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Appendix B: programme

An Inter-Congress Meeting of the International Geographical Union Working Group on Desertification in and around Arid Lands, held in conjunction with the Arid Lands Sub-programme, Natural Resources Programme, United Nations University, and the UNESCO/MAB Programme

Plaza International  
Hotel, Tucson  
3-8 January 1979 Wednesday 3 January
1:15 pm- 3:00 pm Preliminary Meetings of Sub-groups, Organizers, etc.
3:00 pm- 5:00 pm Registration
5:00 pm- 6:30 pm Meeting of Sub-groups, Organizers, etc.
8:00 pm- 9:30 pm Tucson-The City and the Desert
Chairman: A.W. Wilson
8:00 pm The Physical Base-R. Reeves
9:00 pm Public Perception of the Desert in Tucson-T.F. Saarinen
Thursday 4 January  
9:00 am- 9:45 am Opening Ceremony
Chairman: A.W. Wilson
Welcome by President of the University of Arizona, Dr. J.P. Schaefer
Response: J.A. Mabbutt, Chairman of Working Group on Desertification
10:00 am-12:15 pm Regional Reports
  Chairman: J.A. Mabbutt
Sahelian Zone -Monique Mainguet, H. Mensching and A.T. Grove
Southern Africa -P.D. Tyson
Middle East -P. Beaumont and 1. Kobori
1:15 pm- 3:00 pm North America-A.W. Wilson
Latin America -H.J. Schneider
Australia -J.A. Mabbutt
India -S.P. Malhotra (for H.S. Mann)
3:15 pm- 4:30 pm Meeting on Desertification Bibliography
Chairman: Ms. P. Paylore
5:45 pm- 8:30 pm Buffet: "Mexican Fiesta" at Andrew Wilson's home
Friday 5 January Excursion to the Papago Indian Reservation of Native Americans. Guides: Bill Tatom, Bureau of Indian Affairs; Prof. Gary Nabham, Plant Sciences; Prof. Agnes Aamodt, College of Nursing
Saturday 6 January  
9:00 am- 10:00 am Reporting Session on Related MAB Projects in the United States
Chairman: J.A. Mabbutt
MAB-3-R. Rice
MAB-8-P. Ffolliott
MAB-4-J. Johnson
10:15am-12: 15 pm Reports of Thematic Study Groups
Chairman: H. Mensching
Climate and Desertification-P.D. Tyson
Perception of Desertification-R. L. Heathcote
Pastoralism and Desertification-D. L. Johnson
Desertification in Extremely Arid Environments-W. Meckelein
Wind Action and Desertification-Monique Mainguet
2:00 pm- 4:00 pm Panel Discussion: The Problems of Livelihood and Desertification
Chairman: A.W. Wilson
Economics of Irrigation Agriculture-W.E. Martin
Arid or Humid Agriculture-M.M. Fogel
Irrigation and Desertification-J. Matlock
New Crops for Arid Lands-W.H. Brooks
Comments: Viewpoints from the Developing Countries-S.P. Malhotra
M.M. Khogali
Sunday 7 January Contributed Papers:
9:00 am- 3:15 pm Physical Aspects of Desertification
Chairman: J.A. Mabbutt
Lakes as Indicators of Changing Climate-A.T. Grove
Above-Average Rainfalls and Drought in Southern Africa-P.D. Tyson
Spatial Structure of Rainfall in Southern Israel-D. Sharon
Problems of Protection of the Oases of Southern Morocco against Sand Encroachment-Monique Mainguet
Social and Regional Aspects of Desertification
Chairman: Monique Mainguet
Migration of Population in the US Great Plains-A.J. Larson
Pastoral Nomadism and Desertification in the Republic of Sudan-M.M. Khogali
The Progress of Desertification-J. Dresch
The Human Factor and Desertification in the Arid Zone of Rajasthan- S.P. Malhotra (with H.S. Mann)
Desertification Processes on the Eastern Colorado Plains-E.Y. Kedar
Monitoring Desertification
An Operational System to Monitor Desertification Using LANDSAT Data-D. Bannert
LANDSAT Applied to a Desertification Monitoring System-E.Y. Kedar
3:30 pm- 5:30 pm United Nations University Sub-programme on Assessment of the Application of Knowledge to Arid Lands Problems
Chairman: H. Mensching
The United Nations University-Lee MacDonald
Research Into the Perception of Desertification, 1976 to 1978-R.L. Heathcote
Impact of an Arid Zone Research Station on Local Land-Use Problems-J.A. Mabbut t
Obstacles to the Extension of Existing Knowledge and Technology to Dry Lands Problems in Mexico-H.J. Schneider
Monday 8 January  
8:00 am- 12:15 pm Excursion to Environmental Research Laboratory and Superior Farms. Hosts: C.N. Hodges and associates.
Guide: T. Maddock, Jr.
1:15 pm- 2: 00 pm Address: United Nations Activities to Combat Desertification
Chairman: J.A. Mabbutt
Report from Desertification Unit, UNEP-B.G. Rozanov
2:15 pm- 4:15 pm Workshop Meeting-Forward Planning
Chairman: J.A. Mabbutt
4:30 pm- 5:30 pm Plenary Session
Chairman: J.A. Mabbutt
5:30 pm Closing of Meeting
J.A. Mabbutt
Wednesday 10 January
Friday 12 January Post-meeting Excursion to Irrigated Lands Along the Salt, Gila and Lower Colorado Rivers

Other UNU Publications

Development Projects in the Sudan: An Analysis of Their Reports with Implications for Research and Training in Arid Land Management

by Heinz-Ulrich Thimm

An analysis of the successes and failures of eight development projects. In describing the conflicts between public and private interests, nomads and sedentary farmers, animals and crops, it illustrates the difficulties in planning and executing arid land development schemes. It also examines the practical implications of the study and suggests topics for further research.

NRTS- 1 /UNUP-42 ISBN 91 -808-0042-6 59 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm paper-bound US$3.00

Proceedings of the Khartoum Workshop on Arid Lands Management

Edited by J.A. Mabbutt

A compilation of papers focused particularly on understanding the causes and effects of management strategies to control and, if possible, reverse desertification. For countries with substantial dryland areas the assessment of existing knowledge and the training of personnel in its application are prerequisities of development.

NRTS-2/UNUP-44 ISBN 92-808-0044-2 97 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound US$5.00

Conservation and Development in Northern Thailand: Proceedings of a Programmatic Workshop on Agroforestry and Highland-Lowland Interactive Systems

Edited by Jack D. Ives, Sanga Sabhasri, and Pisit Voraurai

Includes eight papers on the physical, social, and economic relationships between highland and lowland and on the problems posed by the change from shifting cultivation to a more settled type of agriculture. Additional reports analyse research and training needs.

NRTS-3/U NUP-77 ISBN 92-808-0077-9 114 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound US$10.00

Rural Energy Systems in the Humid Tropics: Proceedings of the First Workshop of the United Nations University Rural Energy Systems Project

Edited by W.B. Morgan and R.P. Moss

The papers presented are concerned with energy supply and demand, especially for fuelwood in rural areas. Concentrating primarily on southwestern Nigeria, they point out the urgent need for an understanding of the social and ecological implications of rising energy prices and fuelwood shortages even in the more humid, supposedly wood-rich zones of developing countries.

NRTS-4/UNUP-93 ISBN 92-808-0093-0 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound US$5.00

Bedouins, Wealth, and Change: A Study of Rural Development in the United Arab Emirates and the Sultanate of Oman by Rainer Cordes and Fred Scholz

The sudden and unprecedented flow of wealth to the oilproducing countries in the Middle East has triggered an extremely rapid process of modernization which has had varying impact in the rural areas. By analysing in two contrasting case studies the extent to which these changes can take place without disrupting traditional systems of values, land-use, and social organization, the authors draw conclusions that have a much wider applicability.

NRTS-7/UNUP-143 ISBN 92-808-0143-0 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound US$7.00

Bioconversion of Organic Residues for Rural Communities

A compilation of papers from a workshop on the development of techniques for the production of big-mass from organic residues-focusing on the potential of bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and algae to upgrade organic wastes into valuable feed products and energy sources, and on the importance of low-cost processes for the improvement of health and socio-economic conditions in rural areas.

IPWN-1/UNUP-43 ISBN 92-808-0043-4 176 pages, 21.4 x 28 cm, paper-bound US$10.00

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