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Other UNU Publications

The Natural Resources Programme: 1977-1981

This publication brings together in a series of contributions the work done on various aspects of renewable natural resources by the Natural Resources Programme of the United Nations University.

NRR-51UNUP-360 ISBN 92-808-0360-3
118 pages, 16.5 x 23.5 cm, paper-bound

Proceedings of the Jakarta Workshop on Coastal Resources Management
Edited by Eric C.F. Bird and Aprilani Soegiarto

The collected papers that comprise these proceedings were presented at the September 1979 workshop which inaugurated the UNU training course on coastal resource management. Relating primarily to the north coast of Java, they provide a multi-faceted and up-to-date discussion of various coastal resources such as mangroves and marine fisheries, as well as more general papers on model development, humid tropical deltas, water-quality assessments, and socio-economic studies. In most cases the authors analyse the implications o their work for coastal resources management.

NRTS-6/UNUP-130 ISBN 92-808-0130-3
106 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound

Shifting Cultivation in Northern Thailand: Possibilities for Development by Terry B. Grandstaff The development and transformation of shifting cultivation systems is a critical problem in much of the humid tropics. Dr. Grandstaff provides a lucid and comprehensive explanation of the interactions between the environment and the socio-economic systems of different ethnic groups in northe Thailand. The author then critically reviews the various proposals made to improve shifting cultivation systems in other parts of the world, and makes recommendations whicr are appropriate to northern Thailand but of much wider interest.

N RTS- 11/UNUP-192 ISBN 92-808-0192-9
44 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound

Spatial Analysis for Regional Development: A Case Study in the Bicol River Basin of the Philippines

by Dennis A. Rondinelli

This case study in the Philippines explains how a variety of scientific techniques were selected and used to analyse the spatial linkages within the Bicol River Basin, and to describe the inequalities in services, income, and opportunities within the region. Valuable insights are then provided as to how development projects, by incorporating such information, could be designed to discourage the massive urban migration and increasing inequality that consistently accompany development efforts.

NRTS-9/UNUP-166 ISBN 92-808-0166-x
45 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound

Environmental Changes on the Coasts of Indonesia by Eric C. F. Bird and Otto S. R. Ongkosongo With 14,700 islands and 60,000 kilometres of coastline Indonesia presents a tremendous diversity of coastal features. I n this monograph the two authors draw together previously published work and their own observations to provide an overview of the Indonesian coastline and the tectonic, volcanic, hydrographic, and organic processes at work. Emphasis is given to areas of most rapid change-primarily deltas and mangroves-and the effect of man, and the study concludes with recommendations for future research.

NRTS-12/UNUP-197 ISBN 92-808-0197-x
52 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound

Coastal Resources Management in the Cilacap Region: Proceedings of the Workshop held at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, 20-24 August 1980

Edited by Eric C. F. Bird and Aprilani Soagiarto This publication brings together the papers and research results from a workshop and training course on coastal resources management with particular reference to the south coast of Java; however, the conflicts between traditional, artisanal resource use and the demands of modernization bring out many issues of wider relevance.

ISBN 92-808-0349-2
In press

Available only from the publisher:

Fuelwood and Rural Energy Production and Supply in the Humid Tropics by W. B. Morgan and R. P. Moss An important and comprehensive study of rural energy production and supply in Asia and Africa. Special emphasis is given to the constraints and modes of fuelwood production, and this in-depth analysis leads to the formulation of rural energy strategies and policy recommendations. Available from the publisher, Tycooly International Ltd., Dublin, Ireland 224 pages, 17 x 24.6 cm, paper-bound

Renewable Natural Resources and the Environment by Kenneth Ruddle and Walther Manshard This is a comprehensive review of global renewable resource use and the associated human ecological problems. Adopting a zonal approach, the authors focus on the most important interactions in developing countries between poverty, development, renewable natural resources, and the environment. Available from the publisher, Tycooly International Ltd., Dublin, Ireland In press

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