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The Dietary Energy Consultancy Group (IDECG) was established in 1986 to promote, evaluate and disseminate research on dietary energy intake, requirements, and metabolism in relation to human health and welfare. The 1989 IDECG workshop focused on the "Activity, Energy Expenditure and Energy Requirements of Infants and Children". It became apparent from the discussion that it was impossible to deal fully with energy metabolism, without dealing with the metabolism of protein and other nutrients.

IDECG's Advisory Committee recommended that its next workshop examine the relationships between protein and energy metabolism in both children and adults. This book contains the 14 background papers, 10 discussant presentations, and the four panel reports from the resultant meeting.

IDECG was established by the United Nations University (UNU) in cooperation with the International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS) on behalf of the UN ACC-Subcommittee on Nutrition (SCN) to which it reports annually. Its secretariat is provided by the Nestlé Foundation. An Executive Committee is made up of the Director of the UNU Programme on Food and Nutrition, the Secretary-General of IUNS and the Executive Secretary of IDECG. Nine Advisory Committee members with three-year staggered terms are appointed by UNU.

We should like to thank Miss Edwina Murray for assisting us in the organization of this workshop, Mrs. Ann-Marie Favre for helping us prepare this publication, Mrs. Nelleke Luong-van-My and Miss Diana Schellitzer for technical assistance.

Beat Schürch

Nevin S. Scrimshaw


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