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1. Dirección de Estadísticas y Censos, "Encuesta Nacional sobre ingresos familiares." March- June,1968.

2 O. Ruiz, S. Valiente, R. Chateauneuf, and E. Solfate, "The Tendency of the Food Buying Power of the Lower Income Urban Population 1968 - 1976." Aprt No. 126/78, INTA, University of Chile, 1978.

3. Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas, Indice trimestral de Sueldos y Salarios.

4. O, Ruiz, E. Solfate, l. Segure, l. Trufello, and S. Valiente, "Agrupacion de datos demográficos con fines nutricionales, 1970." Doc Técnico UPAN-INTA, Chile, 1977.

5. Raciones A haste N: Sta. Maria, J., A. Arteaga, and S. Valiente, "Metas de disponibilidad alimentaria nacional." Depto. de Nutricion, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, 1970.

6. Ración O: J. Kain, B. Avila, and S. Valiente, "Metas de disponibilidad alimentaria nacional. Chile 1970 - 1980." INTA. University of Chile, 1977.

7, F, Machicado, "La Redistribución del Ingreso en Chile y su Impacto en la Estructura de Consumo de Alimentos Esenciales." Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1970 - 1971, p.15.

8. Dirección de Estadisticas y Censos, "Encuesta Nacional de Presupuestos familiares. Distribución del gasto familiar en el gran Santiago," September 1968-August 1969.

9. Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas, Indice Mensual de Precios al Consumidor.

10. Banco Central de Chile, Boletin No 546, August, 1973.

11. N. Garcia, "Algunos Aspectos de la politica de Corto Plaza." In: La Economia chilena en 1971, University of Chile, 1972.

12. L. Collyer, E. Sinay, and G. Aceltuno, "Algunos Aspectos de la Comercializacion y Distribu cion interna." In: La Economia chilena en 1971. University of Chile.

13. J. Lopez, "La Economia Politica de la Unidad Popular. Una Evaluación de su Primer ano de Gobierno." In: La Economía chilena en 1971. University of Chile, 1972.

14. J. Ramos, "El Costo social hechos e Interpretaciones." In: Informe económico. Depto. de Economía, University of Chile, 1 en Semestre, 1975.

15. A.Cofre, "La Situación del Empleo." In: Taller de Coyuntura. Comentarios sobre la Situación Económica Publ, No. 36, 1er. semestre, 1976.

16. TERRA Institute, "A Research Report." (Resumen antecedentes sobre Abastecimiento de Alimentos básicos en Chile. Informe al Consejo Nacional pare la Alimentación y Nutrición.)

17. H. Behm, Mortalidad infantil y Nivel de Vida. Universitaria, 1962.

18. R.R. Puffer, and C.V. Serrano, "El Peso al Nacer, la Edad materna y el Orden de Nacimientos. Tres importantes Determinantes de la Mortalidad infantil. Informes OPS, 1975.

19. F, Mardones, "La Mortalidad infantil y sus últimos Descensos." Revista Mensaje, 1977. p. 577.

20. Chilean Ministry of Health, Anuario 1977. Atenciones y Recursos. May, 1978.

21. F. Mönckeberg, Informe de Actividades de/ Consejo Nacional pare la Alimentación y Nutrición, 1977.

Statistical Appendix

FIG. 1. Index of the Food Buying Capacity of the Chilean Population 1968 - 1976, by Quarters

TABLE 1. Number of Poor in Chile, by Monthly Income Per Family

Total population % Not poor (more than US$100) % Poor (between US$50& $100) % Very poor (less than US$50) %
9,025,000 100 4,123,925 44 2,808,400 31 2,272,675 25
6,317,500 100 3,348,275 53 1,900,304 30 1,068,921 17
2,707,500 100 595,650 22 908,096 34 1,203,754 44

Source: Calculations based on Table 4.2.1, Division of Statistics and Census of Chile (DEC) national sampling of income per family, 1968.

TABLE 2. Distribution (%) of Poor Urban Households by Occupation of the Head of Household

Occupational category % of homes
Employers 0.2
Self-employed 21.2
Office workers 18.1
Labourers 41.6
Retired or receiving a pension 11.8,
Living off a rental 6.8
No information 0.3

Source: Calculations based on data supplied by the Division of Statistics and Census of Chile, national sampling of income per family, 1968, pp. 33-34.

TABLE 3. Average Monthly Income of Urban Labourers and Office Workers in 1968

  1968 Escudos (E) US$ (E7.82 = 1 $US)
Office workers 1,462 187
Labourers 651 83
Poor office workers 545 70
Poor labourers 447 57

Source: Calculations based on data supplied by the Division of Statistics and Census of Chile, national sampling of income per family, 1968, pp. 33-34.

TABLE 4. Types of Model Rations for the Population of Chile by Nutritional Category, According to Age, Sex, Degree of Activity, and Physiological State

Nutritional categories Population per nutritional category (thousands)* Type of ration**
Breast-fed 0 - 1 year



Infants 1 - 2 years



Pre-school, 2 - 5 years



School age, 6 - 8 years



School age, 9 - 11 years



Pubescent boys, no extra activity



Pubescent girls, no extra activity
Pubescent girls, with extra activity
Adolescent girls, no extra activity



Adolescent girls, with extra activity



Pubescent boys, with extra activity



Adolescent boys, without extra activity
Adolescent boys, with extra activity



Men 20 - 44 years, little activity



Men 45 - 64 years, little activity
Men over 65 years, little activity
Men over 65, medium activity
Women 20 - 44 years, little activity
Women 45 - 64 years, little activity
Women over 65, little activity
Women over 65, medium activity
Men 45 - 64 years, medium activity



Women 20 - 44 years, medium activity
Women 45 - 64 years, medium activity
Men 20 - 44 years, medium activity



Men 65 and over, very active
Men 45 - 64 years, very active



Men 20 - 44 years, very active



* Ref. 4
** Ref. 5
+ Ref. 6

Note: The concept of elasticity as applied in this study refers to the relationship between the percentile variations that manifest themselves in the demand for an item with an increase of 1% in total spending.

TABLE 5. Percentage of Total Spending by Category of Elasticity for Different Income Levels

Category of elasticities

Levels in US$

US$ 0 - 100

US$ 101 - 200

US$ 201 - 300

US$ 301 - 400

Negative   2 21 32 4
Between 0 - 1   89 59 59 92
More than 1   9 20 9 4
Total spending   100% 100% 100% 100%

Source: Ref 7

Note: The concept of elasticity as applied in this study refers to the relationship between the percentile variations that manifest themselves in the demand for an item with an increase of 1% in total spending.

TABLE 6. Food Spending Index: List of Foods and Weighting in the Index

Products and food groups



Weighting in the index

Weighting of food group

Pasteurized milk litres 10.14 l 6.93  
Powdered milk 450 g can 0.33 kg 7.40  
Cheese kg 0.16 kg 3.12  
Condensed and other milk products 400 g can 0.50 can 0.08 17.53
Beefsteak kg 0.15 kg 2.67  
Stew meat kg 0.96 kg 4.02  
Hindquarter cuts kg 0.09 kg 1.43  
Lamb cuts kg 0.09 kg 0.75  
Pork chops kg 0.09 kg 1.22  
Whole chicken kg 0.24 kg 2.14 12.23
Fish and seafood
Fresh fish kg 1.08 kg 1.31  
Canned tuna 400 g can 0.08 can 0.47  
Seafood (clams, shrimp) unit 0.23 unit 1.65 3.43
Eggs unit 14 units 6.22 6.22
Beans kg 0.66 kg 1.41  
Green peas kg 0.18 0.43 1.84
Potatoes kg 6.72 kg 4.90 4.90
Onions kg 2.61 kg 4.34  
Lettuce unit 9.24 unit 1.92 6.26
Oranges kg 1.68 kg 4.24  
Apples kg 1.86 kg 6.68  
Bananas kg 1.47 kg 3.31  
Stewed dried fruits kg 0.27 kg 3.44 17.67
Bread kg 9.03 kg 14.37 14.37
Common flour kg 0.33 kg 0.43  
Corn flour 250 g pkg. 0.36 pkg. 0.38  
Noodles, spaghetti 500 g pkg. 0.78 pkg. 1.62  
White flour kg 0.03 kg 0.09  
Semolina kg 0.03 kg 0.04  
Rice kg 0.33 kg 0.60 3.16
Sugar kg 1.08 kg 2.63  
Jam kg 0.03 kg 0.08  
Carbonated soft drinks unit 175 cc 0.01 unit 0.01 2.72
Fats and oils
Oil liters 0.42 liter 2.35  
Margarine kg 0.21 kg 2.50  
Butter kg 0.21 kg 3.27  
Lard kg 0.21 1.55 9.67
Total 100.00

TABLE 7. Prices of Basic Foods, 1968-1976


Retail prices of foods, 1968-1976 Nominal prices (np) and Real prices (rp) in 1968 E°












Milk (litre) np 0.50 0.59 0.74 1.27 1.30 3.50 53.53 280.00 1,340.00 3,730.00
rp 0.50 0.46 0.38 0.54 0.40 0.22 0.57 0.59 0.61 0.74
Beef "hind cuts", kg np 7.43 13.68 19.09 26.54 37.00 90.00 1,250.00 3,023.00 12,090.00 50,180.00
rp 7.43 10.85 9.99 11.43 11.41 5.80 13.32 6.42 5.58 10.00
Eggs (unit) np 0.25 0.31 0.46 0.60 1.02 3.97 16.55 69.00 357.00 1,050.00
rp 0.25 0.24 0.24 0.25 0.31 0.25 0.17 0.14 0.16 0.20
Beans, kg np 1.17 1.55 2.22 5.05 5.29 18.56 85.16 730.00 9,350.00 14,120.00
rp 1.17 1.23 1.16 2.16 1.63 1.19 0.9 1.55 4.31 2.81
Bread, kg np 0.87 1.01 1.40 2.70 2.70 6.40 40.00 550.00 2,410.00 4,100.00
rp 0.87 0.80 0.73 1.16 0.83 0.41 0.42 1.16 1.11 0.81
Noodles (500g) np 1.02 1.24 1.60 1.87 1.89 3.71 25.86 456.00 3,380.00 4,930.00
rp 1.02 0.98 0.83 0.80 0.58 0.23 0.27 0.96 1.56 0.98
Sugar, kg np 1.49 1.87 2.82 3.24 4.40 12.00 232.00 1,200.00 3,850.00 7,240.00
rp 1.49 1.48 1.47 1.39 1.35 0.77 2.47 2.54 1.77 1.44
Oil, litre np 3.06 4.45 5.73 7.47 8.48 14.40 414.00 2,270.00 6,630.00 17,070.00
rp 3.06 3.53 3.00 3.21 2.61 0.92 4.41 4.22 3.06 3.40
Leafy vegetables (unit) np 0.20 0.14 0.22 0.30 0.85 3.52 22.65 39.00 200.00 220.00
rp 0.20 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.26 0.22 0.24 0.08 0.09 0.04

Source: The nominal prices correspond to those registered by the National Institute of Statistics. The real prices have been obtained after being deflated by the IGA.

TABLE 8. Weighting of Foods in the Spending Indices

  Index of food prices (IPC) Index of food spending (IGA)
Food group (%) (%)
Milk 9.41 17.53
Meat 13.43 12.23
Fish 4.37 3.43
Eggs 2.21 6.22
Legumes 6.76 1.84
Tubers 5.44 4.90
Vegetables 10.45 6.26
Fruits 4.87 17.67
Bread 14 85 14.37
Flours 16.97 3.16
Sugar 5.39 2.72
Oils and fats 5.85 9.67
Total 100.00 100.00

Source: IPC: National Institute of Statistics. To compare this index with the IGA, the component of food is weighted as 100% and the other categories are eliminated (for IGA-see table 3)

TABLE 9. Chile: Infant Death Rates (TMI) and Birth Rates, 1968 - 1976

Year TMI (%)* Birth rate (%)**
1968 83.5 29.1
1969 78.7 27.5
1970 79.3 26.8
1971 70.5 28.7
1972 71.1 28.6
1973 65.2 27.9
1974 63.3 26.6
1975 55.4 25.0
1976 54.7 23.4

Source: Faculty of Medicine, Sede Oriente, Universidad de Chile * Rate per 1,000 live-born

** Per 1,000 inhabitants

TABLE 10. Total Percentage of Undernourished Children and Differences by Age Group

Year 1975 1976 Difference
Undernourished 157,182 166,774 76/75
% Undernourished 15.5 15.9 2.6%
Ages % % %
0 - 5 months 12.3 11.2 -8.9
6 - 11 months 18.0 18.5 3.5
12 - 23 months 19.0 19.4 2.1
2 - 5 years 14.5 15.2 4.8

Source: Calculations based on data supplied by the Ministry of Health, Yearbook 1977.

TABLE 11. Increase in the Number of Malnourished Children (%\ between 1975-1976, by Degree of Malnutrition

  1975 1976 Difference
  No. % No. % 76/75
Total undernourished 157,182 100 166,774 100 %
Slight 122,216 77.8 126,621 75.9 -2
Intermediate 27,566 17.5 31,366 18.8 7
Severe 7,400 4.7 8,787 5.3 13

Source: Calculations based on data supplied by the Ministry of Health, Yearbook 1977.

TABLE 12. Average Calorie and Protein Consumption Per Person Per Day, by Level of Income, 1968

Income levels US$ 0 - 100 101 - 200 201 - 300 301 - 400 401 or more Average
Calories/day 1,593 2,074 2,149 2,214 2,645 1,871
Protein (g/day) 39 52 57 65 84 48

Source: Calculations based on data supplied by F Machicado, Ref. 7, p. 15.


(1) Index of spending-Laspeyres type:

Pti= price of food i in period t

Poi= price of food i in period o

i = 1..37 foods

i = 1..36 quarters

(2) ICCA

t = 1, 2 . . . 36

As the base period was chosen for both indices, the denominator equals 1, and the ICCA is calculated using only the numerator.

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