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5. Closing remarks

Dr. Aprilani Soegiarto
Project Manager, LIPI-UN University Project on Coastal Resources Management

At last we come to the end of one of the LIPI-UNU activities: our Programmatic Workshop. Tomorrow we are going to start another activity: the Training Course on the Research Methodology of Coastal Resources Management.

In the last four days all of you have worked very hard indeed. You have listened and discussed papers on various topics concerned with the north coast of West Java, in particular the Cimanuk Delta. In the last two days you have travelled and visited the Cimanuk Delta, the site for the training and research components of the LlPI-UNU co-operative programme. On behalf of the organizers may I extend our sincere appreciation for your active participation in the workshop as well as in the field trip. Your suggestions and active participation have become stimulants for us to work harder for the success of our programme. Indeed we are grateful.

May I now turn my attention to the trainees. As you know, this Workshop, the training, and the research programmes that will follow are designed solely for you. Therefore, the success of this LIPI-UNU co-operative programme can only be measured by how successful we are in trying to increase your expertise in research activities on coastal resources management. We are putting our hopes on your shoulders for the pioneering works on coastal resources in Indonesia. After you have completed your training and research programmes with us, you will return to your own institutions and start to apply your knowledge in this field for your own research or transfer it further to your colleagues and assistants. Thus, a multiplying effect will take place. We wish all of you the greatest success in your efforts.

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