FRN, DAN, SWD
< F8D0> fatty acid 8:0
Unit: g
Synonyms: caprylic acid; octanoic acid
Tables: USDA 609, SFK, PRC, FRN, DAN, SWD
<F10D0> fatty acid 10:0
Unit: g
Synonyms: capric acid; decanoic acid
Tables: USDA 610, SFK, PRC, FRN, DAN, SWD
< F12D0> fatty acid 12:0
Unit: g
Synonyms: lauric acid; dodecanoic acid
Tables: USDA 611, SFK, NE, PRC, FRN, DAN, SWD
< F13D0 > fatty acid 13:0
Unit: g
Synonyms: tridecanoic acid
Tables: FRN
<F14D0> fatty acid 14:0
Unit: g
Synonyms: myristic acid; tetradecanoic acid
Tables: USDA 612, SFK, NE, PRC, FRN, DAN, SWD
< F15DO> fatty acid 15:0
Unit: g
Synonyms: pentadecylic acid; pentadecanoic acid
Tables: USDA 652, PRC, FRN, DAN
< F16D0 > fatty acid 16:0
Unit: g
Synonyms: palmitic acid; hexadecanoic acid
Tables: USDA 613, SFK, NE, EA, PRC, FRN, DAN, SWD)
< F17D0 > fatty acid 17:0
Unit: g
Synonyms: margaric acid; heptadecanoic acid
Tables: USDA 653, SFK, PRC, FRN, DAN
< F18D0 > fatty acid 18:0
Unit: g
Synonyms: stearic acid; octadecanoic acid
Tables: USDA 614, SFK, NE, EA, PRC, FRN, DAN, SWD
<F20D0> fatty acid 20:0
Unit: g
Synonyms: arachidic acid; eicosanoic acid
Tables: USDA 615, SFK, PRC, FRN, DAN, SWD
< F22D0 > fatty acid 22:0
Unit: g
Synonyms: behenic acid; docosanoic acid
Tables: USDA 624, SFK, PRC, FRN, DAN, SWD
<F23D0> fatty acid 23:0
Unit: g
Synonyms: tricosanoic acid
Tables: FRN
<F24D0> fatty acid 24:0
Unit: g
Synonyms: lignoceric acid; tetracosanoic acid
Tables: USDA 654, SFK, FRN
< F12D1 > fatty acid 12:1
Unit: g
Synonyms: lauroleic acid
Tables: FRN
<F14D1> fatty acid 14:1
Unit: g
Synonyms: myristoleic acid; tetradecenoic acid
Tables: USDA 625, PRC, FRN, DAN
<F15D1> fatty acid 15:1
Unit: g
Synonyms: pentadecenoic acid
Tables: FRN, DAN
<F16D1> fatty acid 16:1
Unit: g
Synonyms: palmitoleic acid; hexadecenoic acid
Tables: USDA 626, SFK, NE, PRC, FRN, DAN, SWD
<F17D1> fatty acid 17:1
Unit: g
Synonyms: heptadecenoic acid
Tables: FRN, DAN
< F18D1 > fatty acid 18:1
Unit: g
Synonyms: oleic acid; octadecenoic acid
Tables: FRN, DAN, SWD
<F18D1TN9> fatty acid bans 18:1 omega-9
Unit: g
Synonyms: elaidic acid; octadecenoic acid
Tables: USDA 617, SFK, NE, EA, FRN
<F20D1> fatty acid 20:1
Unit: g
Synonyms: gadoleic acid; eicosenoic acid
Tables: USDA 628, NE, PRC, FRN, DAN, SWD
<F22D1-> fatty acid 22:1, unspecified mixture
Unit: g
Synonyms: erucic acid; cetoleic acid; docosenoic acid
Tables: USDA 630, NE, PRC, FRN, DAN, SWD
<F22D1CN9> fatty acid cis 22:1 omega-9
Unit: g
Synonyms: erucic acid; docosenoic acid
Tables: SFK, FRN, SWD
<F22D1N11> fatty acid cis 22:1 omega-11
Unit: g
Synonyms: cetoleic acid, 11-docosenoic acid
<F22D1TN9> fatty acid bans 22:1 omega-9
Unit: g
Synonyms: brassidic acid
Tables: FRN
<F24D1> fatty acid 24:1
Unit: g
Synonyms: selacholeic acid, nervonic acid, tetracosenoic acid
Tables: FRN
<F18D2CN6> fatty acid cis,cis 18:2 omega-6
Unit: g
Synonyms: linoleic acid; octadecadienoic acid
Tables: USDA 618, SFK, NE, EA, PRC, FRN, DAN, SWD
<F18D3N3> fatty acid 18:3 omega-3
Unit: g
Synonyms: alpha-linolenic acid; octadecatrienoic acid
Tables: USDA 619, SFK, NE, EA, PRC, FRN, DAN, SWIG
<F18D3N6> fatty acid 18:3 omega-6
Unit: g
Synonyms: gamma-linolenic acid
Tables: FRN
< F18D4 > fatty acid 18:4
Unit: g
Synonyms: parinaric acid; stearidonic acid; octadecatetraenoic acid
Tables: USDA 627, NE, FRN
< F18D4N3 > fatty acid 18:4 omega-3
Unit: g
Tables: FRN
<F20D2> fatty acid 20:2
Unit: g
Synonyms: eicosadienoic acid
Tables: PRC, FRN
< F20D3 > fatty acid 20:3
Unit: g
Synonyms: eicosatrienoic acid
Tables: FRN, DAN
<F20D4> fatty acid 20:4
Unit: g
Synonyms: arachidonic acid
Tables: FRN
<F20D4N6> fatty acid 20:4 omega-6
Unit: g
Synonyms: arachidonic acid; eicosatetraenoic acid
Tables: USDA 620, SFK, NE, PRC, FRN, DAN, SWD
<F20D5> fatty acid 20:5
Unit: g
Synonyms: eicosapentaenoic acid
Tables: FRN
< F20D5N3 > fatty acid 20:5 omega-3
Unit: g
Synonyms: eicosapentaenoic acid; EPA; timnodonic acid
Tables: USDA 629, NE, FRN, DAN, SWD
<F22D2> fatty acid 22:2
Unit: g
Synonyms: docosadienoic acid
Tables: FRN
<F22D4> fatty acid 22:4
Unit: g
Synonyms: docosatetraenoic acid
Tables: FRN
< F22D5 > fatty acid 22:5
Unit: g
Synonyms: docosapentaenoic acid
Tables: FRN
<F22D5N3> fatty acid 22:5 omega-3
Unit: g
Synonyms: docosapentaenoic acid
Tables: USDA 631, NE, PRC, FRN, DAN, SWD
< F22D6 > fatty acid 22:6
Unit: g
Synonyms: docosahexaenoic acid
Tables: FRN
<F22D6N3> fatty acid 22:6 omega-3
Unit: g
Synonyms: docosahexaenoic acid; DHA
Tables: USDA 621, NE, PRC, FRN, DAN, SWD
< FACID > fatty acids, total
Unit: g
Comments: Two data items are required for tagname <FACID>: the total quantity of fatty acids and identification of the conversion factor used to calculate this value from the quantity of total fat. If the conversion factor was taken from a table in one of the sources identified by the keywords listed below, the keyword should be used during data interchange. Otherwise, the conversion factor can be explicitly stated within a secondary tagname. It is also acceptable to include both a keyword and the specific conversion factor in the data.
Keywords: The available keywords for those tables that list the conversion factors for calculating total fatty acids from total fat are:
MW McCance and Widdowson (10)
USDA USDA Handbook No. 8 (12)
The secondary tagname for identifying a specific fatty acid conversion factor is:
<XFA> conversion factor for calculating total fatty acids from total fat



fatty acids, total double trans
Unit: g
Comments: Some countries are planning actions to Emit these acids (not single trans) from foods, e.g., chocolate.
<FAESS> fatty acids, total essential
Unit: g
Comments: This value is the sum of linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and arachidonic acid.
Tables: FRN
<FAFRE> fatty acids, total free
Unit: g
Tables: USDA 658
<FAMS> fatty acids, total monosaturated
Unit: g
Tables: USDA 645, NE, FRN, DAN, SWD
<FAPU> fatty acids, total polyunsaturated
Unit: g
Tables: USDA 646, IND, NE, FRN, DAN, SWD
<FAPUN3> fatty acids, total omega-3 polyunsaturated
Unit: g
<FAPUN6> fatty acids, total omega-6 polyunsaturated
Unit: g
<FASAT> fatty acids, total saturated
Unit: g
Tables: USDA 606, SFK, NE, EA, FRN, DAN, SWD
< FAT> fat, total
Unit: g
Synonyms: total lipid
<FATCE> fat, total; derived by analysis using continuous extraction
Unit: g
Comments: The Soxhlet method has often been used to analyse for total fat using continuous extraction. This method tends to underestimate the total fat value of a food.
<FATRN> fatty acids, total trans
Unit: g
Tables: USDA 605
< FD > fluoride
Unit: mcg
Synonyms: fluorine
Tables: USDA 313, SFK, EA, SWD
< FE > iron, total
Unit: mg
Comments: Includes both haem and non-haem iron.
Tables: USDA 303, SFK, MW, ETH, IND, NE, EA, PRC, DAN, SWD
< FERAC > ferulic acid
Unit: mg
Tables: SFK
<FIBAD> fibre; determined by acid detergent method
Unit: g
Comments: Includes cellulose, lignin, and some hemicelluloses.
< FIBC > fibre, crude
Unit: g
Comments: The crude fibre method of fibre analysis is obsolete.
Tables: USDA 206, SFK, ETH, EGP
<FIBHEX> hexoses in dietary fibre
Unit: g
Tables: DAN
< FIBINS > fibre, water-insoluble
Unit: g
Comments: Sum of insoluble components from the AOAC total dietary fibre method; includes primarily lignin, cellulose, and most of the hemicellulose.
Note: Values for <FIBINS> may also be obtained by subtracting soluble fibre from total dietary fibre, i.e., by subtracting the value of < FIBSOL> from the value of < FIBTG > .
Tables: SFK, MW
<FIBND > fibre; determined by neutral detergent method
Unit: g
Comments: Includes lignin, cellulose, and insoluble hemicellulose.
Tables: USDA 273
<F1BPEN> pentoses in dietary fibre
Unit: g
Tables: USDA 223, DAN
< FIBSOL> fibre, water-soluble
Unit: g
Comments: Sum of soluble components from the AOAC total dietary fibre method; includes primarily algal polysaccharides, gums, pectins, and mucilages.
Tables: SFK
< FIBTG> fibre, total dietary; determined gravimetrically by the AOAC total dietary fibre method
Unit: g
Comments: Sum of the water-soluble components and the water insoluble components of dietary fibre; can be calculated by adding the values of <FIBSOL> and <FIBINS>; includes all non-starch polysaccharides and lignin.
Tables: SFK
<FIBTS> fibre, total dietary; sum of non-starch polysaccharide components and lignin
Unit: g
Comments: Sum of the polysaccharide components of dietary fibre measured sequentially on the same sample (for example, by using the Southgate colorimetric procedure) plus lignin measured gravimetrically.
<FIB-> fibre; method of determination unknown
Unit: g
Note: Tagname < FIB-> is used to identify fibre values which represent unknown fibre components or which were obtained by unknown methods. Additional tagnames for fibre may be created to identify fibre components or specific methods of analysis that are not currently addressed in this listing.
< FOL> folate, total
Unit: mcg
Synonyms: folacin; folic acid
Comments: Includes both conjugated and free folate.
Tables: USDA 417, SFK, MW, ETH, IND, EA, DAN, SWD
< FOLFRE > folate, free
Unit: mcg
Tables: USDA 419, MW, IND, DAN
<FRUFB> fructose in dietary fibre
Unit: mg
< FRUS > fructose
Unit: g
Comments: D-fructose only, includes only the free monosaccharide.
Tables: USDA 212, SFK, DAN, SWD
< FRUTN > fructan
Unit: g
< FUMAC > fumaric acid
Unit: mg
< GALAAC> Tables: USDA 237, SFK
galacturonic acid
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 238, SFK
<GALFB> galactose in dietary fibre
Unit: mg
<GALLAC> garlic acid
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 239, SFK
< GALS > galactose
Unit: g
Comments: Includes only the free monosaccharide.
Tables: SFK
< GALTN > galactan
Unit: g
< GLN> glutamine
Unit: mg
Comments: Includes only L-glutamine.
Tables: SFK
GLOB > globulin
Unit: mg
< GLU> glutamic acid
Unit: mg
Synonym: glutamate
Comments: Includes only L-glutamic acid.
Tables: USDA 515, SFK, ETH, NE, EA, DAN, SWD
< GLUAKAC > alpha-keto-glutaric acid
Unit: mg
Tables: SFK
< GLUCAC > gluconic acid
Unit: mg
Tables: SFK
< GLUCNB > betaglucan
Unit: g
<GLUFB> glucose in dietary fibre
Unit: mg
< GLUMN > glucomannan
Unit: g
< GLUS > glucose
Unit: g
Comments: D-glucose only; includes only the free monosaccharide.
Tables: USDA 211, SFK, DAN, SWD
< GLUTN > gluten
Unit: mg
< GLY > glycine
Unit: mg
Comments: Includes only L-glycine.
Tables: USDA 516, SFK, ETH, NE, EA, DAN, SWD
<GLYC> glycogen
Unit: g
Tables: USDA 272,SFK
<GLYCERA> glycerides, total; determined by analysis
Unit: g
<GLYCERC> glycerides, total; calculated from fatty acid composition
Unit: g
<GLYCER-> glycerdes, total; method of determination unknow
Unit: g
<GLYCLAC> glycolic acid
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 240,SFK
<GLYCM> glycogen; expressed in monosaccharide equivalents
Unit: g
<GLYLIP> glycolipids, total
Unit: g
Tables: USDA 604
<GLYRL> glycerol
Unit: mg
Tables: SFK
<GUMS> gums
Unit: g
<HAEM> iron, haem
Unit: mg
<HEMCEL> hemicellulose
Unit: g
Comments: Includes hexose and pentose.
Tables: USDA 224,SFK
<HEXSN> hexosan
Unit: g
Tables: SFK
<HG> mercury
Unit: mcg
Tables: USDA 370
< HIS > histidine
Unit: mg
Comments: Includes only L-histidine.
Tables: USDA 512, SFK, ETH, NE, EA, DAN, SWD
< HISTN > histamine
Unit: mg
Tables: SFK
< HYP > hydroxyproline
Unit: rag
Comments: Includes only L-hydroxyproline.
Tables: USDA 521, SFK
< ID > iodide
Unit: mcg
Synonyms: iodine
Tables: USDA 314, SFK, EA, PRC, DAN, SWD
< ILK > isoleucine
Unit: mg
Comments: Includes only L-isoleucine.
Tables: USDA 503, SFK, ETH, NE, EA, DAN, SWD
<INOTL> inositol
Unit: mcg
Tables: USDA 422, SFK
<INULN> inulin
Unit: g
< ISOCAC > isocitric acid
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 241, SFK
< K> potassium
Unit: mg
Note: If the value is expressed in millimoles, mmol<NA> must be explicitly stated with the secondary tagname <UNIT/>.
Tables: USDA 306, SFK, MW, IND, NE, EA, PRC, DAN, SWD
<LACAC> lactic acid
Unit: mg
Tables: USDA 242, SFK
< LACS > lactose
Unit: g
Tables: USDA 213, SFK, DAN, SWD
<LACSM> lactose; expressed in monosaccharide equivalents
Unit: g
Tables: MW
< LEU > leucine
Unit: mg
Comments: Includes only L-leucine.
Tables: USDA 504, SFK, ETH, NE, EA, DAN, SWD
< LI > lithium
Unit: mcg
Tables: USDA 368
< LION> lignin
Unit: g
Tables: SFK, DAN, SWD
< LYS > Iysine
Unit: mg
Comments: Includes only L-lysine.
Tables: USDA 505, SFK ETH, NE, EA, DAN, SWD


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