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Adams, M.E. "An Agricultural Development Plan for Southern Dafur." In All M. El Hassan (ed.). Essays on the Economy and Society of the Sudan, Vol.1, Khartoum, 1977, pp. 1 532.

---. Developing the Traditional Sector in Sudan. Khartoum, 1977.

Ad-hoc Advisory Committee. Use and Management of Natural Resources. Tokyo, 1977.

Barnett. T. The Gezira Scheme, Frank Cass and Company, Ltd., London, 1977.

Beshir, M.O. Educational Policy and the Employment Problem in the Sudan. DSRC Monograph Series. University of Khartoum, 1977.

Blanckenburg, P. von, and K. Hubert. "The Khashm el Girba Settlement Scheme in Sudan." In Zeitschrift für Auslandische Landwirtschaft. 1969. pp. 328-364.

The Democratic Republic of the Sudan. Six Year Development Plan (1977-7982). Khartoum, 1977.

The Democratic Republic of the Sudan, Agricultural Section. National Planning Commission. Summaries of Major Projects Proposed for Agricultural Development. Issue No. 1, Khartoum, 1975.

The Democratic Republic of the Sudan, Ministry of Culture and Information. Sudan: Facts and Figures, 1974.

The Democratic Republic of the Sudan, Ministry of Finance, Planning, and National Economy. Economic Survey 1976-76. Khartoum, 1977.

--. Economic Survey 1976-77. Khartoum, 1978.

Fadialla, Ali. Gerih el Sarha Rural Development Scheme. University of Khartoum. Department of Geography, 1972.

FAO. Perspective Study of Agricultural Development for the Democratic Republic of Sudan: Farm Mechanization. ESP/AGL/PS/SUD/ 73113. Rome. 1973.

---. Perspective Study of Agricultural Development for the Democratic Republic of Sudan: Food Supplies and Nutrition. ESP/AGL/ PS/SUD/ 73/4. Rome. 1973.

---. Perspective Study of Agricultural Development for the Democratic Republic of Sudan: Land and Water Development and Use. ESP/AGL/PS/SUD/ 73/6. Rome. 1973.

General Administration for Natural Resources. Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources. Sudan's Desert Encroachment Control Rehabilitation Programme (D.E.C.A.R.P.). Khartoum, 1976.

Green, H.A. "An Innovative Approach to Administrative Training: An Experience from Nigeria." In Journal of Administration Overseas. Vol.17, No. 1. 1978, pp. 2834.

Hunting Technical Services. Sag el Na'am Evaluation on Pre-lnvestment Study. Khartoum, 1976.

IBRD. The Economic Development and Prospects of the Sudan, Vol. l, Main Report. 1972.

---. The Economic Development and Prospects of the Sudan, Vol. II, annex 1: The Public Enterprises. 1972.

---. The Economic Development and Prospects of the Sudan, Vol.III, annex 2: The Agricultural Sector. 1972.

---. Performance Audit Report. 1975.

---. Report on Reconnaissance Mission to the Khashm el Girba Scheme. 1976.

---. South Kordofan Agriculture Development. Khartoum, 1976.

ILO. Growth, Employment, and Equity: A Comprehensive Strategy for the Sudan Geneva, 1976.

---. Growth, Employment and Equity: Guide Lines towards Development of Nomadism in the Sudan. Khartoum, 1977.

---. Growth, Employment, and Equity: Mission to the Sudan 1974-75. Khartoum, 1977.

Information and Publication Section. Sudan Gezira Board. The Gezira Scheme, Past and Present. Barakat.

Mensching, H., and F. Ibrahim. "The Problem of Desertification in and around Arid Lands." In Applied Sciences and Development, Vol. 10, 1977. pp. 743.

Mukhtar, H.A. M. Flange Development in the Democratic Republic of the Sudan. Addis Ababa, 1977.

Müller, J.O. "Gedanken zur Soziologischen Problematik von Bewasserungssystemen im Rahmen der staatlichen Entwicklungspolitik." In Zeitschrift fur Bewasserungswirtschaft, No. 2, 1977, pp. 187222.

National Academy of Sciences. More Water for Arid Lands. Washington, D.C., 1974.

Saeed, O.I. Evaluation of Khashm el Girba Agricultural Corporation. Khartoum, 1975.

Sorbo. G.M. Economic Adaptations in Khashm el Girba. African Studies Seminar Series. No. 1 4. Faculty of Arts, University of Khartoum, 1972.

United Nations Conference on Desertification. Sahel Green Belt Transnational Project: Action Plan to Combat Desertification. A/CONF. 74/29. Nairobi, 1977.

---. Report of the United Nations Conference on Desertification. A/CONF. 74/36. Nairobi, 1977.

---. Study of Alternative Economic Strategies for the Development of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands. A/CONF. 74/34. Nairobi, 1977.

---. The Sudan Experience in the Field of Desert Encroachment Control and Rehabilitation. Khartoum, 1977.

University of Leeds. Study of Agricultural Development in the Sudan Central Rainlands. 1975.

Wagialla, N.A. "Nomadism and Settlement," M.A. thesis, Reading University, 1976.

Additional Material for Interested Readers

Agrar- und Hydrotechnik GmbH: Nuba Mountains Region-Development Potential Survey. Essen, 1977.

---. Increase of Agricultural Production in the Sudan. Essen, 1975.

Briggs, J.A. "Aspects of the Development Process in Africa: a Study of the Southern Gummuiya Area of Central Sudan.'' Ph. D. thesis, University of Wales, 1976.

Davies, H.R.J.''An Agricultural Revolution in the African Tropics: The Development of Mechanized Agriculture on the Clay Plains of Sudan." In Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geographie, 55. 1964.

El Hadari, A.R. Economics of Dura Production in the Mechanized Crop Production Schemes. Faculty of Agriculture, Khartoum, 1969.

---.and G. Ballal, Agricultural Marketing and Credit through Cooperative Societies: A Case Study of the Khashm el Girba Scheme in Sudan. Faculty of Agriculture, Khartoum, 1976.

Hoyle. S.G. "The Settlement of Nomads in the Sudan: the Case of Khashm el Girba Agricultural Scheme." Ph.D. thesis. University of London, 1977.

Kevie. W. van den Manual for Land Suitability Classified for agriculture. Technical Bulletin No. 21 Soil Survey Administration, Wad Medani. 1971.

Khogali, M.M. Nomads and Their Sedentarization in the Sudan. Department of Geography. University of Khartoum, 1978.

---. Western Sudanese Migrants to Khashm el Girba Agricultural Region: A Case Study. Department of Geography, University of Khartoum, 1976.

Shakkak, K.I. ''Mechanization of Agriculture in the Clay Plains of the Sudan with Special Reference to Gedaref District.'' M.A. thesis. Khartoum, 1977.

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