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Table 3. Nutrient data banks in the Nordic countries: Norway, 1985

System owner The Section for Dietary Research NUME Co., Ltd. Ianum-Norli Publisher Co.,Ltd Ianum-Norli Publisher Co., Ltd.
Address University of Oslo Pb 11 17 Blindern N-0317 Oslo 3, Norway Ivetenveien 152, Iveita N-0671 Oslo 6, Norway Kr. Augustgt. 7A N-0164 Oslo 1, Norway Kr. Augustgt. 7A N-0164 Oslo 1, Norway
System name in operation since 1969; new version, 1980 1985 1982 1984
Nutrient data sources Food composition tables - Norwegian,1984, Swedish, 1978, British 1978, German, 1981, USA USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 8, 1963; product information from food industry Food composition tables – Norwegian, 1984, Swedish, 1978 Danish 1983, German, 1981, British, 1978, USA USDA Agricul ture Handbook No. 8-1 Food composition table - Norwegian, 1977 Food composition table - Norwegian, 1977
Number of (a) foods, (b) recipes, (c) aggregated foods, a-b, a-c (a) 800; (b) 1,000 (a-c) 1,600 (a) 700 (a) 256
Nutrients/food 28 150 12 11
Other components/food       Food cost data, standard and own measures
Nutrition recommendation No Norwegian Nutrition Recommendations Danish Nutrition Recommendations Norwegian Nutrition Recommendations
Recipe calculation        
Food yields Yes      
Nutrient losses and gains; factors No      
System is used by The staff of the Section Nutritionists and dietitians with high competence (dietetiker) Stabekk, College of Education for Domestic Science, and Elvebakken School Elementary school
System is suited for Nutrition surveys; research Nutrition surveys; research; diet planning; special diet planning; menu planning Diet planning; menu planning; education Education
System is used for Calculation of nutrients Calculation of nutrients Calculation of nutrients; optimize recipes Calculation of nutrients; calculation of costs
Computer DEC 1099 (2CPU DEC 1090) DEC ABC 80 IIKI
Program source        
Operating data-base TOPS 7.02 MS DOS    
management system Own Cogen    
Access Modem, terminal      
For sale:        
Nutrient data-base system No Yes Yes; on floppy disk  
Nutrient data base No Yes Yes  

Table 4. Nutrient data banks in the Nordic countries: Sweden, 1985

System owner The National Food Administration (NFA) Gothenburg University Computer Centre Stockholm County Council Mariana Atterhult/Lena Diet and Nutrition Data Co., Ltd.
Contact person Lena Bergstrom Monica Abrahamson Kanstrom Lillemor Wallentinson
Address Box 622 S-751 26 Uppsala. Sweden Kapeligangen 5 Box 190 70 S-400 12 Gothenburg Sweden Box 9106 S-102 72 Stockholm Sweden Bradakersvagen 7 S-217 63 Malmo, Sweden
Telephone +46 18 17 55 00, 17 57 30 +46 31 60 30 29 +46 8 737 25 00 +46 40 91 55 30
Telex 76121 SLVUPS S      
in operation since 1981 1982 1983 1969
Nutrient data sources Food composition tables - Swedish, 1978, USA USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 8, 1963, British, 1978, German, 1981; own analy ses, product information from food industry Food composition tables - see NFA; own analyses; product information Food composition tables - Swedish, 1978; product information Food composition tables Swedish, 1978; product information
Number of (a) foods, (b) recipes, (c) aggregated foods, a-b, a-c (a) 850; (b) 400; (c) 130 (a) 840; (b-c) 510 (a) 2,000 (a) 1,500
Nutrients/food 35 35 26 26
Other components/food     Food cost data Food cost data
Nutrition recommendation Swedish Nutrition Recommendations No Swedish Nutrition Recommendations; recommendations for special diets Swedish Nutrition Recom mendations; recommenda tions for special diets
Recipe calculation        
Food yields Yes Yes No No
Nutrient losses and gains; factors Yes Yes No No
System is used by The Administration; some departments of the universities of Uppsala and Stockholm The Departments of Clinical Nutrition and of Home Economics Education The staff of food service departments in hospitals, dietitians, etc. Regional and local authorities; private firms
System is suited for Nutrition surveys, especially large ones; diet planning; special diet planning; menu planning; research; education Nutrition surveys; diet planning; special diet planning; menu planning; research; education Nutrition surveys; diet planning; special diet planning; menu planning; research Nutrition surveys; diet planning; special diet planning; menu planning; research; education
System is used for Calculation of nutrients; calculation of statistical parameters; optimize recipes; food frequency; meal pattern Calculation of nutrients Calculation of nutrients; calculation of costs Calculation of nutrients; calculation of costs; optimize recipes; nutrition labelling
Computer Nord 100/CX IBM 3033 ABC 800 FACII, ABC 80, ABC 800, IBM-PC
Program source Own SAS Gothenburg Computer Centre    
Program language COBOL SAS BASIC BASIC
Operating data-base management system Sintran III VSE MIMER GUTS terminal system, SAS ABC DOS, EM DOS Own Modified to each computer type
Access Modem or terminals Modem, terminals    
For sale:        
Nutrient data-base system Yes; on magnetic tape No No Yes; on floppy disk
Nutrient data base Yes; on magnetic tape No No No
Services Nutrition surveys; menu planning; diet planning; calculation of nutrients, etc.     Calculations of nutrients, menu planning, etc.
Comments A new version 1986, with e.g. 105 nutrients      

Table 3. Nutrient data banks in the Nordic countries: Iceland, 1985

System owner The Icelandic Nutritional Council
Contact person Jon Ottar Ragnarsson
Address Sigtun 1 IS-105 Reykjavik, Iceland
Telephone +3541 14 280
System name in operation since 1981
Nutrient data sources Food composition tables - British, 1978, USA USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 8-1; own analyses
Number of (a) foods, (b) recipes, (c) aggregated foods, a-b, a-c (a-c) 400
Nutrients/food 28
Other components/food  
Nutrition recommendation  
Recipe calculation  
Food yields  
Nutrient losses and gains; factors  
System is used by The staff of the Icelandic
  Nutrition Council and the
  National Central Hospital
System is suited for Nutrition surveys; planning of special diets; research
System is used for Calculation of nutrients; optimize recipes
Computer PDP 11/34
Program source  
Program language FORTRAN 4
Operating data-base RSX 11M, V.3.2
management system "Sequential file"
For sale:  
Nutrient data-base system No
Nutrient data base No


Finland has at present five large nutrient data-base systems in operation, and an official one is being planned.

In the early 1970s a data-processing system for dietary surveys was established. This system has been used by the Department of Nutrition of the University of Helsinki, and by two research centres in Turku and Helsinki, mainly for research purposes. Since then the system of the university and of the research centres has developed into two different systems. The Departments of Nutrition and of Food Chemistry and Technology at the University of Helsinki, together with the National Public Health Institute, are now developing a new and more flexible data-processing system for food consumption surveys, while the research centres have designed their system for multi-purpose use.

The Research Centre for Household and Consumer Affairs and the State Computer Centre have programs for menu planning and nutrient calculation of diets.


At the end of the 1960s the Section for Dietary Research of the University of Oslo started to develop a nutrient data-base system. This is the oldest and most advanced system in Norway and a new version is now in use. In addition to this seven other systems exist. Five can be described as mostly educational: the two systems of the Tanum-Norli Publishing Co., the systems of the National Society for Nutrition and Health and the Norwegian College of Nutrition and Institutional Catering. The remaining two are mainly designed for diet and menu planning and analysis and are used preferably by nutritionists and dietitians.

The first steps towards an official nutrient data-base system have been taken and this will be ready for use in 1986.


The Icelandic Nutrition Council owns the only nutrient data-base system in Iceland. This system cannot be considered official until it has been further improved.

Tables 2-5 give data on the national or main nutrient data-base systems in Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland. For further information on Nordic systems see the NORFOODS Directory of Nordic Nutrient Data Banks [7].


1. E. Abramson and B.-M. Andersson, Kosttabell, 7th ed. (Fesselte Studium, Stockholm, 1982).

2. P. Helms, Fodevaretabeller (Akademisk Forlag, Copenhagen, 1973-1975).

3. P. Helms, Naeringstoftabeller (Laegeforeningens Forlag, Copenhagen, 1978).

4. P. Koivistoinen, ea., Mineral Element Composition of Finnish Foods: N, K, Ca, Mg, P, S, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Mo, Co, Ni, Cr, F, Se, Si, Rb, Al, B, Pr, Hg, As, Cd, Pb and Ash, (Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Suppl. 22 (Stockholm, 1980).

5. Matvaretabell, Statens ernaeringsrad, 5th rev. ed. (Landsforeningen for Kosthold og Helse, Oslo, 1984).

6. A. Møller, comp., Levnedsmiddeltabeller, 2nd rev. ed. (Levnedsmiddelstyrelsen, Soborg, 1986).

7. NORFOODS Directory of Nordic Nutrient Data Banks (in press).

8. J. O. Ragnarsson, O. Reykdal, G. Thorkelsson, D. Johannsdottir, G. Sigurthorsson, E. Hilmarsdottir, and A. Sigurdsson, Nutritional Value of Icelandic Processed Meat Products, RALA Report, no. 107 (Utgefandi, Rannsoknastofnun Landbunadarins, Agricultural Research Institute, Keldnaholt, Reykjavik, 1984).

9. Statens Livsmedelsverk, Lirsmedelstabeller: energi och vissa naringsamnenskolupplaga, 2nd rev. ed. (Statens Livsmedelsverk, Uppsala, 1984).

10. Statens Livsmedelsverk, Livsmedelstabeller: energi och vissa naringsamnen, 2nd rev. ed. (Statens Livsmedelsverk, Uppsala, in press).

11. O. Turpeinen, Ruoka-ainetaulukko [Food Composition Table] (Otava, Helsinki, 1985).

12. P. Varo, Kivennaisainetaulukko [The Mineral Element Table] (Otava, Helsinki, 1981).

13. P. Varo, R. Laine, K. Veijhalainen, A. Espo, A. Wetterhoff, and P. Koivistoinen, "Dietary Fiber and Available Carbohydrates in Finnish Vegetables and Fruits," J. Agr. Sci. Finland, 56: 49-59 (1984).

14. P. Varo, R. Laine, K. Veijalainen, K. Pero, and P. Koivistoinen, "Dietary Fiber and Available Carbohydrates in Finnish Cereal Products," J. Agr. Sci. Finland, 56: 39-48 (1984).

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