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Agro-forestry in the African Humid Tropics

Table of contents (171 p.)

Edited by L. H. MacDonald


Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Ibadan, Nigeria, 27 April - 1 May 1981


The Workshop on Agro-forestry in the African Humid Tropics was co-sponsored by the United Nations University and the International Development Research Centre, with the collaboration of the International Council for Research on Agro-forestry, the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, the University of Ibadan, and the Federal Department of Forestry, Nigeria.

© The United Nations University, 1982
ISBN 92-808-0364-6

This report was prepared within the framework of the United Nations University's Programme on the Use and Management of Natural Resources. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the United Nations University or the other institutions named above.

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Principles of agro-forestry

An identity and strategy for agro-forestry
Tree crop farming in the humid tropics: Some current developments
Applicability of agro-forestry systems
Agro-forestry and forest laws, policies, and customs
Agro-forestry research for the humid tropics
Summary of discussion: Principles of agro-forestry

Traditional agro-forestry systems: Prospects for development

The role of trees in farming systems in the humid tropics
Forest conservation strategies for tropical Africa
Impact of agricultural systems and rural development on Nigerian forests
Crop mixtures in traditional systems
Agricultural tree crops as a no-tillage system
Traditional agro-forestry systems in the central African republic
Prospects for agro-forestry in Benin
Summary of discussion: Traditional agro-forestry systems

Taungya systems from biologiocal and production viewpoints

Taungya systems: Socio-economic prospects and limitations
Establishment of forest villages in Gabon
Taungya in Sierra Leone
Taungya practices in Togo
Development trends in Taungya systems in the moist lowland forest of Nigeria between 1975 and 1980
Food crop yield under gmelina plantations in southern Nigeria
Summary of discussion: Taungya systems from biological and production viewpoints

Current agro-forestry activities

The integration of livestock production in agro-forestry
Intercropping of terminalia superba with cocoa and banana in mayombé, people's republic of the Congo
An example of agro-forestry for tropical mountain areas
Intercropping tree and field crops
Promising trees for agro-forestry in southern Nigeria
Food crop yield under teak and cassia siamea in south-western Nigeria
Agro-forestry possibilities in oil palm plantations in the Ivory coast
Effect of food crops on tree growth in Tanzania
Selection of leguminous trees for agro-forestry in Cameroon
Forestry aspects of agro-forestry practice in Nigeria
Summary of discussion: Current agro-forestry activities

Considerations for the future development of agro-forestry

Agro-forestry production systems: Putting them into action
Agro-forestry: View from UNEP
Agro-forestry developments in Kenya: Prospects and problems
Barefoot agro-foresters: A suggested catalyst
Gliricidia sepium: A possible means to sustained cropping
The role of trees in the production and consumption systems of the rural populations of Senegal
Summary of discussion: Considerations for the future development of agro-forestry

Reports of the working groups

Working group on research needs
Working group on training and extension
Working group on systems management


Participants and contributors

Other UNU publications of interest

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