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Economics of the Philippine Milkfish Resource System

Table of contents (76 p.)

Kee-Chai Chong, Ian R. Smith, and Maura S. Lizarondo

Resource systems theory and methodology series, no. 4


Resource systems theory and methodology series

Series Editors
Professor Jose l.D.R. Furtado (University of Malaya)
Dr. Terry B. Grandstaff (United States Agency for International Development)
Dr. Kenneth Ruddle (National Museum of Ethnology, Japan)

Kee-Chai Chong is Senior Research Fellow, International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM), MCC PO Box 1501, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

Ian R. Smith is Senior Scientist,
ICLARM, Metro Manila, Philippines

Maura S. Lizarondo is Senior Market Analyst, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Ministry of Agriculture, Manila, Philippines

ICLARM Contribution No. 63

© The United Nations University, 1982
ISBN 92-808-346-8

This report was published within the framework of the United Nations University's Programme on the Use and Management of Natural Resources. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the United Nations University.

United Nations University Press
The United Nations University
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Tokyo 150, Japan
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I. Introduction

1. Purpose
2. Overview of the resource system
3. Methodologies

II.The procurement sub-system: fry gathering and distribution and fingerling rearing

1. Introduction
2. Fry-Gathering techniques
3. The concession arrangement
4. Distribution of fry
5. Efficiency of the procurement sub-system
6. Some implications of a milkfish hatchery

III. The transformation sub-system: cultivation to market size in fishponds

1. Overview
2. The physical environment
3. The socio-economic/cultural environment
4. Tenure patterns
5. Alternatives for increasing
6. Size of operations
7. Technique of production and average yields
8. Input use
9. Measures of efficiency
10. Insignificant variables and measurement problems

IV. The transformation sub-system: cultivation to market size in fishpens

1. Introduction
2. Some efficiency measures

V. The delivery sub-system: marketing of milkfish

1. Marketing practices and structure
2. Marketing costs
3. Prices and pricing efficiency

Vl. Discussion and conclusion

Appendix: definition of terms

Notes and references

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