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European journal of clinical nutrition


J S Garrow
Hertfordshire, UK

J C Seidell
Bilthoven, The Netherlands

Review Editor

A Astrup
Copenhagen, Denmark

Book Review Editor

DAT Southgate
Norfolk, UK

Chairman of Editorial Board

A Trichopoulou
Athens School of Public Health, Athens, Greece

Editorial Board

EM Berry
Hadassah Medical School,
Jerusalem, Israel

KH Brown
University of California,
Davies, USA

TJ Cole
Dunn Nutrition Laboratory,
Cambridge, UK

H Dirren
Nestlé Research Center Lausanne,

EB Fern
Nestle Research Centre,
Vers-Chez-les Blanc

A Ferro-Luzzi
National Institute of Nutrition,
Rome, Italy

JGAJ Hautvast
Wageningen Agricultural
University, The Netherlands

E Helsing
World Health Organization,
Copenhagen, Denmark

JK Huttunen
National Public Health
Institute, Finland

S Inoue
National Institute of Health
Tokyo, Japan

WPT James
Rowett Research Institute
Aberdeen, UK

E Jéquier
University of Lausanne,

MR Law
St Bartholomew s Hospital
Medical College, London, UK

D Lemonnier
Paris, France

L Lissner
University of Göteborg,
Göteberg, Sweden

J Mann
University of Otago,
New Zealand

JA Olson
Iowa State University,
Ames, USA

E Riboli
International Agency for
Research on Cancer,
Lyon, France

G Schöch
Förschungsinstitut für
Kinderernährung, Dortmund

Y Schutz
University of Lausanne,
Lausanne, Switzerland

P Shetty
London School of Hygiene,
London, UK

S Truswell
University of Sydney,

C La Vecchia
Farmacologiche 'Mario Negri',
Milan, Italy

The Official Journal of the European Academy of Nutritional Sciences

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