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FIG. 1. Correlation between S:R ratios (LAA supplies/requirements) and animal-protein ratios-1987-89 averages

TABLE 6. Protein supplies per capita and essential amino acid balances for the world and by economic level and region (1987-89 averages)

  Population (millions) Protein supply EAA balance
Total (g/day) Animal Requirement pattern Imbalance index Deficiencya S:R ratiob
g/day % 1st LAA 2nd LAA
World 51,114.3 70.7 24.7 34.9 1973 Thr 0.85 Lys 0.89 235,423  
          1985 SAA 0.72 Trp 0.76 231,520 3.78
          Young Lys 0.84 Ile 0.96 1,101,359 2.18
          1989 Lys 0.75 Trp 0.87 1,174,287 1.31
Developed economies
All 1,235.0 103.7 60.1 58.0 1973 Thr 0.86 Val 0.94 155,310  
          1985 SAA 0.67 Trp 0.73 151,742 5.13
          Young Leu 0.91 Trp 093 87,854 3.13
          1989 Trp 0.84 Lys 0.86 11,290 1.93
North America 272.0 109.6 72.3 66.0 1973 Thr 0.86 SAA 0.92 28,590  
          1985 SAA 0.65 Trp 0.71 35,507 5.31
          Young Leu 0.91 Trp 0.91 3,041 3.29
          1989 Trp 0.82 Lys 0.89 11,500 1.99
Europe 497.0 102.6 59.4 57.9 1973 Thr 0.86 SAA 0.93 62,848  
          1985 SAA 0.66 Trp 0.73 75,002 4.95
          Young Leu 0.91 Trp 0.94 46,845 3.01
          1989 Trp 0.85 Lys 0.86 3,036 1.87
Oceania 19.8 100.2 67.7 67.6 1973 Thr 0.87 Val 0.92 1,506  
          1985 SAA 0.66 Trp 0.73 2,626 4.86
          Young Leu 0.90 Trp 0.93 1,894 3.00
          1989 Trp 0.84 Lys 0.89 585 1.87
USSR 285.3 106.7 56.3 52.8 1973 Tbr 0.87 Val 0.94 31,818  
          1985 SAA 0.71 Trp 0.74 17,868 5.38
          Young Leu 0.91 Lys 0.92 15,890 3.17
          1989 Lys 0.83 Trp 0.86 25,412 1.93
Other 160.8 91.9 47.6 51.8 1973 Thr 0.87 SAA 0.92 11,748  
          1985 SAA 0.66 Trp 0.72 19,23l 5.03
          Young Trp 0.93 Leu 0.94 694 3.21
          1989 Trp 0.84 Lys 0.84 669 1.93
Developing economies
All 3,879.3 60.1 13.3 22.1 1973 Lys 0.81 Thr 0.84 151,342  
          1985 SAA 0.75 Lys 0.75 24,405 3.29
          Young Lys 0.76 Ile 0.96 1,064,739 1.74
          1989 Lys 0.68 Thr 0.88 1,209,753 1.05
Africa 493.0 54.2 10.6 19.6 1973 Lys 0.78 Thr 0.84 35,484  
          1985 Lys 0.71 Saa 0.75 26,038 2.82
          Young Lys 0.73 Ile 0.93 122,380 1.66
          1989 Lys 0.66 Thr 0.88 154,026 1.00
Latin America 430.4 67.2 28.4 42.3 1973 Thr 0.86 SAA 0.91 25,061  
          1985 Trp 0.70 SAA 0.70 708 3.17
          Young Lys 0.88 Trp 0.89 9,078 2.07
          1989 Lys 0.78 Trp 0.80 14,376 1.24
Near East 265.6 79.0 17.8 22.5 1973 Lys 0.79 Thr 0.84 21,643  
          1985 Lys 0.72 Trp 0.77 23,963 4.08
          Young Lys 0.74 Ile 0.95 95,361 2.27
          1989 Lys 0.66 Thr 0.88 112,192 1.37
Far East 2,684.2 58.2 10.9 18.7 1973 Lys 0.79 Thr 0.84 150,291  
          1985 Lys 0.74 SAA 0.74 19,983 3.21
          Young Lys 0.75 Ile 0.96 791,337 1.64
          1989 Lys 0.67 Thr 0.88 857,584 0.99
Other 6.1 55.5 22.2 40.0 1973 Thr 0.89 SAA 0.96 395  
          1985 SAA 0.76 Trp 0.79 185 3.15
          Young Leu 0.89 Lys 0.91 233 2.00
          1989 Lys 0.82 Leu 0.90 734 1.23

a. Deficiency of first LAA relative to second LAA, in tons per year.
b. Ratio of supply of first LAA to requirement.

EAA imbalance indexes (EAA I.I.), representing the quantitative balance of the supplies of individual EAAs relative to their requirements, were calculated in the same manner as reported earlier [1], using the above-calculated EAA supplies and requirements for countries, regions, economic levels, and the world in accordance with the 1973, 1985, Young, and newly revised 1989 FAO/WHO scoring patterns. The formula for the imbalance indexes for the 1973 scoring pattern is where S and R represent the supply and the requirement in accordance with the 1973 pattern for each EAA, and Stotal and 360 are the total EAA supply and the total EAA requirement, with all units on the right-hand side of the equation in milligrams per gram of protein. For the 1985, Young, and 1989 scoring patterns, the formula is

where S and R again represent the supply and the requirement in accordance with the relevant patterns, with all units in this case in metric tons (or any convenient weight unit) per year.

An EAA I.I. below 1.0 shows a relative deficiency and one above 1.0 a relative excess. The first LAA is thus defined by the minimum value among the various EAA I.I.s


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