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Other UNU publications

Development Projects in the Sudan: An Analysis of Their Reports with Implications for Research and Training in Arid Land Management

by HeinzUlrich Thimm

An analysis of the successes and failures of eight development projects. In describing the conflicts between public and private interests, nomads and sedentary farmers, animals and crops, it illustrates the difficulties in planning and executing arid land development schemes. It also examines the practical implications of the study and suggests topics for further research.

ISBN 91 -808-0042-6
50 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound. US$3.00

Proceedings of the Khartoum Workshop on Arid Lands Management

Edited by J.A. Mabbutt

A compilation of papers focused particularly on understanding the causes and effects of management strategies to control and, if possible, reverse desertification. For countries with substantial dryland areas the assessment of existing knowledge and the training of personnel in its application are prerequisites of development.

ISBN 92-808-0044-2
97 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound. US$5.00

Conservation and Development in Northern Thailand: Proceedings of a Programmatic Workshop on Agro-Forestry and HighlandLowland Interactive Systems

Edited by Jack D. Ives, Sanga Sabhasri, and Pisit Voraurai

Includes eight papers on the physical, social, and economic relationships between highland and lowland and on the problems posed by the change from shifting cultivation to a more settled type of agriculture. Additional reports analyse research and training needs.

ISBN 92-808-0077-9
114 pages, 214 x 28 cm, paper-bound US$10.00

Proceedings of the Jakarta Workshop on Coastal Resources Management

Edited by C.F. Bird and A. Soegiarto

The collected papers that make up these proceedings were presented at the September 1979 workshop which inaugurated the UNU training course on coastal resource management. Relating primarily to the north coast of Java, they provide a multi-faceted and up-to-date discussion of various coastal resources such as mangroves and marine fisheries, as well as more general papers on model development, humid tropical deltas, water-quality assessments, and socio-economic studies. In most cases the authors analyse the implications of their work for coastal resources management.

NRTS-6/UNUP-130 ISBN 92-808-0130-3
106 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound. US$9.00

Rural Energy Systems in the Humid Tropics: Proceedings of the First Workshop of the United Nations University Rural Energy Systems Project

Edited by W.B. Morgan and R.P. Moss

The papers presented are concerned with energy supply and demand, especially for fuelwood in rural areas. Concentrating primarily on southwestern Nigeria, they point out the urgent need for an understanding of the social and ecological implications of rising energy prices and fuelwood shortages even in the more humid, supposedly wood-rich zones of developing countries.

ISBN 92-808-0093-0
56 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound US$5.00

Social and Environmental Aspects of Desertification

Edited by J.A. Mabbutt and A.W. Wilson

Contains a summary of the papers presented at a meeting of the International Geographical Union's Working Group on Desertification in and around Arid Lands. First results from the UN University's research projects and a summary of work accomplished under Unesco's auspices are included. The tremendous variation in causes and effects of desertification is clearly brought out, as is the value of adopting an interdisciplinary approach.

ISBN 92-808-0127-9
40 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound US$4.00

Spatial Analysis for Regional Development: A Case Study in the Bicol River Basin of the Philippines

by Dennis A. Rondinelli

This case study in the Philippines explains how a variety of scientific techniques were selected and used to analyse the spatial linkages within the Bicol River Basin, and to describe the inequalities in services, income, and opportunities within the region. Valuable insights are then provided as to how development projects, by incorporating such information, could be designed to discourage the massive urban migration and increasing inequality that consistently accompany development efforts.

ISBN 92-808-0166-9
45 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound US$4.00

Bedouins, Wealth, and Change: A Study of Rural Development in the United Arab Emirates and the Sultanate of Oman

by R. Cordes and F. Scholz

The sudden and unprecedented flow of wealth to the oilproducing countries in the Middle East has triggered an extremely rapid process of modernization which has had varying impact in the rural areas. By analysing in two contrasting case studies the extent to which these changes can take place without disrupting traditional systems of values, land-use, and social organization, the authors draw conclusions that have a much wider applicability.

ISBN 92-808-0143-0
65 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound. US$9.00

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