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Radioactive fallout in soils, crops, and food. F. P. W. Winteringham. A background review prepared for the FAO Standing Committee on Radiation Effects, the FAO Land and Water Development Division, and the Joint FAO/IAEA Division on Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture. FAO Soils Bulletin 61. Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, 1989. 84 pages.
Part One of this review provides an updated background on behaviour and the significance of radioactive substances released into agricultural, forestry, and fisheries ecosystems. It is written in relation to FAO's interests and responsibilities in scientifically accurate but non-technical language. Part Two is concerned more specifically with soil and crop contamination by radioactive fallout. It is mainly concerned with problems of international significance under peacetime conditions of a sort that are only likely to arise as a result of a major nuclear reactor accident or some unintended nuclear explosion. It is also noted that relatively local problems of soil contamination could arise (and have done so) as a result of other kinds of accidents, for example, the failure of a land-based waste containment facility or the crash of a military aircraft or space vehicle carrying radioactive material. For those seeking more technical information, 216 references are cited.
Nutrition learning packages. Joint WHO/UNICEF Nutrition Support Programme. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1989. (ISBN 92-4154251-9; order no. 1150328) vii + 170 pages. SwF 30; US$24. (Available in English. French and Spanish editions in preparation.)
This book presents nine "packages" of learning materials intended to help health workers acquire skill in presenting the principles and practice of good nutrition to communities. Responding to the most common causes of poor nutrition in developing countries, each learning package follows a problem-oriented approach, featuring questions and answers, checklists, charts, games, stories, tests, and exercises designed to make learning a participatory experience. The learning packages complement the training modules presented in Guidelines for Training Community Health Workers in Nutrition.
The main part of the book consists of the nine learning packages, each focused on a single topic. The packages concentrate on helping trainees learn how to recognize and correct the causes of such common problems as nutrient deficiencies, deficiency-induced diseases, malnourishment, poor childhood growth, and diarrhoeal diseases. Individual topics include the measurement of childhood growth, the promotion of breast-feeding, diets for children and mothers, appropriate nutrition during diarrhoea and other infections, and the recognition and prevention of deficiency diseases, most notably protein-energy malnutrition.
The book gives particular attention to methods of teaching and learning that have proved their capacity to stimulate thinking, discovery, discussion, and the recognition and solving of problems. Learning aids range in nature from a nutrition "snakes and ladders" game to picture recipes for preparing weaning foods, from checklists for testing community attitudes to stories showing the dangers of bottle feeding. All are aimed at involving trainees actively in their own learning.
Diet, nutrition, and health. Edited by K. K. Carroll. McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal, Canada, 1990. 368 pages. US$37.50 (cloth), US$16.95 (paper).
These papers were prepared for a symposium sponsored by the Royal Society of Canada and the Food and Nutrition Board of the US National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council in 1987. Fourteen chapters cover the currently recognized nutrition-related chronic health problems, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, kidney disease, alcoholism, osteoporosis, and cancer. Ten chapters deal with various aspects of the application of dietary guidelines. The concluding chapter, on the history of mortality, documents the continuing fall in deaths from acute causes and the increase of life expectancy worldwide despite great variation between countries.
The information is authoritatively presented and will be of value to big-medical scientists of all kinds as well as to persons in other disciplines. The book is more concise than the massive 1990 US National Academy of Sciences report Diet and Health, but the conclusions are similar. In addition, it considers the implications of dietary guidelines for various disciplines and sectors.
Official methods of analysis of the AOAC. 15th edition. Edited by Kenneth Helrich. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, Va., USA, 1990. 2 volumes, approx. 1,200 pages. Members US$194, outside USA US$199; non-members US$215, outside USA US$220 (includes 5 annual supplement/updates with binder).
This book is an important source of analytical methods used throughout the world. AOAC methods, developed jointly by scientists in industry, government, and universities to meet the requirements of each, are used by laboratories doing analytical work in foods, drugs, cosmetics, pesticides, feeds, fertilizers, air, water, soil, and other materials. The reliability and reproducibility of each official AOAC analytical method has been demonstrated by thorough testing in interlaboratory collaborative studies.
Data based on AOAC methods are universally accepted by the courts. US and other national, state, and provincial laws, regulations, or policy often stipulate the use of AOAC methods, as do commercial specifications. This compendium contains over 1,800 collaboratively tested and approved methods for chemical and micro-biological analysis, each with a step-by-step format which specifies all reagents and apparatus to be used. It gives chemical service (CAS) numbers wherever applicable.
The fifteenth edition contains 143 new and 81 revised or updated methods, including methods using antibody-based test kits, enzyme immunoassay, and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). Other new features are a revised numbering system, publication as two volumes instead of one, and the provision of a looseleaf binder for the annual supplements.
Women in Pakistan: An economic and social strategy. The World Bank, Washington, D.C., 1989. (Order no. 11422) US$13.95.
This report documents women's status in Pakistan and, by using standard socio-economic indicators, shows that the gap between Pakistan and other developing countries has increased over time. It presents a three-part strategy to address the complex interaction between human resource development, women's welfare, and productivity and economic development. Recommendations to improve opportunities for women in Pakistan and steps to remove overt discrimination against women are outlined.
Latin American and Caribbean seminar on food science and technology
The 6th Latin American and Caribbean Seminar on Food Science and Technology was held in San Jose, Costa Rica, 2-6 April 1990. LATINFOODS was represented by its chairman, Dr. Ricardo Bressani. A plenary session was dedicated to the Latin American food composition data system and its application to food science and technology. The Latin American and Caribbean Society of Food Science and Technology agreed to open a section on food composition within the structure of the society. Substantive contributions in an afternoon session dealt with a wide range of food analysis and food composition topics. It was reported that Venezuela Foods is now engaged in collecting and screening food composition data from a number of organizations and industries and that Chile Foods has already developed a computerized system, based on a modified data collection sheet developed by INCAP. A third activity was an informal meeting which discussed the need for a standardized food classification system in Latin America. Much data has already been collected that cannot be used because it needs to be classified and evaluated. A progress report of the First Collaborative Program of Chemical Analysis for Dietary Fiber was presented and discussed. All 14 collaborators have received the samples and some reagents (TECATOR), as well as a small grant (IPICS, Sweden).
International course on maternal and child nutrition
The 22nd International Course in Food Science and Nutrition will be held at the International Agricultural Centre in Wageningen, Netherlands, 7 January - 8 June 1991. The theme of the course will be "Maternal and Child Nutrition: The Prevention of the Main Nutritional Disorders in the World." This postgraduate diploma course will be of particular interest to those involved with training, research, or intervention in nutritional problems of mothers and children in developing countries.
The course will train students to identify human food and nutrition problems and provide them with adequate knowledge to formulate, implement, and evaluate programmes directed towards alleviating these problems. It is expected that participants, on returning to their home countries, will be able to work efficiently in multi-disciplinary teams to appraise and solve problems concerning food and nutrition. To reach this objective, the course will provide its participants with basic and applied knowledge of food science and nutrition in general, and particularly in relation to the theme of the course. The course programme includes a mixture of educational elements. consisting of classwork, group project work, participants' presentations, seminar discussions, workshops, and excursions.
For further information, contact: The Director, International Agricultural Centre, P.O. Box 88, 67()0 AB Wageningen, Netherlands. Telephone 08370-90111; telegrams INTAS; telex 45888-lNTAS NL; fax 08370-18552.
South-East Asian community nutrition training programmes
A newly structured postgraduate Community Nutrition Training Program is being offered by the Tropical Medicine and Public Health Center of the South-East Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO-TROPMED) at the University of Indonesia, implemented by several faculties of the university. It comprises two non-degree and three degree programmes:
1. non-degree
2. degree
It is the objective of the training programmes to direct personnel of the region responsible for the management and supervision of community nutrition activities (projects/programmes/training/research) towards the improvement of the nutritional situation at the district to regional level. Emphasis is placed on the applicability and adaptability of research to local needs and requirements in the fields of epidemiology, management, and communication rather than on basic non-applied research.
The Center maintains several important professional links with Indonesian institutions, as well as with international institutions in North America and Europe working in the South-East Asian region. SEAMED assists the Center in promoting links that enhance the quality of the training programmes. Financial support for the Center is currently provided by the Indonesian government and by the German government through the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ, the German Agency for Technical Cooperation), with supplementary support from the Canadian government.
For further information on the facilities available at the SEAMEO-TROPMED Center/Indonesia and to obtain application forms, please contact: Directorate, SEAMEO-TROPMED Center/Indonesia, University of Indonesia, 6, Salemba Raya, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia; telephone (021) 330-205, fax (021) 31-06986.
Asian workshop on nutrition in metropolitan areas
IUNS Committee 1/3 ("Urbanization and Nutrition"), the Malaysian Society of Nutrition, SEAMEO-TROPMED, and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) are organizing, on behalf of the Sixth Asian Congress of Nutrition, a pre-conference workshop to be held 1114 September 1991 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The objective of the workshop is to stimulate projects and programmes for nutrition research and intervention in the metropolitan areas of Asia. Information on the workshop may be requested from SEAMEO-TROPMED, University of Indonesia, 6, Salemba Raya, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia, or from the organizers of the Sixth Asian Congress of Nutrition.
The editors of the Food and Nutrition Bulletin welcome contributions of relevance to its concerns (see the statement of editorial policy on the inside of the front cover). Submission of an article does not guarantee publication-which depends on the judgement of the editors as to its relevance and quality. Contributors should review recent issues of the Bulletin for content and style.
Language. Contributions may be in English, French, or Spanish. If French or Spanish is used, the author should submit an abstract in English if possible.
Format. Manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced, with ample margins. Only an original typed copy or a photocopy of equivalent quality should be submitted; photocopies on thin or shiny paper are not acceptable.
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Abstract. An abstract of not more that 150 words should be included with the manuscript. The abstract should state the purposes of the study or investigation, basic procedures (study subjects or experimental animals and observational and analytical methods), main findings (give specific data and their statistical significance if possible), and the principal conclusions. Emphasize new and important aspects of the study or observations. Do not cite references or use abbreviations or acronyms in the abstract.
Tables and figures. Tables and figures should be on separate pages. Tables should be typed double-spaced. Submit only original figures, original line drawings in India ink, or glossy photographs. Labels on the figures should be typed or professionally lettered or printed, not handwritten.
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Units of measurement. Preferably all measurements should be expressed in metric units. If other units are used, their metric equivalents should be indicated.
References. References should be listed at the end of the article, also double-spaced. Unpublished papers should not be listed in references, nor should papers submitted for publication but not yet accepted.
Number references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Identify references in the text and in tables and figure legends by arabic numerals enclosed in square brackets. References cited only in tables or figure legends should be numbered in accordance with the first mention of the relevant table or figure in the text. Be sure references are complete.
Reference citations should follow the format illustrated below.
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Book or other monograph reference
Identification. Contributors should give their full name and highest degree, the name of departments and institutions to which the work should be attributed, the name and address of the author responsible for correspondence about the manuscript, and sources of support for the work. If the material in the article has been previously presented or is planned to be published elsewhere-in the same or modified form-a note should be included giving the details.
Manuscript copies. The contributor should keep a duplicate copy of the manuscript. Manuscripts will not be returned unless specifically requested. Proofs will be sent to the authors only in exceptional circumstances.
Contributions should be addressed to:
The Editor
Food and Nutrition Bulletin
9 Bow Street Cambridge,
MA 02138, USA
La rédaction du Food and Nutrition Bulletin recherche des articles traitant de sujets correspondant à ses thèmes (voir au vérso de la couverture la politique éditoriale de cette revue). La remise d'un manuscrit ne signifie pas sa publication, qui dépend de l'opinion de la rédaction sur son intérêt et sa qualité. Les auteurs sont invités à se pencher sur les récents numéros du Bulletin pour prendre connaissance de son contenu et de son style.
Langues. Les manuscrits peuvent être rédigés en anglais, en français ou en espagnol, et dan ces deux derniers cas, l'auteur ajoutera, si possible, un résumé en anglais.
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Lorsqu'un manuscrit a été préparé sur un appareil de traitement de texte, un disque ou de 3,50 ou de 5,25 pouces devrait dans toute la mesure possible y être joint en précisant son format et le programme utilisé.
Longueur. Les manuscrits ne dovient pas, ordinairement, dépasser 4000 mots.
Résumé. Un résumé de 150 mots maximum doit accompagner le manuscrit. Il devra donner les buts de l'étude ou des recherches, les procédures de base (sujets de l'étude ou animaux expérimentaux et méthodes d'observation et d'analyse), les principaux résultats (fournir des données spécifiques et indiquer dans la mesure du possible leur importance statistique) ainsi que les principales conclusions. Veuillez mettre en relief les aspects nouveaux et importants de l'étude ou des observations. Dans le résumé, ne citez aucun ouvrage de référence et n'utilisez ni abréviations ni sigles,
Tableaux et figures. Ils doivent être reportés sur des feuillets séparés. Les tableaux doivent être dactylographiés en double interligne. Veuillez soumettre uniquement des figures originales, des dessins à l'encre de Chine ou des photographies tirées sur papier glacé. Les labels qui apparaissent sur les figures doivent être dactylographiés ou gravés ou imprimés de manière professionnelle et non pas écrits à la main.
Photographies. En principe, les matériaux photographiques doivent être remis sous forme de négatifs noir et blanc ou d'épreuves noir et blanc sur papier brillant. Sauf demande expresse les photographies ne seront pas renvoyées.
Unités de mesure. On utilisera de préférence le système métrique. Si d'autres systèmes sont utilisés, l'équivalent métrique doit être indiqué.
Références. Les références doivent apparaître la fin de l'article, en double interligne également. Les documents non publiés ne doivent pas figurer dans les références pas davantage que les documents présentés à des fins de publication mais qui n'ont pas encore été acceptés.
Veuillez numéroter les références dans l'ordre où elles sont mentionnées dans le texte. Identifiez au moyen d'un chiffre arabe placé entre crochets les références dan le texte, les tableaux et les légendes des figures. Les références cités uniquement dans les tableaux ou les légendes des figures doivent être numérotées en fonction de la première fois où il est fait mention du tableau ou de la figure approprié dans le texte. Assurez-vous que les références sont complètes.
Les références citées doivent suivre le format décrit cidessous.
Livre ou autre monographie
Identification. Les auteurs doivent indiquer leur nom complet et leur principal diplôme, le nom des départements et des institutions auxquels le travail doit être attribué, le nom et l'adresse de l'auteur chargé de la correspondance sur le manuscrit ainsi que les sources de financement du travail. Si l'article a déjà été remis auparavant ou est retenu pour une autre publication-sous la même forme ou sous une forme modifiée-on l'indiquera de façon détaillée.
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Les auteurs s'adresseront à:
The Editor
Food and Nutrition Bulletin
9 Bow Street Cambridge,
MA 02138, USA
Los editores del Food and Nutrition Bulletin agradecen el envio de contribuciones pertinentes al tema de la revista (vea la política editorial de esta revista en el interior de la tapa anterior). La presentación de un articulo no es garantía de su publicación, la cual dependerá del criterio de los editores en lo que respecta a su pertinencia y calidad. Se ruega a los que deseen colaborar que consulten los números recientes de Food and Nutrition Bulletin para cerciorarse de su contenido y estilo.
Idioma. Las contribuciones podrán remitirse en español, francés o inglés. En caso de utilizar español o francés, el autor deberá incluir, de ser posible, un resumen en inglés.
Formato. Los manuscritos deberán presentarse mecanografiadas, a dable espacio, con márgenes amplios. Solamente se presentarán originales mecanografiados o una fotocopia de los mismos de calidad equivalente. No se admitirán fotocopias en papel fino o satinado.
Si ha preparado el manuscrito con máquina de tratamiento de textos, agradeceremos nos envíe junto al manuscrito una copia del disco floppy, bien en 3 1/2 pulgadas, bien en 5' pulgadas, indicando el formato del disco y el programa de tratamiento de textos que ha utilizado.
Longitud. Las contribuciones ordinarias no deberán exceder las 4.000 palabras.
Resúmenes. Se adjuntará al manuscrito un resumen que no exceda de 150 palabras. El resumen indicará el objetivo del estudio o investigación, métodos básicos (individuos, animales seleccionados en experimentos y métodos de observación y análisis), descubrimientos principales (si fuera posible aportando datos específicos y su significado estadístico), y las conclusiones principales. Se enfatizarán los aspectos nuevos e importantes del estudio u observaciones. En el resumen no se citarán referencias ni se usarán abreviaturas ni siglas.
Cuadros y figuras. Todos los cuadros y figuras deberán presentarse en hojas de papel por separado. Los cuadros se mecanografiarán a doble espacio. Se presentarán solamente figuras originales, esquemas originales en tinta china o fotografías en papel brillo. Los nombres de las figuras estarán mecanografiados o impresos o rotulados profesionalmente, y no manuscritos.
Fotografías. El material fotográfico se presentará preferentemente en blanco y negro, en negativos o en impresión sobre papel brillante. No se devolverá este material fotográfico a no ser que así lo solicite el remitente.
Unidades de medida . Se utilizará preferentemente el sistema métrico decimal. De utilizarse otras unidades, deberán indicarse sus equivalentes en el sistema métrico decimal.
Referencias. Al final del articulo deberán consignarse las referencias, también en doble espacio. En las referencias no se consignarán documentos que no se hayan publicado, ni aquellos que hayan solicitado su publicación pero que no se han aceptado todavía.
Las referencias se numerarán consecutivamente en el orden en que aparecen en el texto. Las referencias en el texto, en los cuadros y en los epígrafes de figuras se identificarán con números arábigos encerrados entre paréntesis rectangulares. Las referencias que se citan solamente en cuadros o epígrafes de figuras se numerarán de acuerdo con la primera mención que se haga en el texto del cuadro o figura pertinente. Debe asegurarse que se dan todas las referencias.
Las citas hechas a referencias deben adjustarse al formato indicado a continuación.
Referencia a publicación periódica
Referencia a libro u otra monografía
Identificación. Los autores deberán consignar su nombre completo y titulación más alta, nombre del departamento e instituciones a las que se atribuirá el trabajo, el nombre y la dirección del autor responsable de la correspondencia del manuscrito, y fuentes de sustentación del trabajo. Si el material del articulo ha sido presentado previamente o se prevé publicación en otra parte, en forma igual o modificada, se deberá agregar una nota con detalles sobre dicha publicación.
Copias de la contribución. El contribuyente deberá conservar una copia del material que envíe. No se devolverán los manuscritos a no ser que se pida su devolución. Las correcciones de prueba se enviarán a los autores solamente en casos excepcionales.
Las contribuciones deberán dirigirse a:
The Editor
Food and Nutrition Bulletin
9 Bow Street Cambridge, MA 02138, USA