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The Workshop on Agro-Forestry, jointly sponsored by the United Nations University and the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, was held at the Geographische Institut II of the University, Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Federal Republic of Germany, from 31 May to 5 June 1982.

It was the fourth of a series of workshops on agroforestry sponsored by the UN University, previous ones having been held at Turrialba (Costa Rica), Chiang Mai (Thailand) and Ibadan (Nigeria). The theme of the fourth workshop was The Social, Economic, Institutional, and Legal Aspects of Agro-forestry, and the Constraints these Imposed on Development.

The workshop was directed by Professor Walther Manshard, former Vice-Rector for the Programme of Management of Natural Resources of the UN University, and now Director of the Geographische Institut; Professor Hansjuerg Steinlin, former Director of the Forest Resources Division, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and now Professor fur Weltforstwirtschaft und Landespflege at Freiburg University; and Dr. Gerardo Budowski, UNU Programme

Co-ordinator for Agro-Forestry Systems, Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Training (CATIE), Turrialba (Costa Rica). The workshop was attended by thirty-one participants from fourteen countries.

A number of field workers with practical experience in agroforestry had been invited to submit papers based on their views and experience to four moderators (Mr. J.E.M. Arnold, Dr. Kamia Chowdry, Professor S.K. Adeyoju and Dr. Peter Huxley). Each moderator then prepared a position paper based on analysis of the papers submitted and his or her own experience. Presentation of each position paper was followed by discussions, which in each case lasted for the best part of a day, and a summary of which is included in these proceedings. Other papers were not read individually at the workshop but were circulated at the different meetings.

Participants in the workshop would like to thank the organizers, not only for the very efficient arrangements for the workshop itself, but also for the very enjoyable social and cultural activities which accompanied it.

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