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Perception of desertification

Table of contents (136 p.)

Edited by R. L. Heathcote
The United Nations University


Research for the reports contained in this monograph was financed from the United Nations University (Japan) Projects 77/16 to 19 and 79/242, and the Flinders University of South Australia. Additional support for the report in chapter 3 came from the University of Nebraska while the author was Visiting Professor in Geography in 1978. To these institutions and the many people in the field and in offices and libraries where research was conducted the authors express a deep sense of gratitude for their interest and help.


Mr. M. Butler is Lecturer in Geography at the Adelaide College of the Arts and Education,
Adelaide, South Australia 5001.

Dr. R. L. Heathcote is Reader in Geography at the Flinders University of South Australia,
Bedford Park, South Australia 5042.

Mr. M. U. A. Tennakoon is senior Research Officer in the Central Bank of Ceylon,
Colombo, Sri Lanka.

At the time of writing, both Mr. Butler and Mr. Tennakoon were completing research towards a Ph.D. in Geography at Flinders University under Dr. Heathcote's supervision.

© The United Nations University, 1980
ISBN 92-808-019-2

This report was published within the framework of the United Nations University's Programme on the Use and Management of Natural Resources. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the United Nations university.

United Nations University Press
The United Nations University
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Tokyo 150, Japan
Tel.: (03) 3499-2811. Fax: (03) 3406-7345.
Telex: J25442. Cable: UNATUNIV TOKYO.


1. The context of studies into the perception of desertification

2. Desertification in the dry zone of Sri Lanka M. U. A. Tennakoon

3. Perception of desertification on the southern great plains a preliminary enquiry

4. Perception of desertification in the murray mallee of southern Australia

5. Perception of increasing salinity associated with the irrigation of the murray valley in south Australia

6. Summary and conclusions: the role of perception in the desertification process

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