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Proceedings of the Khartoum workshop on arid lands
Table of contents (97 p.)
Edited by J.A. Mabbutt
The University of Khartoum-The United Nations
University 22 - 26 October 1978
© The United Nations University, 1979
ISBN 92-808-00442
This report was published within the framework of the United Nations University's Programme on the Use and Management of Natural Resources. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the United Nations University.
United Nations University Press
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The university of Khartoum and the United Nations university
The Khartoum workshop in relation to the programmes of the united nations university
United nations university evaluation mission to the Sudan, 1-9 october 1977
POST-graduate studies in the university of Khartoum
Establishment of an institute of environmental studies at the university of Khartoum
Proposed M.Sc. programmes in environmental studies at the university of Khartoum
Proposed joint research project between university college, Swansea, and the university of Khartoum under the United Nations university arid lands sub-programme
Programmes for improved arid lands management
Relevance of the UN plan to combat desertification to the Khartoum workshop on arid lands management
The Central arid zone research institute and its relevance to the united nations university network in Africa
Proposed training programmes in arid lands management at the university of new south Wales
Geographical research in francophone countries of the western and central Sahel
Management strategies for drylands: available options and unanswered questions
Some aspects of local government and environmental management in the Sudan
Wildife conservation in the arid zone of the Sudan
Soil conservation and land reclamation in the Sudan
Effect of soil salinity on the productivity of arid lands, with special reference to the Sudan
Nomads and their sedentarization in the Sudan
Impact of improved rural water supplies on settlement distribution in western Sudan the case of east Kordofan and el-Fasher districts
Water-health relationships in el-Obeid: an example from an urban semi-arid area in western Sudan
Socio-economic assessment of agricultural development projects in the Sudan
Report and recommendations of the Khartoum workshop on arid lands management, 22-25 october 1978
Appendix A: agenda of the united nations university-university of Khartoum workshop on arid lands management
Appendix B: workshop participants
Appendix C: draft statutes, institute of environmental studies, university of Khartoum
Appendix D: syllabus details for proposed M.Sc. programmes in environmental studies at the university of Khartoum
Appendix E: selected list of books and monographs published by the central arid zone research institute, Jodhpur, India
Appendix F: content of training programmes in arid lands management proposed by the university of New South Wales, Kensington, Australia
Appendix G: information on the research centre on development in tropical dry areas, university of Rouen, France
Appendix H:course outline in training for arid lands management proposed by H-U.Thimm