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BANDINI, L.G., SCHOELLER, D.A., EDWARDS, J. YOUNG, V.R., OH, S.H., DIETZ, W.H.: Energy expenditure during carbohydrate overfeeding in obese and non-obese adolescents. Am. J. Physiol., 256, E357-E367 (1989).

BLACK, A.E., PRENTICE, A.M., COWARD, W.A.: Use of food quotients to predict respiratory quotients for the doubly-labelled water method of measuring energy expenditure. Hum. Nutr. Clin. Nutr., 40C, 381-391 (1986).

BUTTE, N.F., WONG, W.W., LEE, L.S., GARZA, C., KLEIN, P.D.: Energy expenditure of 4-month-old breast-fed and formula-fed infants. Proc. Nutr. Soc., 47, 37A (1988)

BUTTE, N.F., WONG, W.W., GARZA, C., KLEIN, P.D.: Energy expenditure and growth of breast-fed and formula-fed infants. FASEB J., 3, A5936 (1989).

DAVIES, P.S.W.: Reference data for total energy expenditure in early infancy. (This volume).

DAVIES, P.S.W., COLE, T.J., LUCAS, A.: Adjusting energy expenditure for body weight in early infancy. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr., 43, 641-645 (1989).

FJELD, C.R., SCHOELLER, D.A., BROWN, K.H.: A new model for predicting energy requirements of children during catch-up growth developed using doubly labeled water. Pediatr. Res., 25, 503-508 (1989).

FOMON, S.J., HASCHKE, F., ZIEGLER, E.E., NELSON, S.E.: Body composition of reference children from birth to age 10 years. Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 35, 1169-1175 (1982).

IDECG: The Doubly-Labelled Water Method for Measuring Energy Expenditure: Technical Recommendations for Use in Humans, A.M. PRENTICE (Ed.). NAHRES-4, IAEA, Vienna, 1990.

JONES, P.J.H., WINTHROP, A.L., SCHOELLER, D.A., SWYER, P.H., SMITH, J., FILLER, R.M., HEIM, T.: Validation of doubly labeled water for assessing energy expenditure in infants. Pediatr. Res., 21, 242-246 (1987).

JONES, P.J.H., WINTHROP, A.L., SCHOELLER, D.A., FILLER, R.M., SWYER, P.H., SMITH, J., HEIM, T.: Evaluation of doubly labeled water for measuring energy expenditure in infants. Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 47, 799-804 (1988).

LIFSON, N., McCLINTOCK, R.: Theory of the use of the turnover rates of body water for measuring energy expenditure and material balance. J. Theoret. Biol., 12, 4674 (1966).

LUCAS, A., COWARD, W.A., ROBERTS, S.B., EWING, G.: How much energy does the breast-fed infant consume and expend? Br. Med. J., 295, 75-77 (1987).

LUCAS, A.: Energy requirements inferred from energy intakes of infants and children growing normally: results and methodological limitations. (This volume).

PRENTICE, A.M., LUCAS, A., VASQUEZ-VELASQUEZ, L., DAVIES, P.S.W., WHITEHEAD, R.G.: Are current dietary guidelines for young children a prescription for overfeeding? Lancet, ii, 1066-1069 (1988).

ROBERTS, S.B., COWARD, W.A., SCHLINGENSEIPEN. K-H., NOHRIA, V., LUCAS, A.: Comparison of the doubly-labelled water (2H218O) method with indirect calorimetry and a nutrient-balance study for simultaneous determination of energy expenditure, water intake, and metabolizable energy intake in preterm infants. Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 44, 325-322 (1986).

ROBERTS, S.B., COWARD, W.A., EWING, G., SAVAGE, J. COLE, T.J., LUCAS, A.: The effect of weaning on the accuracy of the doubly-labelled water (2H218O) method in infants. Am. J. Physiol., 254, R622-627 (1988).

SCHOELLER, D.A., BANDINI, L.G., LEVITSKY, L.L., DIETZ, W.H.: Energy requirements of obese children and young adults. Proc. Nutr. Soc., 47, 3, 241-246 (1988).

SCHOELLER, D.A., LEVITSKY, L.L., BANDINI, L.G., DIETZ, W.W., WALCZAK, A.: Energy expenditure and body composition in Prader-Willi syndrome. Metabolism, 37, 115-120 (1989).

SHEPHERD, R.W., HOLT, T.W., VASQUEZ-VELASQUEZ, L., COWARD, W.A., PRENTICE, A.M., LUCAS, A.: Increased energy expenditure in young children with cystic fibrosis. Lancet, i, 1300-1303 (1988).

SPURR, G.B., REINA, J.C.: Estimation and validation of energy expenditure obtained by the minute-by-minute measurement of heart rate. (This volume).

TORUN, B.: Energy cost of various physical activities in healthy infants and children. (This volume).

VASQUEZ-VELASQUEZ, L.: Energy expenditure and physical activity of malnourished Gambian infants. Proc. Nutr. Soc., 47, 233-239 (1988).

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