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1. Raúl Prebish, "El Falso Dilema entre Desarrollo Económico y Estabilidad Monetaria." CEPAL, Boletin Economico pare America Latina, Vol. 1, March 20, 1961.

2. J. Noyola, cited in Enrique Sierra, "Tres Ensayos de Estabilización en Chile."

3. CEPAL, "Estudios Economicos de America Latina," 1963, 1965, 1967.

4. Oficina Nacional de Planificación, PLANDES 26. Republica Dominicana, Global Diagnostic


5. Celso Furtado, La economia latino-americana desde la conquista ibérica haste la revolución cubana, p. 65.

6. CEPAL, "EI Desarrollo Económico de America Latina en la Postguerra," 1963.

7. F. Machicado, "La Redistribución del Ingreso en Chile y su Impacto en la Estructura de Con sumo de Alimentos Esenciales," Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison,


8. Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura, "Diagnóstico y Estrategia de Desarrollo Agropecuario,

1976 - 1986, Republica Dominicana."

9. Plan de Mediano Plazo (Preliminar). República Dominicana, p. 17.

10. F. Machicado, "Evaluacion del Credito Agricola Otorgado por la Reforma Agraria Chilena."

ICIRA, Chile, 1977.

TABLE 1. Income Distribution in 1970 (income levels according to monthly income per family)

Dominican Republic*

Chile* *

Income levels

Total population

Total income

Income levels

Total population

Total income




No. minimum wage earners in family



Up to 50.0 49.5 16.4 Up to 2 54.3 17.2
50.1 to 100.0 26.0 17.2 2 to 4 25.7 18.7
100.1 to 300.0 18.0 26.9 4 to 8 11.1 14.7
Over 300.0 5.7 39.5 over 8 8.9 49.4
Total 99.2 100.0   100.0 100.0

* Source: Diagnóstico y Estrategia de Desarrollo Agropecuario, 1976-1986, Dominican Republic (Ref. 8).
** F. Machicado, Ref. 7.

TABLE 2. Behaviour of the Industrial Sector (excluding sugar, mining, and power) at 1962 Prices Financial Indicators*

  A B C D E
Year Productivity VA/GPV Salaries/VA VA/K Nl/TI
1966 3,302 0.475 0.279 1.25 0.700
1970 4,304 0.477 0.191 1.39 0.647
1973 4,607 0.558 0.166 1.89 0.560

* VA = value added; GPV = gross production value; Nl = national input; Tl = total input;

K = invested capital; productivity = VA (constant pricesl/no. of workers.

TABLE 3. Redistribution of Income (1970-1973) in the Dominican Republic

Income levels (pesos) Total population (%) Total income 1970 (%) Total income 1973 (%)
Up to 50.0 49.5 16.42 12.78
50.1 to 100.0 26.0 17.20 16.15
100.1 to 300.0 18.8 26.91 28.06
300.1 and over 5.7 39.47 43.01
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0

Source: Diagnostico y Estrategia del Desarrollo Agropecuario, 1976-1986, Dominican Republic (Ref. 81.

TABLE 4. The Structure of Land Ownership, 1973, in the Dominican Republic

Size of farm (in hectares) No. of farms (%) Surface occupied (%)
Up to 1.3 56.0 8.2
1.4 to 6.3 20.5 9.3
6.4 to 31.4 21.2 38.2
Over 31.4 2.3 44.3
Total 100.0 100.0

Source: Diagnóstico y Estrategia del Desarrollo Agropecuario, 1976-1986, Dominican Republic (Ref. 8).

TABLE 5. Income Redistribution in Chile-Total Available Income, 1970-1971, in per cent

Income levels (minimum wages) Total population 1970 1971 Increase in real income
shares of income
Up to 2 54.3 17.2 20.6 39.5
3 to 4 25.7 18.7 20.7 28.9
5 to 8 11.1 14.7 15.7 23.6
Over 8 8.9 49.4 43.0 1.6

TABLE 6. Indebtedness by Income Levels in Chile and the Dominican Republic, 1970*

Dominican Republic


Income levels (pesos) Total population (%) Income saved (%) Income levels (minimum wages) Total population (%) Income saved (%)
Less than 50.0 49.5 -84.0 Less than 2 54.3 -63.0
50.1 to 100.0 26.0 - 12.0 3 to 4 25.7 -29.0
100.1 to 300.0 18.8 -4.0 5 to 8 11.1 - 12.8
300.1 and over 5.7 +3.0 Over 8 8.9 +26.8
  100.0 - 15.9   100.0 -4.9

Note: (total income-total expense)/total income; (+) savings; (-) indebtedness.

TABLE 7. Composition of Total Expenses by Socio-economic Income Levels (percentage points) in the Dominican Republic and Chile

Dominican Republic


Income levels Expenses for food Expenses for other items Income levels Expenses for food Expenses for other items
(pesos) (%) (%) (minimum wages) (%) (%)
Up to 50.0 47.0 53.0 Up to 2 41.4 58.6
50.1 to 100.0 50.9 49.1 3 to 4 31.8 68.2
100.1 to 300.0 43.2 56.8 5 to 8 26.8 73.2
300.0 and over 25.6 74.4 Over 8 14.8 85.2

TABLE 8. Daily Calorie and Protein Consumption, Per Person, by Socio-economic Income Level in the Dominican Republic and Chile

Dominicain republic Chile
Income Population CaIories Protein Population Calories Protein
Levels (%)   (g) (% )   (g)
Low 49.5 1,408.4 27.3 54.3 1,593.0 38.6
Low-medium 26.0 1,988.2 42.5 25.7 2,074.0 51.7
Medium-upper 18.7 2,471.3 60.0 11.1 2,165.0 58.9
Upper 5.7 3,147.7 81.9 8.9 2,645.0 83.8
99.5 1,861.9* 40.9* 100.0 1,871.0* 48.0*  

Weighted average.

TABLE 9. Weights for the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Chile

  Weighting in Percentage average
  CPI expenses at the 4 - 6
  (%) minimum wage level
Food 41.73 39.19
Housing 22.21 22.57
Clothing 14.83 16.62
Miscellaneous 21.23 21.62
  100.00 100.00

Source: National Institute of Statistics (INK) and the Central Bank of Chile.

TABLE 10. Consumption Levels of Low- and High-lncome Families in the Dominican Republic and Chile

Food Dominican Republic Chile
item Low Upper Low Upper
Yucca 263.6 100.0 * 100.0
Potato 255.0 100.0 * 100.0
Name 155.0 100.0 * 100.0
Beans ** 100.0 110.0 100.0
Lentils * 100.0 107.0 100.0
Fat * 100.0 221.0 100.0
Onions * 100.0 164.0 100.0

Source: F. Machicado (Ref. 7).

* Of little relevance.

.. Less than the consumption of the richer families.

TABLE 12. Consumption of Calories Per Income Level, Chile, 1970

Monthly incomes per family, minimum wages.

Up to 2

3 to 4

5 to 8

Over 8





Cereals, vegetables 936.9 1,199.3 1,112.3 1,280.8 1,053.6
Meats, fish, seafood 43.6 67.1 111.0 197.7 69.6
Milk, eggs 100.7 157.0 216.9 327.7 166.2
Oil, sugar 414.0 435.6 596.7 696.7 476.1
Roots and tubers 69.6 75.5 88.3 89.5 75.2
Fruit 5.8 9.9 14.2 23.9 7.2
Miscellaneous 22.4 29.6 25.6 28.7 23.1
Total 1,593.0 1,974.0 2,165.0 2,645.0 1,871.0

TABLE 12. Consumption of Calories Per Income Level, Chile, 1970

Monthly incomes per family, minimum wages. Up to2 3to4 5to8 Over8  
Items         Average
Cereals, vegetables 936.9 1,199.3 1,112.3 1,280.8 1,053.6
Meats, fish, seafood 43.6 67.1 111.0 197.7 69.6
Milk,eggs 100.7 157.0 216.9 327.7 166.2
Oil, sugar 414.0 435.6 596.7 696.7 476.1
Roots and tubers 69.6 75.5 88.3 89.5 75.2
Fruit 5.8 9.9 14.2 23.9 7.2
Miscellaneous 22.4 29.6 25.6 28.7 23.1
Total 1,593.0 1,974.0 2,165.0 2,645.0 1,871.0

TABLE 13. Caloric and Protein Contribution of the Major Food Groups, 1970, in the Dominican Republic and Chile (percentage of weighted average)


Dominican Republic


  Calories (%) Protein (9) Calories (%) Protein (9)
Cereals and vegetables 37.8 43.2 56.3 57.1
Meat, fish, and seafood 6.1 30.4 3.8 21.1
Milk and eggs 5.1 11.9 9.9 12.9
Oil and sugar 27.7 - 25.4  
Roots and tubers 11.8 5.1 4.1 7.3
Fruit 10.4 7.6 0.3 0.1
Miscellaneous 1.1 1.8 0.2 1.5
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

TABLE 14. The Redistribution of Income in Chile (1970-1971) and Its Impact on Total Spending and Indebtedness of Families

Income levels (minimum wages) Increase in income* Increase in total spending* Savings (+) 1970 Indebted. ness (-)
  1970-1971 (%) 1970-1971 (%) (%) 1971 (%)
0 - 2 39.5 24.2 -63.0 -45.0
2 - 4 28.9 18.6 -29.0 -18.7
4 - 6 24.0 15.9 -12.4 -5.1
6 - 8 22.9 12.6 - 13.5 -5.1
8 - 10 18.3 9.0 -13.5 -4.1
10 and over 0.2 - +30.3 +30.6
Average 16.4 13.5 -4.7 -2.2

* Total income and spending per family.

TABLE 15. Income Redistribution in Chile, 1970-1971, and Its Impact on Spending and Food Consumption

Income levels % increase in Increase in daily consumption per capita:
(minimum wages) food spending Calories Protein (9)
0 - 2 12.7 9.6 10.8
2 - 4 12.7 4.8 9.4
4-6 9.5 6.2 8.4
6-8 5.7 3.0 4.4
8 and over*      

' Considered to have remained constant.

TABLE 16. Requirements and Daily Nutrient Consumption in Chile, 1970 and 1971


Nutrient requirements

No. of minimum wages/family

Up to 2

2 – 4

4 – 6

6 – 8

8 and over


Population (%)   54.3 25.7 8.3 2.8 8.9 100.0
Calories (1970) 2,390 1,593 2,074 2,149 2,214 2,645 1,871
Calories (1971) 2,390 1,747 2,175 2,284 2,282 2,645 1,997
Change between
1970 - 1971
  +154 +101 +135 +68 0 +126
Protein (g)
46.0 38.6 51.7 56.9 64.9 83.8 48.0
Protein (g)
46.0 42.8 56.6 56.9 67.8 83.8 52.3
Change between
1970 - 1971
  +4.2 +4.9 +4.8 +2.9 0 +4.3

TABLE 17. The Impact of Increased Consumption on Availability of Some Food Items in Chile

Item 1970 1971 Increase
Chicken 100.0 117.3 17.3
Beef 100.0 114.8 14.8
Rice 100.0 113.1 13.1
Wheat 100.0 108.6 8.6
Potatoes 100.0 106.8 6.8
Sugar 100.0 105.0 5.0
Oil 100.0 112.0 12.0

Source: F. Machicado (Ref. 7)

TABLE 18. Increase in Consumer Price Index, Chile 1969

Year   Consumer price index
1969 December 100.0
1970 January 106.80
  December 134.94
1971 January 136.85
  December 164.80
1972 January 170.82
  December 434.12

Source: Mrs. Muller-Plantenberg and Frans Hinkelaammert: Condiciones y consecuencias de un politica de redistribución de ingresos

TABLE 19. Average Income Levels by Farm Size, Dominican Republic, 1970


Current yield

Maximum yield

  Farms* Monthly income Farms Monthly income
Pesos (%) (Pesos) (%) (Pesos)
Up to 50 49.21 30.74 26.19 28.56
50.1 - 100 27.36 64.74 43.22 73.64
100.1 - 300 21.21 135.76 24.44 181.85
300 and over 2.22 1,567.44 6.15 1,397.64
Average 100.00 96.30 100.00 157.03

The number of farms included is 302,000 and the average minimum income necessary to procure an adequate diet, in addition to other expenses, is estimated to be 78.16 pesos at 1970 prices.

TABLE 20. Current Levels of Production and Daily Requirements for Basic Foods, Per Person, in Chile (in pounds)

  Required Current Deficit (%)
Cereals 0.435 0.399 8.3
Roots, tubers 0.462 0.394 14.8
Fruit 0.705 0.621 12.0
Legumes 0.175 0.068 61.4
Meat 0.195 0.111 43.1
Sugar 0.140 0.092 34.3
Fat and oil 0.060 0.060  
Milk (cc) 288 140 51.4
Garden vegetables 0.220 0.160 27.3
Eggs 0.550 0.005 91.0

TABLE 21. Nutritional Goals of the Dominican Republic (daily consumption per person)

Income level Total population 1973 1982 1973 1982


Protein, in g

(%) Current Goal Current Goal
Up to 50.0 49.80 1,408 1,773 27.33 36.97
50.1 to 100.0 25.09 1,988 2,136 42.51 50.60
100.1 to 300.0 18.87 2,471 2,471 60.92 60.92
300.1 and over 6.18 3,147 3,147 81.94 81.94
Average 100.00 1,862 2,081 40.89 46.28
Required level   2,324 2,324 59.64 59.64

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