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Protein-Energy-Requirement Studies in Developing Countries: Results of International Research

Table of contents (376 p.)

Edited by William M. Rand, Ricardo Uauy, and Nevin S. Scrimshaw




© The United Nations University 1984
ISBN 92-808 0481-2

United Nations University Press
The United Nations University
53-70 Jingumae 5-chome, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150, Japan
Tel.: (03) 3499-2811. Fax: (03) 3406-7345.
Telex: J25442. Cable: UNATUNIV TOKYO.

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Printed in Japan



From the charter of the United Nations University



1. Introduction and background
2. Methodology
3. Adult protein requirements
4. Energy expenditure
5. Protein-energy interactions
6. Nitrogen balance studies in children
7. Other data


1. Dermal nitrogen losses in young Japanese men
2. Patterns in urinary nitrogen experiments in long-term studies with constant protein intake
3. Human protein requirements: autocorrelation and adaptation to a low-protein diet
4. Investigation of a short-term procedure to evaluate protein quality in adult human subjects - a preliminary report
5. Additional studies on very short-term procedures to evaluate protein quality in adult human subjects
6. Nitrogen losses in sweat induced by exercise
7. Nitrogen balances of 15 Turkish young adults on a safe level of protein intake for 15 days

Adult protein requirements - standard protocol

8. Assessment of protein energy needs of Indian adults using short-term nitrogen balance methodology
9. Protein requirements of Chinese male adults
10. Protein requirements of Egyptian women
11. Nitrogen balances of young Turkish adults on graded levels of protein intake
12. The protein requirements of Brazilian rural workers: studies with a rice and bean diet

Adult protein requirements- long-term studies

13. Long-term protein-energy requirements of six young adult Korean men
14. Long-term evaluation of the adequacy of habitual diets to provide protein needs for adult Thai men
15. Long-term protein requirements of adult Filipinos consuming local diets at two levels of energy intake
16. Long-term evaluation of the capacity of a Chilean mixed diet to meet the protein-energy requirements of young adult males

Adult protein requirements - large samples

17. Nitrogen balance response of young male adults fed predicted requirement levels of a Mexican rural diet
18. Short-term nitrogen balances of 49 young Turkish adults on estimated mean requirement intake levels of protein
19. Short-term evaluation of the capacity of a Chilean mixed diet to meet protein-energy needs of a group of young adult males

Energy expenditure

20. Dietary energy intake and energy expenditure of women in rural Guatemala
21. Energy expenditure, dietary intake, and patterns of daily activity among various occupation groups in the Philippines
22. The energy expenditure of three categories of labourers in Southern China

Protein-energy interactions

23. Energy intakes and protein requirements of adult Thai men
24. Habitual Guatemalan diets and catch-up growth of children with mild to moderate malnutrition
25. The effect of different intakes of calories on the nitrogen intake for nitrogen equilibrium with habitual diets based on corn and beans
26. Nitrogen balance and whole body nitrogen flux in children consuming dietary energy and protein around maintenance requirements

Nitrogen balance in children

27. Protein needs of Chilean pre-school children fed milk and soy protein isolate diets
28. Protein requirements of Filipino children 22-29 months old consuming local diets
29. Long-term study on the adequacy of usual Thai weaning food for young children

Other data

30. Absorption of macronutrients during the acute stage and after recovery from diarrhoea of different aetiologies
31. The effect of dietary fibre on digestibility of nutrients in a typical Chilean diet
32. Protein digestibility of common beans: the role of polyphenolic compounds
33. The study of experimental protein deficiency
34. The growth velocity of adolescent girls
35. Accelerated recovery from undernutrition in children attending a food programme



A. Report on the first joint FAD/WHO expert consultation on energy intake and protein requirements

1. Introduction
2. Priority questions
3. Age and sex groups
4. Pros and cons of experimental design
5. Factors to be taken into account
6. Indicators and measurements
7. Composition and analysis of diets
8. Conclusions

B. Report on the informal gathering of investigators to review the collaborative research programme on protein requirements and energy intake

1. Introduction
2. Methods and results
3. Discussion
4. Future work


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