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Recent UNU publications of interest

Land Resources of the People's Republic of China

Edited by Kenneth Ruddle and Wu Chuanjun

Papers presented by the Chinese participants in an international conference sponsored by the UNU and the Chinese Academy of Sciences and held in Beijing and Heilongjiang province in 1980. Authors give the physical and biological basis for the division of China into eight principal land-type regions and their agricultural use. Distinction is made between macro- and micro-landforms and other surface features, and the national territory is classified according to suitability, limitations, and potential for development for primary use, as adapted for the 1: 1,000,000 map of China's land resources.
NRTS-16/UNUP-349 ISBN 92-808-0349-2 84 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound, US$20

Agro-forestry in the African Humid Tropics

Edited by L.H. Mar Donald

A comprehensive view of agro-forestry possibilities and practices in the African humid tropics. The report brings together information from fourteen countries in Africa, both French- and English-speaking. While it concentrates on the African humid tropics, many of the themes are also relevant to tropical Asia and Latin America.
NRTS-17/UNUP-364 ISBN 92-808-0364-6 163 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound, US$12

Agroforesterie en Afrique tropicale humide

French edition of the above.
NRTS- 17F/UNUP-467 ISBN 92-808-0467-7 179 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paperbound, US$15

Transforming Natural Resources for Human Development: A Resource Systems Framework for Development Policy

by Kenneth Ruddle and Dennis A. Rondinelli

This introductory volume to the Resource Systems Theory and Methodology Series presents an original and in-depth study of the relationship between natural resources and human development, summarizing the experiences of the past two decades and offering realistic guidelines for future action. It is concerned with methods of transforming natural resources for human development - an approach that can both generate greater economic growth with social equity and protect and enhance the natural resource base on which social and economic progress depend.
NRTS-22/UNUP469 ISBN 92-808-0469-3 87 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound, US$15

Obstacles to Tree Planting in Arid and Semi-arid Lands: Comparative Case Studies from India and Kenya

by Jeffery Burley

A concise overview of the problems of meeting the growing need for timber, fodder, and fuel in arid and semi-arid lands. The contrast between India and Kenya is quite striking. This publication will serve as a valuable guide not only to technical specialists but to a much broader range of people who are concerned with self-sustaining development, particularly in arid and semi-arid lands.
NRTS- 18/UNUP-391 ISBN 92908-0391-3 52 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound, US$7

Compte rendu du Seminaire sur la gestion des terres arides en Afrique de l'Ouest

Edited by Jean Gallais

Bringing together reports (in French) presented at a symposium held in Ouagadougou in 1981, this book reviews ongoing and planned arid land management programmes in the Sahel region. Also covered are strategies for the application of present knowledge, the exchange of traditional methodologies, and problems encountered. Important issues for research are identified, including social, demographic, and environmental changes, and courses of action are recommended.
NRTS-19F/UNUP-421 ISBN 92-808-0421-9 80 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound, US$9

Ecology in Development: A Rationale for Three. Dimensional Policy

by Brian Spooner

This monograph urges the integration of social and natural science approaches to ecological problems in development planning. It discusses the current state of ecological knowledge and theory in relation to development, changing perceptions of human beings' relation to nature, and the underlying moral problems of management and welfare.
NRTS-21/UNUP-458 ISBN 92-808-0458-8 58 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound, US$9

Social, Economic, and Institutional Aspects of Agro-forestry

Edited by J.K. Jackson

The transfer of agro-forestry techniques to areas that appear biologically suitable may still be hindered by social, economic, or institutional problems. These collected papers examine issues relating to the adoption of agro-forestry systems: cost/benefit analysis, the role of community and governmental organizations, land tenure and land-use planning, legal aspects, and educational requirements. Case studies from several tropical countries are included.
NRTS-23/UNUP-502 ISBN 92-808-0502-9 97 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound, US$9

Forthcoming Publications

Natural Resources and Rural Development in Arid Lands: Case Studies from the Sudan

Edited by H.R.J. Davies

Case studies of four pressing problems of dryland resource management: aura (Sorghum vulgaro) production and its parasite buda (Striga hermonthica), the impact of improved rural water supplies on the environment, the use of wood resources in the Nuba Mountains, and planners' end participants' differing perceptions of development.
NRTS-24/UNUP-504 ISBN 92-08-0504-5 US$15. In press

Arid Zone Settlement in Australia: A Focus on Alice Springs

by D.N. Parkes, I.H. Burnley, and S.R. Walker

Human settlement in remote arid regions is the focus of this work. Based on studies in central Australia, it discusses ecological characteristics of urban zones in relation to urbanization; migration, attitudes, and lifestyles of settlers; and provision of community services.
NRTS-26/UNUP-06 ISBN 92-808-0506-1 US$10. In press


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