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ACC/SCN statement:
The control of vitamin A deficiency
The following statement was agreed upon by participants in
the ACC/SCN Consultative Group meeting on Strategies for the
Control of Vitamin A Deficiency held at the Micronutrient
Initiative, in Ottawa, Canada, 28-30 July 1993, and supported by
the Canadian International Development Agency and the
Micronutrient Initiative.
The elimination of vitamin A deficiency as a public health
problem has been identified as a high priority in international
nutrition and health by the International Conference on
Nutrition, the World Summit for Children, and the World Health
Assembly. Control of vitamin A deficiency in many areas of the
world will lead to substantial and lasting improvement in
childhood survival as well as preventing the scandal of
irreversible blindness due to malnutrition.
The cause of vitamin A deficiency is a lack of preformed
vitamin A, carotene, and sometimes fat and oil in the diet. The
year-round availability and adequate consumption of vitamin
A-/carotene-rich foods and dietary fat will be required to
eradicate the deficiency. Because prevention of vitamin A
deficiency is an integral part of the overall strategy to improve
nutritional wellbeing and child health, and to conserve limited
resources, vitamin A programmes should be integrated with other
programmes concerned with health and development. Efforts to
identify, advocate, plan, implement, evaluate, and monitor the
control of vitamin A deficiency should, as far as possible, be
combined with the control of other coexisting nutritional
deficiencies. The following specific points concerning vitamin A
deficiency control were agreed:
- A combination of interventions is usually needed to
prevent vitamin A deficiency; these include dietary
modification (including the production, processing,
marketing, and consumption of vitamin A-/carotenerich
foods), breast-feeding promotion, food fortification, and
supplementation. The appropriate combination of
interventions may change over time, depending on trends
in the level of deficiency, programme outreach to
vulnerable population groups, availability of technical
inputs, and administrative and political priorities.
- Periodic situation analyses and the evaluation of
programme cost-effectiveness provide a basis for
adjusting strategies, especially in relation to
population responses to intervention activities, and
provide the opportunity for phasing out programme
components, as appropriate.
- In all circumstances, the promotion and protection of
breast-feeding is a fundamental aspect of preventing
deficiency of vitamin A. Promotion should include
attention to initiation, optimal breast-feeding
practices, and duration, as required by local situations.
Enhancing the nutrition status of the mother is a
valuable component of such breastfeeding promotion
- Nutrition education is an essential component of
programmes aimed at preventing vitamin A deficiency.
Dietary modification can also be supported by other
means, such as social marketing and promotion of home
- If dietary sources of vitamin A are not readily available
to those at risk of deficiency, intervention activities
should include improving their availability. Efforts may
be needed to improve the production, processing,
preservation, pricing, and marketing of such foods.
Bioavailability of the vitamin A should be increased by
ensuring that diets contain sufficient fat and that
intestinal parasites are controlled.
- Dietary modifications that increase vitamin A intake will
often improve the status of other micronutrients,
particularly iron and vitamin C. For example, many foods
that promote iron absorption (especially green leafy
vegetables, animal products, and some fruits) are also
good sources of vitamin A. Furthermore, improving vitamin
A status can also improve iron status through an
interaction between these two nutrients. Therefore, a
combined food-based approach to deficiencies of vitamin A
and of iron should be pursued.
- Where feasible, food fortification is a highly
recommended intervention for the prevention of vitamin A
deficiency. Consumption of processed foods by the target
population, food technology expertise, and multi-sectoral
commitment are requisites for successful
food-fortification programmes. Social marketing may also
have an important role in increasing awareness of the
problem and creating demand for action. Early
participation of the food industry in this process and an
effective food control system are essential.
- In situations where vitamin A deficiency is endemic in
the population, certain opportunities may be taken to
provide high-dose preparations of vitamin A. The first of
these is with immunization contacts from six months of
age, especially the nine-months measles contact.*
Secondly, if the mother is in contact with health
services (e.g., attended delivery or postnatal visit),
provision of a single large dose of vitamin A within the
first four weeks after birth can improve the vitamin A
content of breast milk and hence offer protection for the
breast-fed infant. Thirdly, for children between one and
five years, other contacts with health services may also
be appropriate for providing supplements; in this case
adequate record-keeping is necessary to reduce the
dangers of excess supplementation and to ensure that
potency of preparations is maintained by regular turnover
of stocks.
- Case management of measles and of severe protein-energy
malnutrition requires the therapeutic use of high-dose
preparations of vitamin A where there is a risk of
sub-clinical deficiency; this use should not be limited
to children with clinical vitamin A deficiency. The goal
here is an immediate effect on the course of morbidity
and on reduction of case fatality rates. Such case
management is complementary and additional to approaches
for controlling vitamin A deficiency at a population
- Political support and sustained allocation of government
resources are needed for the development, implementation,
and maintenance of vitamin A programmes. Support from
international organizations (multilateral, bilateral, and
non-governmental) is important in fostering political
commitment, and often in providing financial support in
line with local priorities.
- Linking research and human resource development with
intervention activities continues to be important in
initiating, maintaining, and building on vitamin A
- Effective management is essential to the success of any
type of vitamin A programme. Experience has shown that
the success of vitamin A programmes is limited more by
management problems than by lack of appropriate
intervention technologies. Development of an effective
management system will usually require as much attention
as the choice of intervention. Similarly, evaluation of
vitamin A programmes should involve management aspects as
well as impact.
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