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Other UNU publications of interest
Spatial Analysis for Regional Development: A Case Study in the Bicol River Basin of the Philippines
by Dennis A. Rondinelli
A variety of scientific techniques are used to analyse spatial linkages within the Bicol River basin and to describe inequalities in services, income, and opportunities in the region, Insights are provided into how, using such information, development projects can be designed to discourage the massive urban migration and increasing inequality that regularly accompany development efforts.
NRTS-9/UNUP-166 ISBN 924-808-0166-x
45 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound, US$4
Environmental Changes on the Coasts of Indonesia
by Eric C.F. Bird and Otto S.R. Ongkosongo
Indonesia, with 14,700 islands and 60,000 km of coastline, presents a tremendous diversity of coastal features. This study draws together previously published work and the authors' own observations to give an overview of the tectonic, volcanic, hydrographic, and organic processes at work-with emphasis on human impact and on areas of most rapid change, primarily deltas and mangroves-and makes recommendations for future research.
NRTS-12/UNUP-197 ISBN 92-808-0197-x
52 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound, US$6
Shifting Cultivation in Northern Thailand: Possibilities for Development
by Tarry B. Grandstaff
Shifting cultivation systems pose a critical problem in much of the humid tropics. This book explores interactions between the environment and the socio-economic systems of different ethnic groups in northern Thailand, critically reviews proposals to improve shifting cultivation systems elsewhere, and makes recommendations appropriate to northern Thailand but of much wider interest.
NRTS-11/UNUP-192 ISBN 92-808-0192-9
44 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound, US$6
Economics of the Philippine Milkfish Resource System
by Kee-Chai Chong, Ian R. Smith, and Maura S. Lizarondo
As the first attempt to deal comprehensively with the economics of the Philippine milkfish industry, this book examines the processes involved, with a particular focus on tech nobiological considerations.
NRTS-15/UNUP-346 ISBN 92-808-0346-8
66 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound, US$7
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