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Obstacles to Tree Planting in Arid and Semi-arid Lands: Comparative Case Studies from India and Kenya

Table of contents (59 p.)

Jeffery Burley


© The United Nations University, 1982
ISBN 92-808-0391-3

This report was prepared within the framework of the United Nations University's Programme on the Use and Management of Natural Resources. The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the United Nations University

United Nations University Press
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Summary and conclusions

1. Introduction and purpose of the study

The United Nations university programme
Objective of the study
Choice of study areas
Definitions and distribution of arid and semi-arid lands
Benefits of trees-the "4-E Package"
Recent trends in forestry

2. India

Forestry policy, strategy, and organization
Selection of the study area
Resources and needs for forest products and services
Overcoming the major obstacles to tree planting
The Gujarat community forestry project

3. Kenya

Land Tenure and use
Definition and distribution of the arid and semi-arid zones
Government policy on arid zone development
Forestry organization and policy
Rural afforestation and extension
Needs for forest products and services in the arid zone
Current programmes of afforestation in the arid zone
Overcoming the major obstacles to tree planting

4. India and Kenya: Comparisons and contrasts

Environmental and technical factors
Institutional factors
Social and economic factors

Appendix 1. Outline of a four-week training course in community forestry and extension at the commonwealth forestry institute Oxford

Appendix 2. Proposal for a 35-hour course in agro-forestry for agricultural students (third-year degree)

Appendix 3. Summer courses at the commonwealth forestry institute, Oxford


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