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News and notes

Meeting announcements

Diatary assessment

The first International Conference on Dietary Assessment Methods, "Assessing Diets to Improve World Health," will be held 20-23 September 1992 in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. For information, contact: Sharon Vegoe, Professional Development, Continuing Education and Extension, 21 Nolte Center, 315 Pillsbury Dr., SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA; telephone (612) 6254352, fax (612) 626-1632.

Nutritional epidemiology

The fourth Meeting on Nutritional Epidemiology, entitled "Validation Issues: Quality Control and Measurement Error," will be held at the Berlin Congress Centre, Berlin, Germany, 12-14 October 1992. The use of tools such as biomarkers of exposure and of compliance as quality control measures will be a topic of the meeting. Design of studies with repeat measures of exposure in subsamples of the study population with different methods will also be addressed.

For information, contact the Secretariat at: Institute for Social Medicine and Epidemiology, Bundesgesundheitsamt, General-Pape-Strasse 62-66, D1000 Berlin 42, Germany; telephone (49) 0301 78007196, fax (49) 030/78007-109.


Food composition data guidelines

The activities of the INFOODS nutrient composition subgroup have centred on a review of the draft "Guidelines for the Production, Management and Use of Food Composition Data," prepared by D. A. T. Southgate in conjunction with H. Greenfield, which was initiated under the auspices of INFOODS.

As a result of the review, a number of alterations and suggestions for updating the drain to ensure that it is appropriate for use in Europe have been received. The group had a meeting in Athens on 25 May 1991 which approved the publication of the guidelines. The modes of expression and conventions to be used in nutritional databases modelled on the INFOODS interchange proposals were also discussed and approved at the Athens meeting.

Elsevier will publish the guidelines from camera-ready copy. Every way to effectively reduce the cost of the book to make it a low-price textbook for students has been examined. It is expected to be available in April 1992.


Nutrition research newsletter

The South-East Asia Nutrition Research-cum-Action Network Newsletter is being published on behalf of the South-East Asia Nutrition Research-cum-Action Network, which developed out of a 1990 consultation to establish a newly organized body focusing on research and action as the linkage between 11 countries in the South-East Asian region. The newsletter's main purpose is to serve as a communication forum among network members, with an emphasis on disseminating information and brief reports of effective methods and new research models devised by network members. Contributions concerning current news, activities, or matters relevant to the Nutrition Research Network are welcome. Volume 1 was issued in March 1991.

For more information about this newsletter, contact: South-East Asia Nutrition Research-cum-Action Network Secretariat Office, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University at Salaya, Nakhon Chaisi, Nakhon Pathom 73170, Thailand; telephone 4419035-9, fax 441-9344. telex 84770 UNIMAHI TH.


Food processing course

The second International Course on Food Processing, Quality Assurance, and Marketing in Food Processing Enterprises will be held 16 August-14 November 1992 in Wageningen, Netherlands. For information and application forms, write to: International Agricultural Center, P.O. Box 88, 6700 AB Wageningen, Netherlands.

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