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Trends in body mass index in developing countries

Appendix. Data sources

David L. Pelletier and Maike Rahn
The authors are affiliated with the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, USA.

Mention of the names of firms and commercial products does not imply endorsement by the United Nations University.


The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which adult body mass index (BMI) has changed in developing countries over the past several decades. The analysis is based on a compilation and analysis of mean BMI in 1,432 published samples from developing countries measured between 1957 and 1994. A hierarchical multiple-regression model is applied to these data, controlling for country and study as random covariates and modelling age, sex, socio-economic status, and year as fixed effects. The results reveal a statistically significant increase in mean BMI between 1957 and 1994 in all major regions of the developing world. The size of the increase was 1.4 kg/m2 over the 37-year period, with a 95% confidence interval of 0.4 to 2.4 kg/m2. Mean BMI appears to have increased in all major regions of the developing world, although the size of the increase varies across regions. Using assumptions about the statistical distribution of BMI within populations and cut-off points recommended by the World Health Organization, the analysis suggests that the increase in mean BMI may have resulted in a slight decrease in the prevalence of underweight (BMI<18.5 kg/m2) but is unlikely to have produced an increase in obesity (BMI>30 kg/m2) in most regions. By contrast, the use of lower cut-off points to define obesity, as is done in many individual studies, would suggest that obesity has increased in developing countries. These results highlight the importance of using standardized definitions for underweight and obesity among adults, the need to assess and consider the prevalence of both conditions simultaneously during planning and policy development, and the need to identify policy instruments appropriate to the nutritional profile within a country.


For the world as a whole, the overall rates and causes of death have undergone dramatic changes in the past several decades. Taking the estimates from Bulatao [1] for the years 1970 to 1985 as an example, the total mortality rate for the world has declined from 1,287 to 1,034 per 100,000. This decline is even more marked among developing countries, from a rate of 1,378 in 1970 to 1,035 in 1985. These declines in overall mortality are associated with concomitant declines in virtually all identifiable categories of death for the world and for developing countries as a whole, with the most rapid declines being found for infectious diseases. Another important observation is that, in the developing world, there is an increase in the number and percentage of all deaths attributable to circulatory diseases and neoplasms, trends that are expected to accelerate sharply in the coming years [2].

There are three potential reasons for these changes, which have quite different policy implications and, therefore, are important to distinguish from one another. The first is that the spread of public health measures and knowledge has contributed to a rapid decrease in mortality from communicable diseases, which is most marked among young children and has accelerated since 1960, continuing a trend that began near the turn of the century in developed countries. This has been noted by several authoritative sources and appears well established [3 - 5]. The second is that, fuelled by simultaneous changes in fertility and age-specific mortality rates, a greater proportion of people are living into adulthood, when chronic diseases become manifest. This demographic transition is reflected in significant decreases in total and age-specific fertility rates and increases in life expectancy at birth and at age 15, and is also well established.

A third potential explanation is that the causes of death within various age and sex groups (notably among adults) have undergone changes. According to this explanation, changes in diet, exposure to infectious agents and environmental hazards, and various life-style factors (e.g., tobacco and alcohol use, occupational exposures, sedentary life-style, and psychosocial stress) have led to an increased biological risk for chronic disease. There is a large body of evidence establishing the relevance of these factors to chronic disease in developed countries, but a central question is whether, or to what extent, these changes are having potent and broad-scale effects on mortality in the developing world today. The use of proportional mortality rates (i.e., percentage of total deaths due to different causes) or all-ages mortality rates is inappropriate for testing this explanation, because such comparisons are potentially confounded by the above-mentioned changes in population age structure and the precipitous decrease in infectious diseases that are well established. Unfortunately, many authors have failed to distinguish among these three explanations, and have mistakenly assumed that the sharp increase in the share of total deaths due to chronic disease, or in the rate of death from chronic disease for the population as a whole, implies comparable changes in biological risk for chronic disease among adults in the developing world [6].

To illustrate the importance of methodology for conclusions concerning chronic disease trends in the developing world, table 1 compares the results based on four measures of mortality, adapted from Bulatao and Stephens [7]. The first three measures lead to the clear conclusion that chronic diseases are an emerging problem in developing countries, and, indeed, in a certain sense they are emerging problems. However, the trends in these indicators are being driven by changes in total population size and structure (measure 1), changing age structure (measure 3), and a combination of changing age structure and decline in infectious diseases (measure 2). When these forces are removed by examining age-specific death rates among adults (measure 4), it can be seen that the trend is one of stability or decline, consistent with the overall decline in mortality in these countries. Similar findings were reported for males and females in five developing countries with adequate vital registration systems [6] from 1955 to 1985, and similar findings emerged from the Global Burden of Disease Study [2].

The upward trends in the first three mortality indicators of table 1 have important policy implications for developing countries, even if they cannot be taken as evidence that the biological risk for chronic disease is increasing. These trends do imply that the health systems in these countries will increasingly need to adapt to the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, because their populations are growing older and are growing in absolute size, and the ratio of deaths due to chronic diseases versus infectious diseases is increasing rapidly. This will create added competition for resources within the health sector, especially if expensive medical intervention strategies are chosen in lieu of primary prevention. However, from a broader policy perspective, it is important to determine the extent to which adults in the developing world are experiencing increases in biological risk for chronic disease as a result of changes in diet, environmental exposures, life-style, and other factors. The answers to this question would help decide the extent to which chronic disease risk should be another consideration in the formulation of food, agriculture, environmental, and nutrition policy. The age-specific mortality trends shown in table 1 (measure 4) suggest that this is not the case, contrary to the forceful impression created by the first three indicators that are more commonly seen and quoted in the journal literature, policy documents, and the media.

This paper extends an earlier report [8] that addresses the “diet, environment, and life-style” question using two quite different approaches. The first approach was to apply a demographic model to predict causes of mortality on an age-specific basis, using a number of other refinements not used in the projections published by the World Bank [7] and the National Research Council [5]. This analysis yielded results broadly similar to those of the Global Burden of Disease Study [2] and are not included in this paper.

TABLE 1. Trends and projections in deaths due to circulatory disease and neoplasms in the developing world according to four mortality measures


Cause of death











No. of deaths x 1,000, 45-65 yr



















% of deaths, all ages



















Deaths per 100,000, all ages



















Deaths per 100,000, 45-65 yr



















Source: ref. 7.
The second approach is to study trends in biological risk factors for chronic diseases, rather than cause-specific death rates. Biological risk factors have the advantage that they are more responsive to current or recent behavioural and environmental conditions, as compared with mortality rates, which typically have a lag period of several decades. Obesity is one such risk factor, and, consistently with the focus on the epidemiologic transition, many authors have suggested that obesity is increasing in developing countries. However, the empirical evidence for this conclusion has been quite fragmentary and seems based on observed differences between contemporary rural and urban populations or socio-economic strata, rather than temporal differences per se. The analysis provided here is intended to extend earlier analyses by the World Health Organization (WHO) [9] and the US Centers for Disease Control (T. Byers, personal communication, 1996), both of which concluded that the database for estimating trends in relative weight in developing countries is inadequate. The present paper employs a different approach to the problem from these previous attempts.


An initial overview of available data in 1990 by WHO [9] located only seven developing countries with national surveys from which the prevalence of obesity could be estimated, none of which had data from two points in time for estimating trends. A more recent review (T. Byers, personal communication, 1996) located another 10 large-scale surveys, but none of these were able to estimate trends over time. That report did note large differences in mean body mass index (BMI: weight/height2) between population groups differing in rural/urban residence or socio-economic conditions, with the urban, upper socio-economic groups having consistently higher mean BMIs and obesity prevalences.

In light of the current dearth of large-scale survey data from two or more points in time in developing countries, the present study uses an alternative approach to estimate time trends in BMI. Specifically, it is based on the compilation and analysis of the many small-scale, community-based surveys in developing countries, as reported in the scientific literature since 1960. Whereas none of these studies is individually able to indicate time trends in BMI, this study was undertaken to determine whether they might, in the aggregate, reveal the presence of such trends when analysed on a country-specific or region-specific basis. In addition, information on age, sex, and socio-economic characteristics was retrieved from these reports in order to analytically remove variation due to these sources and test the extent to which socio-economic variation (a proxy for future trends in developing countries) is associated with variation in adult BMI.

The data for this study were obtained by conducting a literature search for studies published between 1960 and 1995. The criteria for inclusion in the study were the following: data were provided on mean BMI, the prevalence of either high or low BMI, or mean weight and height from which BMI could be calculated; samples were taken from developing countries and represented non-European populations; samples did not represent clinical cases from hospitals or clinics; samples were entirely or largely composed of persons 18 years of age or above.

Three methods were employed for the literature search: computer-assisted search based on keywords, a systematic search of key journals based on geographic or topical focus, and the usual bibliographic branching or “snowballing” technique. These methods yielded 176 papers with data from 66 developing countries (see Appendix). It is suspected that many more papers of this type could have been found if the search had been extended, but this was not possible for the purposes of this paper.

Most of the 176 papers presented data on BMI, weight, and height for several strata from the overall sample, with strata defined according to age, sex, occupation, rural/urban location, education, and other socio-economic variables. Thus, the 176 papers yielded a data set of 1,432 observations, with each observation eventually representing the BMI for one particular stratum, from one study, in one country. The associated age, sex, and socio-economic descriptors for each stratum were recorded and used in the analysis. In recognition of the non-independence of such observations, a hierarchical modelling procedure was used for the analysis, as described below. The median sample size for the 1,432 observations, upon which a mean BMI was calculated, was 77 persons. The lowest quintile had a sample size of 25 or less and the highest quintile had 448 or more.

Although the central interest in this paper is on trends in obesity in developing countries, the available data from these countries usually take the form of mean weight, height, and BMI, as opposed to estimates of the percentage of adults with elevated BMIs, which would be more indicative of obesity. When prevalences are reported, they tend to refer to the percentage of adults with low rather than high BMI values, reflecting the predominant concern for undernutrition in these countries. For these reasons, the primary analysis is based on mean BMI values as the dependent variables. Mean BMIs were directly available for 40% of the observations and could be calculated from mean weight and height in another 40%. The remaining papers provided only prevalence data. Mean BMIs were estimated in these remaining cases by using prediction equations derived from 154 observations in the data set that contained mean BMI data as well as prevalence data.* Although the use of prediction equations for 20% of the sample introduces an additional random error component, there was no difference between the mean BMIs that were directly reported and those estimated through these equations.

* A variety of prediction models were tested, but the final one adopted for this purpose expresses mean BMI as a function of the prevalence above or below a given cut-off point, the cut-off point itself, the square and cube of the prevalence, and an interaction term between prevalence and the cut-off point. This equation has an R2 value of 85% and a standard error of the estimate of 1.9 for estimating mean BMI.
The independent variables used in the analysis include sex, age, year of measurement, region, and socio-economic level. Data for men and women were reported separately in most papers and are treated separately in the analysis. For the minority of observations that combined men and women, those observations are given the same code as the male samples. Data on the age range of the sample were extracted or inferred from the published papers and were used to estimate a midpoint age for use in the analysis. The mean midpoint age for the entire sample was 42 years, with a standard deviation of 12.6 years and with the means for all regions ranging from 39.5 to 46.8 years. The year of measurement was directly reported in most cases and was inferred from the year of publication in the remainder. Although the intention was to include measurements since 1960, the final sample included samples since 1957. Eight regions were defined: sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the middle Asian countries, China, India, the remainder of South and South-East Asia, Australasia (Papua New Guinea and related Melanesian groups), Polynesia and Micronesia considered as a single group, and Latin America and the Caribbean considered as a single group. China and India were considered separately because of the size of their populations and their important influences on the world supply and demand for food. All of these regions were found to have sufficient data, except for the North African and middle Asian region, which was deleted from the analysis. In addition, data from China prior to 1982 were very sparse and exerted a large influence on the results in multivariable models. Thus, the China results were analysed with the full data set and separately after excluding the data points prior to 1982.

A socio-economic index was estimated for each observation by using whatever information was provided in the published papers. Information on occupation, rural/urban residence, or other socio-economic indicators was available for 86.3% of the observations, and this information was used to create a combined socio-economic index. Although the nature and extent of this type of information vary widely across studies, an index was created with three “socio-economic levels.” Depending upon the information available, the lower level may represent rural populations, poor urban or peri-urban populations, traditional or agricultural occupations, or a variety of other descriptors of poverty as used by the authors. The higher socio-economic stratum represents sedentary, skilled, or high-wage occupations, students, “urban” samples not further distinguished by the authors, or groups designated as well-off or of high socio-economic status (SES) by the authors. The middle level includes mixed samples, those employed in the formal sector but not in high-wage jobs, “housewives,” the unemployed, and those designated as mid-level status by the authors. The middle level also includes the 13.7% of observations that could not be clearly classified in the other two levels because no information was available. The resulting socio-economic index is assumed to represent an ordinal variable whose primary validity relates to intra-paper comparisons as presented in the original papers and may have additional validity across papers from the same country or region. However, the index is assumed to have much weaker validity across regions and cannot be used to make strict comparisons across regions.

Table 2 provides a breakdown of the sample according to socio-economic level and region. The distribution of observations by socio-economic index favours the lowest category in the case of sub-Saharan Africa, India, South and South-East Asia, and Australasia, where roughly 50% to 65% of observations fall into this category and the remainder are divided between the middle and highest categories. The opposite pattern is seen with the China samples, in which 74% of observations were classified into the highest level. The remaining regions have more balanced distributions. For reasons given above, these distributions are assumed to reflect the characteristics of the particular sample of studies used in this study, rather than the regions as a whole, and the socio-economic distinctions are primarily assumed to have internal validity (i.e., within-paper and within-country validity).

TABLE 2. Distribution of samples according to socio-economic index and region


Socio-economic indexa




Sub-Saharan Africa




South and South-East Asia
















Polynesia and Micronesia




Latin America and Caribbean




North Africa and middle Asia




All regions




a The index is a composite variable based on residence (rural/urban), occupation (10 categories), and/or information provided in the text of each paper; 13.7% of observations could not be classified and were assigned to the middle category. In the final regression analyses, the middle and higher SES categories were combined into a single group to simplify interpretation.
The statistical analysis employed here is hierarchical multiple regression using the MIXED procedure in SAS [10]. In this analysis, the 66 countries and 176 papers are treated as random covariates whose influences on mean BMI are removed before testing for the fixed effects of year, region, age, sex, and socio-economic index. This procedure adjusts for the non-independence of observations derived from a given paper and from multiple papers within the same country. This is a powerful advantage, because it takes account of unmeasured sources of variation in mean BMI among papers and among countries (which are expected to be powerful sources of variation) before estimating temporal trends (year) and other sources of variation (region, age, sex, and socio-economic index). In addition to estimating the main effects from these sources, models were created with interaction terms to test for differential time trends in BMI across various regions, age and sex groups, and socio-economic groups. In all analyses, the continuous variables (year and midpoint age) are centred near their means to facilitate interpretation. Thus, the variable year represents the number of years intervening between 1975 and the year of measurement, and the variable age represents the number of years by which the midpoint age deviates from 45.


The mean BMI, weight, and height for this sample of studies are shown in table 3 according to region. BMI is lowest in India (20.1) and the rest of South and South-East Asia (20.2), followed by sub-Saharan Africa (21.2), China and Australasia (22.1), North Africa and middle Asia (23.2), and Latin America and the Caribbean (23.3). Polynesia and Micronesia has the highest mean BMI (28.5), which stands out from the rest of the sample.

Table 4 presents the results of three hierarchical regression models to estimate the influence of the two random effects variables (country and paper) and the two fixed effects of greatest interest here (year and region). As revealed by the variance estimates in model 1, country and paper do contribute significantly to the observed variance in BMI. In model 2 it can be seen that the addition of region reduces the apparent influence of country, but country and paper both remain significant variables. Region itself is highly significant in model 2 (F=16.89, p<.0001), and the coefficients for each region conform to the same ranking of regions as that shown in table 3. Model 3 reveals that there is a significant positive coefficient for the variable year (p=.0043), suggesting that for the developing world as a whole, mean BMI has increased by 0.038 kg/m2 per year during the period from 1957 to 1994. This implies an increase of 1.41 kg/m2 over the entire period, with a 95% confidence interval of 0.44 to 2.37 kg/m2.

Table 5 presents the F ratios and significance levels for regression models that incorporate an increasing number of main effects and interaction terms. In reviewing the results of these models, particular attention is given to the main effect of year and its interaction with other main effects, in order to understand the ways in which the temporal trends in mean BMI may vary across regions, age and sex groups, and socio-economic groups. Note that the middle and upper socio-economic groups have been merged into a single category in the results presented here, to simplify the interpretation.

TABLE 3. BMI, weight, and height according to region



BMI (kg/m2)

Weight (kg)

Height (cm)


Sub-Saharan Africa






South and South-East Asia
























Polynesia and Micronesia






Latin America and Caribbean






North Africa and middle Asiac






All regions






Plus-minus values are means ± SD.

a. Sample sizes refer to the total number of observations in the data set, with the number of observations from each published paper being determined by the number of persons of each age, sex, and SES for which BMI, weight, or height was reported.

b. Sample sizes refer to observations reporting mean weight and height instead of, or in addition to, mean BMI or BMI prevalences.

c. This region is excluded from subsequent analyses because most observations arise from only three countries, each measured at only one point in time.

TABLE 4. Results of hierarchical regression analysis on BMI


Independent variable





























Sub-Saharan Africa



South and South-East Asia



China (full)8






Polynesia and Micronesia



Latin America and Caribbean



India (reference)
















Sub-Saharan Africa



South and South-East Asia



China (full)a






Polynesia and Micronesia



Latin America and Caribbean



India (reference)






a Includes all data points from China.
Model 3 in this table corresponds to model 3 in table 4 and is repeated here for the sake of continuity. As shown, the effects of year and region are both highly significant. The addition of the other main effects (model 4) reveals that sex, SES, and age are all strongly associated with variation in mean BMI, and region remains a highly significant variable in this model. The F ratio for year is reduced to 2.97, with a positive regression coefficient of.021 and a probability value of.0851.

Model 5 includes an interaction term between region and year, to test whether the apparent increase in mean BMI over time varies across regions. The F ratio for the interaction term is statistically significant and restores the F ratio for year to statistically significant levels (F=7.14, p =.0077). Model 6 further includes the interactions between region and each of the other explanatory variables (age, sex, and SES). The F ratio for each of these is highly significant, indicating that these variables are differentially associated with mean BMI across the regions. The F ratio for the year main effect remains significant (F=4.36,p=.0370).

Model 7 includes the three-way interactions involving year and region with each of the other variables in turn (age, sex, and SES). The three-way interactions involving sex and age-squared are not statistically significant. Those involving SES and age are significant, indicating that the region-specific time trends in mean BMI vary with age and SES group. The main effect of year remains statistically significant in this model (F=5.59, p>=.0182). Model 8 includes the two-way interactions between year and each of the other explanatory variables, along with two-way interactions involving age, sex, and SES. The statistically significant interactions among this group are year by age, age by SES, and SES by sex. As before, the year main effect remains statistically significant (F=4.63, p=.0316).

In order to examine the implications of these results for time trends in mean BMI, a series of predicted means was generated for men and women from each region, stratifying by the SES variables. The results from model 6 were used for this purpose in order to incorporate the strong effects of the interactions in that model. Although some of the interaction terms in models 7 and 8 are also significant, the precision of the time-trend estimates from these models is likely to be much lower, and therefore they were not used for this exercise. The results from model 6 were used to estimate the mean BMI levels in various groups in the years 1960 and 1990. The SES stratification contrasts the low socio-economic group with all others (middle and high combined). The results are shown in table 6 and figure 1.

TABLE 5. Results of hierarchical regression analysis on BMI incorporating age, sex, SES, and interactions (F values)a

Independent variable





















































Year x region






Sex x region





SES x region





Age x region





Age2 x region





Year x region x sex




Year x region x SES




Year x region x age




Year x region x age2




Year x age



Year x age2



Year x sex



Year x SES



Age x sex



Age2 x sex



Age x SES



Age2 x SES



Sex x SES



a. F values refer to type III sums of squares in which all other model variables are controlled simultaneously. All models include country and paper as random effects, as in table 6, which were significant in all cases. Includes all data points from China.

p >.100 for figures with no asterisk.
*”* p<.001.

The overall conclusion is that predicted mean BMI increases over time in men and women from both SES strata and from all regions except Australasia (representing Papua New Guinea and island Melanesians). High-SES groups have higher mean BMIs than low-SES groups in all regions, all time periods, and both sexes. The magnitude of this SES difference varies across regions and between the sexes. The steepest slope estimates for mean BMI on year are found in Polynesia and Micronesia, and intermediate slopes are estimated in sub-Saharan Africa, South and South-East Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and China. India’s estimated slope is virtually zero, and Australasia’s slope is negative.

It should be noted that the results for China described above are based on all data points available for this analysis, i.e., the row labeled “China (full).” Model 6 was also tested after excluding eight data points from the early 1970s in China, which are the only other data points available for that country before the 1980s. The deletion of these data points has a dramatic effect on the slope estimate (B=1.477) and on the estimates of mean BMI for China in 1960 and 1990. This suggests the possibility that a modest increase in BMI may have taken place during the 1970s in China, but a much more rapid increase took place during the 1980s.

TABLE 6. Predicted mean BMI according to region, year, sex, and SES (from model 6)



High SES







Sub-Saharan Africa






South and South-East Asia






China (full)b


















Polynesia and Micronesia






Latin America and Caribbean






China (1980s)







Sub-Saharan Africa






South and South-East Asia






China (full)b


















Polynesia and Micronesia






Latin America and Caribbean






China (1980s)






a Represents the estimated change in mean BMI per decade.
b Includes all data points from China.
FIG. 1. Predicted mean BMI according to region, year, SES, and sex (from model 6) (a)

FIG. 1. Predicted mean BMI according to region, year, SES, and sex (from model 6) (b)

FIG. 1. Predicted mean BMI according to region, year, SES, and sex (from model 6) (c)

FIG. 1. Predicted mean BMI according to region, year, SES, and sex (from model 6) (d)

TABLE 7. Calculated prevalence of underweight, overweight, and obesity according to region, for high-SES women and low-SES men


Underweight (BMI < 18.5 kg/m2)

Overweight (BMI > 27 kg/m2)

Obesity (BMI > 30 kg/m2)







High-SES women

Sub-Saharan Africa







South and South-East Asia







China (full)





















Polynesia and Micronesia







Latin America and Caribbean







China (1980s)







Low-SES men

Sub-Saharan Africa







South and South-East Asia







China (full)





















Polynesia and Micronesia







Latin America and Caribbean







China (1980s)







Finally, the data in table 6 were converted into order-of-magnitude estimates of the prevalence of underweight, overweight, and obesity to gain some perspective on the extent to which changes in mean BMI are associated with changes in prevalences. This conversion was accomplished through the use of normal curve properties after making some assumptions about the standard deviation of BMI.* Cut-off values of 18.5 and 30.0 were used for estimating underweight and obesity, respectively [12], and an arbitrary cut-off value of 27.0 was used for estimating overweight. This analysis was performed for high-SES women and low-SES men, which represent the groups with the highest and lowest mean BMIs, respectively, in table 6. As shown in table 7, the estimated prevalence of underweight is far greater than the prevalence of obesity in most of the world, even in 1990. This is seen in sub-Saharan Africa, South and South-East Asia, China, India, and (among low-SES men) Latin America. High-SES women in Latin America and the Caribbean are an exception, in that the estimated prevalence of obesity is somewhat greater than the prevalence of underweight. Polynesia and Micronesia also differ (markedly so) from the rest of the world, in displaying much higher prevalences of obesity than underweight. Even when the much lower cut-off point of 27.0 is used, these estimates suggest that underweight remains the more common condition among low-SES men in most regions, even in 1990. Among high-SES women, however, the use of this lower cut-off point creates the appearance that overweight is surpassing underweight as the more common condition in sub-Saharan Africa, China, Australasia, and (for both sexes) Latin America. This lower cut-off point has little effect on the prevalence estimates in India and South and South-East Asia.

* The standard deviation of BMI was assumed to vary in a linear fashion from 2.0 in low-BMI populations (i.e, BMI=20, as in Norgan [11]) to 3.5 in medium-BMI populations (i.e., BMI=24, as in WHO [12], p. 337) to 5.0 in high-BMI populations (i.e., BMI=28, as in Pawson [13]). By further assuming that BMI is normally distributed, the normal variate (Z) was calculated for each mean BMI shown in table 6 as follows:

Z=(cut-off - mean BMI)/[(.375 x mean BMI) - 5.5]

The percentages of individuals with BMIs above or below the cut-offs specified in table 7 were then estimated using tabled values for the cumulative normal frequency distribution.


The present analysis represents a second-best strategy for estimating time trends in BMI in developing countries, the choice of which is necessitated by the virtual absence of large-scale, representative surveys at two points in time in such countries. That said, the approach has several strengths, including the existence of a large number of small-scale surveys from a wide variety of countries in all major regions; the availability of ancillary information on age, sex, and socio-economic characteristics to refine the estimate of time trends and explore a variety of interactions; and the use of a hierarchical modelling procedure that permits the statistical removal of any “extraneous” variation in BMI that may be associated with a particular country or survey (e.g., differences in level of economic development, genetic or climate-related influences on adult physique, and survey methods that may vary across studies).

If the results concerning time trends had supported the null hypothesis (i.e., no evidence of trends in BMI), they would have had numerous possible explanations, notably the existence of excessive random error in the mean BMI data. As it stands, the results suggest an increase in mean BMI for most regions of the world, which is unlikely to have arisen due to random error in the mean BMI data. Thus, the only serious threat to the validity of the time-trend findings would be if more recent surveys in each country or region were purposely conducted (or published) in populations at risk for higher mean BMI or obesity, whereas the older studies were conducted in populations less prone to obesity. In all likelihood, this would have taken the form of more frequent surveys in the urban or high-SES in recent years, but the use of an SES index in the analysis serves as a control against this possibility. It is notable (from table 5) that the main effect for year remains statistically significant, regardless of whether the SES main effect or its interaction with year is included in the model.

Of perhaps greater importance for interpreting the present results are the biological considerations related to BMI and, in particular, the extent to which increases in obesity can be inferred from these findings. BMI is a convenient indicator of obesity at high cut-off points (e.g., a value of 30 as recommended by WHO [12]), but it is much less useful at lower values when applied at an individual level. For instance, among 138 male Italian shipyard workers with an average BMI of 25.3 kg/m2 and 22.3% body fat (estimated through densitometry), the standard deviation in percentage of body fatness at a given BMI was 4.0% [14]. Although BMI in that sample was highly correlated with percentage of body fat (r=.75), it was equally correlated with fat-free mass (r=.68). Similar results are observed among men and women from Papua New Guinea and Ethiopia, whose mean BMIs are at the lower end of the range for developing countries seen in the present study (19-22 kg/m2) [11]. Thus, among adults in developing countries, variation in BMI may be as much a reflection of variation in fat-free mass as fat mass and cannot be reliably used to infer percentage of body fat at the individual level across the low-to-moderate range of BMI values.

In contrast to these interpretational difficulties associated with cross-sectional, inter-individual variation within the moderate range of BMI values, a different set of considerations applies to this paper, which focuses on the group level and on trends in mean BMI over time. First, through an analysis of 285 samples of adult men and women from developing countries, Norgan [15] concluded that, at least over the range of BMIs from 20 to 25 kg/m2, the slight inter-population differences in the relationship between BMI and body composition are unlikely to be meaningful in epidemiologic studies. This conclusion is even more valid in the present case, because the focus is on trends over time within countries and regions, rather than cross-sectional differences among countries. Second, at the population level, the mean BMI is an indicator of the central tendency of a distribution of individual BMIs, with some individuals exceeding conventional cut-off points for obesity (e.g., 30 kg/m2). Groups with relatively high mean BMI are likely to have a higher prevalence of obesity thus defined. The only caveat would be if the variance in BMI becomes compressed as mean BMI increases, but the common observation is just the opposite: groups with high mean BMI tend to have an expanded variance above the median due to greater variance in the upper tail, suggesting that the prevalence of obesity in a population increases in an accelerating fashion as the mean BMI increases (see footnote on page 231).

Applying a population-level interpretation to time trends in mean BMI provides some basis for investigating possible increases in obesity. As shown in table 6, mean BMI appears to have increased in most regions of the world from 1960 to 1990 (with the exception of Australasia), although the size of this increase varies widely across regions. Although this might seem to support the notion that obesity is increasing in the developing world, the results in table 7 suggest otherwise. Specifically, those results suggest that the prevalence of obesity, as defined by a cut-off BMI value of 30 kg/m2, is not estimated to have increased substantially in most major regions of the world during this period. The reason for this apparent contradiction is that the mean BMI of adults in most regions remains well below the cut-off point of 30 kg/m2, even in 1990. These results further suggest that the prevalence of underweight (defined as BMI< 18.5 kg/m2) has shown a slight decline in most regions but remains far higher than the prevalence of obesity.

For reasons given above, the results of the hierarchical regression analysis that is the foundation for this study are likely to be valid for estimating the overall trends in mean BMI in the past three decades, but there is likely to be much lower precision in the estimates of region-specific trends (because of a smaller number of observations in each region). Thus, the most conservative and defensible conclusion from these data is simply that mean BMI has increased in developing countries since 1957 and that this probably reflects a slight increase in overweight (as defined by a moderate cutoff point of BMI > 27 kg/m2) in certain regions of the developing world, but the increases in mean BMI seen to date do not appear to be associated with an increase in obesity (as defined by the recommended cut-off point of BMI > 30 kg/m2). To the contrary, the increase in mean BMI is likely to be associated with a slight decline in underweight (defined as BMI<18.5 kg/m2), but underweight remains the more common condition in most developing regions.

Notwithstanding the above conclusions, four caveats are in order. First, the overall trends suggested in this study refer to large geographic regions, and in no way do they preclude the possibility that obesity exists and is on the increase in smaller geographic areas and/or socio-economic groups. Second, this study does provide evidence that the general upward trend in mean BMI is likely to continue in the future if the underlying behavioural and socio-economic trends persist. This is suggested by the strong cross-sectional association between mean BMI and the socio-economic index in the present study, which is especially marked in certain regions. Third, the cut-off values used here to define underweight and obesity conform to WHO recommendations [12], but these precise cut-off values are not equivalent in statistical and functional terms (e.g., as risk factors for infectious and/or chronic disease in different environments), and the social implications of these two conditions differ markedly (e.g., in terms of social equity in access to food). Finally, this study (specifically, table 7) underscores the common knowledge that estimates of the prevalence of “obesity” (and changes over time) can vary widely, depending upon the cut-off point used to define that condition. The use of low cut-off points to define obesity (e.g., as low as 25 kg/m2 in some papers) may create the appearance of a current or emerging obesity problem in developing countries and contribute to a shift in policy attention from undernutrition to overnutrition when the social and health conditions may not warrant it.

Given the long time lags required for the development and implementation of preventive policies and programmes, the strong association between socio-economic factors and mean BMI in this study does reinforce the belief that developing countries eventually will face greater heterogeneity in nutrition-related problems. One of the challenges this creates at the policy level is to continue to find ways to meet the energy and nutrient needs of the undernourished segments of rural and urban populations in developing countries, while simultaneously ensuring healthful diets and physical activity patterns to prevent chronic disease in some of these same populations [16]. Although several categories of policy instruments have been identified for intervening in the quality of the diet of populations [17], in the current policy climate the more powerful of these may be construed as trade barriers and/or questionable interference in domestic markets (e.g., legislation, regulation, taxes, and subsidies). In addition, given the administrative weaknesses in many developing countries, it may be difficult to design these instruments in such a way that control of one form of malnutrition (e.g., protein-energy malnutrition) is not compromised by attempts to reduce or prevent another form (e.g., chronic disease-related malnutrition). The reconciling of these trade-offs at the analytical and operational levels is likely to be one of the key challenges for nutrition policy in the coming decades.


The work described here is an extension of research conducted for the International Food Policy Research Institute as part of the 2020 Vision Initiative. The assistance of Dr. Laura Kettel-Khan and Dr. Ed Frongillo is gratefully acknowledged.


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