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The following is a set of definitions of technical terms used in this handbook:

Evaluation. Systematic assessment or appraisal of existing hygiene practices focusing on what they are and why they are practiced.

Method. Manner, technique of doing something, for instance, gathering information on existing hygiene practices.

Observer effect. The effect of being watched; changing one's behaviour as a result of being observed.

Sensitize. To arouse awareness, to make people aware of, or sensitive to, things they had not previously noticed.

Stakeholder. Interested party, someone with shared ownership of something of importance, for example, the findings of a hygiene evaluation study.

Tool. Instrument. For example, an informal interview schedule is a tool for collecting information, as is a questionnaire. A tool can be applied using a variety of methods or techniques.

Triangulation. Crosschecking of information by looking at its different sources, methods and tools of obtaining it, and/or its differing versions as held by different investigators.

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