This is the old United Nations University website. Visit the new site at
A guide to nutritional assessment. I. Beghin, M. Cap, and B. Dujardin. World Health Organization, Geneva, 1988. 80 pages. SwF 14; US$11.20. French edition in preparation.
A practical guide to the most effective procedures and methods for conducting nutritional assessments of population groups, intended for use in situations where time, funds, and staff are limited. Nutritional assessment is presented as a rapid and reliable method of gathering information on nutritional problems, identifying target groups and locations, and planning interventions. Guidance in the stepwise planning and implementation of an assessment is complemented by numerous illustrative examples, advice, warnings, and alerts to common pitfalls.
The book opens with a brief history of the evolution of nutritional assessment, highlighting its advantages over traditional survey methods. Underlying conceptual and methodological assumptions are also presented and discussed. Having introduced readers to the rationale and appropriate use of the method, the book then proposes a model eight-step procedure that has proved its capacity to yield relevant knowledge about a nutritional situation, whether at national, regional, district, or project levels. Clear and thorough explanations of each step are supported by practical examples drawn from the authors' extensive experience in the field. Further practical advice is presented in the third chapter, which suggests the approximate time required to complete each of the eight steps, lists common constraints, and points out mistakes frequently made in the presentation of reports. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of conducting an assessment using only the information that is both absolutely necessary and easily available.
The second half of the book provides more detailed instructions for following selected steps and procedures. Specific topics include the building of a hypothetical causal model of a nutritional situation and the choice of indicators for assessment. The book concludes with a series of case studies, drawn from a review of more than 20 assessment and survey reports, that serve to illustrate strengths and weaknesses of the method when applied to real situations.
As a clear and practical guide to an equally practical method, the book should do much to encourage the use of this approach to secure reliable and relevant information about nutritional problems and their causes.
(from Food Laboratory Newsletter, no. 14, Nov. 1988)
Intervention in child nutrition. Jan Hoorweg and Rudo Niemeijer. Monographs from the Africa Studies Centre, Leiden. Kegan Paul International, London and New York, 1989. 172 pages.
The studies in this volume evaluate the impact of nutrition intervention programmes of three different types - nutrition education, food supplementation, and nutritional rehabilitation - among rural populations, together with the implications that variations in ecology and household circumstances have for the impact of these programmes. All three are programmes that proved viable after the pilot phase was passed. The actual implementation is contrasted with the intended programme in each case.
Weaning - from breast milk to family food: A guide for health and community workers. World Health Organization, Geneva, 1988. 36 pages. SwF 9; US$7.20.
This small booklet designed for community health workers provides a practical, straightforward guide to the safe and healthy weaning of babies, with special concern for families of limited income. After a brief section on the relation of the weaning process, it provides clear instructions concerning all aspects of weaning, including timing, hygiene, and the use of local and family foods.
Improving young child feeding in eastern and southern Africa: Household-level food technology. Proceedings of a workshop held in Nairobi, Kenya, 1987. 380 pages. IDRC, Ottawa, Canada.
By the end of the weaning period in eastern and southern Africa, one-third of the children are chronically malnourished because of low nutrient intake, high incidence of diarrhoeal and other infections, and declines in the duration and intensity of breast-feeding. The workshop examined household food technologies that hold promise for improvement in nutrition during weaning. It is directed at scientists and health planners involved in nutrition research and nutrition-programme development and implementation in developing countries.
Nutrition in the elderly. Edited by A. Horwitz, D. M. MacFadyen, H. Munro, N. S. Scrimshaw, B. Steen, and T. F. Williams. Published on behalf of the World Health Organization by Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, and Tokyo, 1989. 293 pages. Indexed.
This is intended to be an authoritative guide on nutrition in aging for use in the training of physicians and other health scientists around the world. It can be useful for this purpose, although it is written at a relatively advanced level replete with references, and most of the information is also applicable to other age groups. All major aspects of nutrition in the elderly are covered by authors who are highly experienced in the topics treated. The final chapters are concerned with public health interventions, education and training, dietary support, and priorities for research.
Dietary restriction and aging. Edited by David L. Snyder. Alan R. Liss, New York, 1989. 335 pages. US$68. Indexed.
This is the proceedings of a symposium on the Effects of Dietary Restriction on Aging and Disease in Germfree and Conventional Lobund-Wistar Rats, held at Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, in 1988.
Preventing and controlling iron deficiency anaemia through primary health care: A guide for health administrators and programme managers. Edouard M. De Maeyer, with the collaboration of P. Dallman, J. M. Gurney, L. Hallberg, S. K. Sood, and S. G. Srikantia. World Health Organization, Geneva. 58 pages. SwF 11; US$8.80.
This booklet provides the essential information for administrators concerning the assessment, prevalence, and consequences of iron-deficiency anaemia, screening for anaemia and assessing iron status, and the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency, including the planning and execution of anaemia control problems. More emphasis on the functional consequences of iron deficiency other than anaemia would strengthen the motivation of administrators to control iron deficiency.
Handbook of dietary fiber in human nutrition. Edited by Gene A. Spiller. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla., USA, 1988. 483 pages. US$159 in the USA; US$179 elsewhere.
The 49 chapters and 8 data-laden appendices of this comprehensive, multi-authored book are authoritative and well presented. Six of the 13 chapters dealing with the physical-chemical properties and analysis of dietary fibre are by David Southgate, the recognized international authority on these topics. Eighteen chapters deal with the effect of dietary fibre on vitamin and mineral metabolism, and 10 on the effect of dietary fibre on various gastro-intestinal functions and on the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Despite its cost, anyone doing serious research on dietary fibre needs this book.
Food and nutrition in the Middle East, 1970-1986: An annotated bibliography. Compiled by Gail G. Harrison, Osman M. Galal, and Mary E. Mohs. Greenwood Press, New York; Westport, Conn., USA; London, 1988. 258 pages. Subject and author index.
Includes well summarized reports for Egypt, Iran, lraq, Israel, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Turkey, and the Arab Gulf countries as well as regional and non-specific articles.
Nutritional and toxicological aspects of food processing. Edited by R. Walker and E. Quattrucci. Taylor and Francis, London, 1988. 375 pages. £35. Indexed.
This is the proceedings on an international symposium held in Rome in April 1987. It offers five to ten short, authoritative chapters in each of the sections on the chemical preservation, physical treatment, nutritional quality, and contamination of foods. In addition, four chapters are devoted to the effects of biotechnology and two to food allergies and intolerances. It is suggested that food security is not enough; there also needs to be nutrition security, including the absence of harmful effects.
Biotechnology and development. Albert Sasson. Unesco Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Unesco, Paris, 1988. 361 pages. FF 148.
In the first section of this paperback book, the author shows how applying biotechnologies to agricultural, horticultural, forestry, and big-energy purposes can result in substantially increased production of some foodstuffs, the slowing of deforestation, and an increased availability of energy for household use. The remaining sections examine potential future contributions to food and nutrition, livestock husbandry and animal health, medicine and public health, and the economy of developing countries.
Legumes: Chemistry, technology, and human nutrition. Edited by Ruth H. Matthews. Marcel Dekker, Monticello, N.Y., USA, 1989. 389 pages. US$99.75 in the USA and Canada; US$119.50 elsewhere. Indexed.
Chapters include culture and genetics, harvesting and storage, refined oils, isolated soy products, protein flour and concentrates, fermented products, nutrient composition, animal feed uses, and antinutritional factors. With 160 tables and figures plus over 950 references, this is the most accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date source of information on legumes and legume products.
Edouard M. De Maeyer
Dr. Edouard De Maeyer died of throat cancer on 23 December 1988 in Geneva, shortly before the publication of his Preventing and Controlling Iron Deficiency Anaemia through Primary Health Care (see "Book Reviews and Notices," p. 80 of this issue). With his passing, the international nutrition community lost one of its most distinguished and respected members.
Prior to joining the World Health Organization in 1963, Dr. De Maeyer had already made a valuable contribution with his service in Zaire in the 1950s and early 1960s as Director General of the Institute for Scientific Research in Central Africa. From the time he joined WHO, he contributed particularly actively in the area of specific nutritional deficiencies and requirements, and became recognized as a leading nutritional scientist in the areas of iodine-deficiency disorders, vitamin-A deficiency, and nutritional anaemias. He served as chairman of the International
Nutritional Anaemia Consultative Group, and, with his vision of the ultimate control of iron-deficiency anaemia, was a continuous source of scientific motivation and enthusiasm.
Despite deteriorating health towards the end of 1988, he continued working to complete Preventing and Controlling Iron Deficiency Anaemia, knowing that it was to be his final contribution.
Dr. De Maeyer is sorely missed, both for himself and as a source of inspiration and scientific achievement.
S. G. Srikantia
Dr. S. G. Srikantia, an eminent nutritionist and former director of the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad, India, died suddenly on 6 May 1989 at Mysore. India has lost an outstanding researcher and scientist who tirelessly strove to provide pragmatic solutions to the problems of malnutrition affecting the country.
Apart from being a dedicated scientist, Dr. Srikantia was a very warm human being. His genuine concern for human values guided him to help devise need-based national nutrition programmes to be implemented throughout the country. During his tenure as the director of NIN, he stressed research work in the areas of protein-energy malnutrition, vitamin-A deficiency, nutritional anaemia, pellagra, and vitamin-C status.
For his significant contributions in the field of nutritional science, Dr. Srikantia was honoured with many national and international awards, including the Basanti Devi Amir Chand Prize, the Shakuntala Amir Chand Prize, and the Fellowship of the Indian Academy of Medical Sciences. He also received the Gopalan Oration Award in 1984.
Nutrition has lost a gifted teacher and an outstanding scientist.
IFPRI report.
Nontraditional export crops in Guatemala: Effects on production, income, and nutrition. Joachim von Braun, David Hotchkiss, and Maarten Immink. Research Report no. 73. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., USA, in collaboration with the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP), Guatemala City, Guatemala, 1989.
Modernization of traditional agriculture entails increased participation of the smallholder sector in the exchange economy. The achievement of this participation requires an open trade regime, domestic policies that ensure against market failures, and public policy that effectively permits use of new production technology for sustained growth. To open up these opportunities to small farmers, investment in rural infrastructure is essential, as is investment in education that will enable these farmers to participate as entrepreneurs in the growth process. In order to reach out to the landless and land-scarce households, the growth process must stimulate employment and increased returns to land. Non-traditional vegetables for export have a high labour content and therefore promise to help foster rural modernization.
This study of non-traditional export crops and traditional smallholder agriculture in Guatemala highlights the potentials and risks of export orientation in smallholder agriculture for food security. The policy implications of the report reach far beyond the study area in Central America. The multidisciplinary team of IFPRI and the Institute of Nutrition of Central
America and Panama (INCAP) has gone far toward tracing the critical linkages between economic development and nutritional improvement. Two lessons of the study are of critical importance for policy. First, growth in staple food production, stimulated jointly with diversification into non-traditional crops, is necessary to actually capture the gains from specialization in typically risky market environments. Second, joint operation and development of the health and sanitation infrastructure in rural areas is required in order to translate the growth effects into nutritional welfare effects for the poor.
Increasing foreign-exchange problems and deteriorating prices of traditional export commodities are leading agricultural policy makers to seek diversification in export-crop production. Export vegetables, which are non-traditional crops, appear to be a promising option because of their high labour intensity and expanding demand in industrialized countries. This study deals with a case of export-vegetable production and its effects on food production, employment, consumption, and nutrition in Guatemala.
Guatemala's agriculture has shifted away from food production to agro-industrial crops. Food crops covered 58 per cent of the country's crop area in 1950, compared with 37 per cent in 1979. Small farms decreased their basic food-crop area from 97 per cent to 87 per cent in this period.
The focus of this study is the recent introduction of labour-intensive production of vegetables for export in the traditional small-farm sector in the Western Highlands - an area well known for its problems of poverty and malnutrition. Besides considerable research on the "cash cropping-nutrition" issue, the study provides both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses of effects. The research is based on two detailed rural household surveys (400 families) that were undertaken in 1983 and 1985. The sample is divided into two groups of households - those who produce the new export vegetables (snow peas, broccoli, cauliflower, and parsley) under a co-operative scheme, and those who do not. Differences in duration of participation (one to seven years) in the export-crop scheme - the Cuatro Pinos co-operative - characterize the subsample of the export crop growers.
The new export vegetables were rapidly adopted by the smallest farmers (average 0.7 hectare). The model analysis in the study shows that in the early phase of adoption, small farmers with somewhat larger holdings ( 1-2 hectares) and households that had no reasonably well secured off-farm income source showed a significantly higher probability of adoption. Access to good roads and infrastructure also increased adoption rates.
Analysis with the help of a consistent farm household model based on the survey data shows that with new export crops the shadow cost of maize produced for own consumption increased drastically. The difference between the shadow cost and the actual market price (0.29 quetzal in 1985) may be interpreted as an "insurance premium" that farmers are willing to pay for the degree of self-sufficiency they actually maintain.
Non-traditional export crops created local employment directly on farms and indirectly through forward and backward linkages and multiplier effects resulting from increased income spent locally. Combining farm-level employment with the roughly estimated employment created through the input supply and output marketing yields an overall 21 per cent increase in agricultural employment in the six communities where the co-operative functions. Labour input in agriculture increased by 45 per cent on the farms producing export vegetables. About half of this increase is due to family labour and half to hired labour. A substantial share of the incremental increase in family labour is from women and children. As a consequence of increased on-farm employment, off-farm work and interregional migration of members of export vegetable producers' households are found to be reduced.
SCN news
The Sub-committee on Nutrition (SCN) of the UN Administrative Committee on Coordination - established as the focal point for co-ordinating policies and activities related to nutrition of the agencies of the United Nations system, exchanging information and technical guidance, and acting dynamically to help the United Nations to respond to nutritional problems - compiles and disseminates information on nutrition reflecting the shared views of the agencies concerned.
Its newsletter, SCN News, and the following documents are available free of charge from the secretariat:
- First Report on the World Nutrition Situation (November 1987);
- Delivery of Oral Doses of Vitamin A to Prevent Vitamin A Deficiency and Nutritional Blindness, by Keith P. West, Jr., and Alfred Sommer, ACC/SCN State-of-the-Art Series, Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper no. 2;
- The Prevention and Control of iodine Deficiency Disorders, by Basil S. Hetzel, ACC/SCN State-of-the-Art Series, Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper no. 3;
- an "Update" report on world nutrition, issued in September 1988.
The SCN would also appreciate receiving information and material you would like to see included in future issues of SCN News.
Please write to: Dr. John B. Mason, Technical Secretary, ACC Sub-committee on Nutrition, c/o World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.
AEDA conference
The American European Dietetic Association will hold its 13th annual conference in Paris, 1-3 March 1990, under the theme "The View from Here." The official language of the conference will be English. For more information, contact: Robin Lee Kellerhals, R.D., 131, Av. Marechal Foch, 78400 Cathou, France.
IFT scientific status summaries
Copies of scientific status summaries by the Institute of Food Technologists' expert panel on Food Safety and Nutrition are sent free of charge to IFT members outside the United States. The latest summary published is Low-Calorie Foods. The following are among the other titles still available:
- Food Microbiology,
- The Risk/Benefit Concept as Applied to Food, - Microwave Food Processing,
- Virus Transmission via Foods,
- Migration of Toxicants, Flavors, and Odor-Active Substances from Flexible Packaging Materials to Food,
- Bacteria Associated with Foodborne Diseases,
- Food Biotechnology, - Effect of Food Processing on Nutritive Values, - Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), - Nutrition and the Elderly, - and eleven other titles published in former issues.
Copies may be requested from Dr. Miguel A. Jimenez, Editor, IFT International Newsletter, 1604 Treboy Ave., Richmond, VA 23226, USA.
For "Breast Milk-the Life Saver," by K. A. Dualeh and F. J. Henry (Food and Nutrition Bulletin, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 43-46)
In the second column on page 44 in the above article, the words "lower" and "poorer" in lines 20 and 23 should be changed to "higher" and "better" respectively. The sentences in question should read: "A recent unpublished observation by A. Briend and colleagues, however, indicates that breast-fed children who were about to be weaned had a higher nutritional status than those who continued breast-feeding. This means that cessation of breast-feeding is not the main cause of the better nutritional state."
For "Nutritional Goals for Health in Latin America," by J. M. Bengoa, B. Torun, M. Behar, and N. S. Scrimshaw (Food and Nutrition Bulletin, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 4-20)
The above article was translated into English for the Bulletin before the final version was published in Spanish. Subsequently, some adjustments were made in the values recommended for several of the nutrients in the original Spanish text. In addition, leucine was inadvertently omitted from the reference amino acid patterns (table 2).
TABLE 2. Reference amino acid patterns - suitable for all age groups except infants (milligrams per gram of protein)
henylalanine/tyrosine | 63 |
Histidine | 19 |
Isoleucine | 28 |
Leucine | 66 |
Lysine | 58 |
Methioninelcystine | 25 |
Threonine | 34 |
Tryptophan | 11 |
Valine | 35 |
Source: Ref. 2.
An erratum slip was issued with the article, but it did not include all of these changes, and such isolated corrections often are not entered or are lost. Therefore, tables 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 are reprinted here in their entirety. Please substitute these for the corresponding tables in the original article.
TABLE 1. Calculated energy requirements for Latin America
Age (years) and sex | Weight (kg) | Activity level | Requirement | ||
Multiple of BMR | Kcal/Kg/day | kcal/day | |||
0.3-3 | -a | 100 | -a | ||
3.1-5 | 16.5 | 95 | 1,550 | ||
5.1-7 | 20.5 | 88 | 1,800 | ||
7.1-10 | |||||
male | 27 | 78 | 2,100 | ||
female | 27 | 67 | 1,800 | ||
10.1-12 | |||||
male | 34 | 1.75 | 64 | 2,200 | |
female | 36 | 1.64 | 54 | 1,950 | |
12.1-14 | |||||
male | 42 | 1.68 | 55 | 2,350 | |
female | 43 | 1.59 | 46 | 2,000 | |
14.1-18 | |||||
male | 45-55 | light | 1.62 | 54-45 | 2,450 |
moderate | 1.80 | 58-52 | 2,750 | ||
high | 2.10 | 67-61 | 3,200 | ||
female | 40-50 | light | 1.55 | 48-42 | 2,000 |
moderate | 1.65 | 51-45 | 2,150 | ||
high | 1.80 | 56-49 | 2,350 | ||
18.1-65 | |||||
male | 60-75 | light | 1.55 | 41-37 | 2,600 |
moderate | 1.80 | 48-43 | 3,050 | ||
high | 2.10 | 55-50 | 3,500 | ||
female | 45-60 | light | 1.55 | 41-35 | 1.950 |
moderate | 1.65 | 44-37 | 2,100 | ||
high | 1.80 | 48-41 | 2,300 | ||
Over 65 | |||||
male | 65 | light | 1.40 | 29 | 1,900 |
moderate | 1.60 | 34 | 2,200 | ||
high | 1.90 | 40 | 2,600 | ||
female | 55 | light | 1.40 | 30 | 1,650 |
moderate | 1.60 | 34 | 1,850 | ||
high | 1.80 | 38 | 2,100 |
Calculated on basis of ref. 2.
a. Depends on age.
TABLE 4. Daily vitamin needs
Age (years) |
Weight (kg) |
Energy requirement (kcal) |
Vitamins (units per 1,000 kcal of dietary energy) |
Vit. A (m g) |
Vit. C (mg) |
Folate (m g) |
Thiamine (mg) |
Riboflavin (mg) |
Niacin (mg) |
0.5-1 | 9 |
900 |
270 |
22 |
70 |
0.4 |
0.5 |
6 |
1.1-3 | 12 |
1,250 |
375 |
31 |
100 |
0.5 |
0.8 |
9 |
3.1-5 | 16.5 |
1,550 |
465 |
39 |
125 |
0.6 |
0.9 |
11 |
5.1-7 | 20.5 |
1,800 |
540 |
45 |
145 |
0.7 |
1.1 |
13 |
7.1-10 | 27 |
1,950 |
585 |
49 |
155 |
0.8 |
1.2 |
14 |
10.1-12 | 35 |
2,100 |
630 |
52 |
170 |
0.8 |
1.3 |
15 |
Male | ||||||||
12.1-14 | 42 |
2,350 |
705 |
59 |
190 |
0.9 |
1.4 |
16 |
14.1-18 | 50 |
2,750 |
825 |
69 |
220 |
1.1 |
1.6 |
19 |
18.1-65 | 68 |
3,050 |
915 |
76 |
245 |
1.2 |
1.8 |
21 |
over 65 | 65 |
2,200 |
660 |
55 |
175 |
0.9 |
1.3 |
15 |
Females | ||||||||
12.1-14 | 43 |
2,000 |
600 |
50 |
160 |
0.8 |
1.2 |
14 |
14.1-18 | 45 |
2,150 |
645 |
54 |
170 |
0.9 |
1.3 |
15 |
18.1-65 | 53 |
2,100 |
630 |
52 |
170 |
0.8 |
1.3 |
15 |
Over 65 | 55 |
1,850 |
555 |
46 |
150 |
0.7 |
1.1 |
13 |
Pregnancya | 285 |
85 |
7 |
25 |
0.1 |
0.2 |
2 |
Lactationa | 500 |
150 |
12 |
40 |
0.2 |
0.3 |
4 |
Sources: Refs. 2 and 3.
a. Supplementary amounts.
TABLE 6. Daily mineral needs
Age (years) |
Weight (kg) |
Energy requirement (kcal) |
Minerals (ma per 1,000 kcal of dietary energy) |
Irona |
Calcium |
Zincb |
H |
I |
L |
H |
L |
0.5-1 | 9 | 900 | 4 | 6 | 12 | 450 | 5 | 9 |
1.1-3 | 12 | 1,250 | 6 | 8 | 17 | 625 | 8 | 12 |
3.1-5 | 16.5 | 1,550 | 7 | 10 | 21 | 775 | 9 | 16 |
5.1-7 | 20.5 | 1,800 | 8 | 12 | 24 | 900 | 11 | 18 |
7.1-10 | 27 | 1,950 | 9 | 13 | 26 | 975 | 12 | 20 |
10.1-12 | 35 | 2,100 | 9 | 14 | 28 | 1,050 | 13 | 21 |
Males | ||||||||
12.1-14 | 42 | 2,350 | 11 | 16 | 32 | 1175 | 14 | 24 |
14.1-18 | 50 | 2,750 | 12 | 18 | 37 | 1375 | 16 | 28 |
18.1-65 | 68 | 3.050 | 14 | 20 | 41 | 1525 | 18 | 30 |
over 65 | 65 | 2,200 | 10 | 15 | 30 | 1100 | 13 | 22 |
Females | ||||||||
12.1-14 | 43 | 2,000 | 9 | 13 | 27 | 1000 | 12 | 20 |
14.1-18 | 45 | 2,150 | 10 | 14 | 29 | 1075 | 13 | 22 |
18.1-65 | 53 | 2,100 | 9 | 14 | 28 | 1050 | 13 | 21 |
over 65 | 55 | 1,850 | 8 | 12 | 25 | 925 | 11 | 18 |
Pregnancyc | 285 | -d |
140 | 2 | 3 | |||
Lactationc | 500 | 205 | 3 | 5 |
Sources: Refs. 2, 3, and 9.
a. H, 1, and L indicate diets with high, intermediate, and
low bioavailability of dietary iron respectively.
b. H and L indicate diets with high and low
bioavailability of dietary zinc respectively.
c. Supplementary amounts.
d. Anaemia is prevented by good iron reserves before
pregnancy and a diet with highly available (haem) iron.
Otherwise, an iron supplement of 30 60 mg per day is needed
during the second and third trimesters.
TABLE 7. Nutrient intakes to meet needs of all family members
Preschool: 0.6-0.8 kcal per millilitre of liquid food; approximately 2 kcal per gram of solid food
Other ages: 1.4-2.5 kcal per gram in total diet
150-175 g; to provide 60%-70% of total energy
25-30 g (<50% of animal origin); to provide 10%-12% of total energy
22-28 g (including intrinsic fat in foods); to provide 20%-25% of total energy
Saturated fat: <7-9 g (up to 1/3 of total fat); mono-unsaturated: 7-9 g; polyunsaturated: 7-9 g (Ratio of saturated to unsaturated: <=1. Amount of mono-unsaturated fat may be greater, provided ratio of saturated to unsaturated is observed and limit on total fat calories is not exceeded)
Cholesterol not to exceed 100 ma. Not to exceed a total of 300 mg per day for children
>=8 g or >= 10g, depending on whether determined as water-soluble or as crude fibre
Vitamin A: 300 RE (1 RE [retinol equivalent] = 1µg of retinol or 6µg of ß-carotene)
Vitamin C: 25 ma; preferably ingested with meals to improve absorption of iron
Folates: 80µg A supplement of 200-300µg per day is often needed during pregnancy
Thiamine: 0.4 mg
Riboflavin: 0.6 mg
Niacin: 7 mg (or equivalent: 60 mg of trypotophan = 1 mg of niacin)
Iron: 5,7, or 14 mg for diets with high, intermediate, or low bioavailability of iron respectively. A supplement of 30-60 mg per day is often needed during pregnancy
Zinc: 6 - 10 mg; need varies depending on the source and on other components in the diet (e.g. animal sources, phytates, etc.)
Calcium: 500 ma. More foods rich in calcium should be given to preschool children and adolescents, and during pregnancy and lactation iodine: 100-200µg per day in areas without goitre; 300 400µg per day in areas with goitre (fortification of salt usually necessary)
Fluorine: 0.7-1.0 ma; sources of water with I ppm or more will meet this need
Sodium: Limit total ingestion of salt to 5 g per day (preferably less)
Values are per 1,000 kcal of dietary energy except as otherwise indicated.
The editors of the Food and Nutrition Bulletin welcome contributions of relevance to its concerns (see the statement of editorial policy on the inside of the front cover). Submission of an article does not guarantee publication - which depends on the judgement of the editors as to its relevance and quality. Contributors should review recent issues of the Bulletin for content and style.
Language. Contributions may be in English, French, or Spanish. If French or Spanish is used, the author should submit an abstract in English if possible.
Format. Contributions should be typed, double spaced, with ample margins. (When a manuscript has been prepared on a word processor, it will be appreciated if a floppy disk, either 3 -inch or 5 1/4-inch, can be included with the manuscript, with an indication of the disk format and the word-processing program used.) Length. Ordinarily contributions should not exceed 4,000 words.
Tables and figures. Any tables and figures should be on separate sheets of paper. Figures should be clearly and accurately drawn and clearly labelled.Photographs. Ideally photographic materials should be submitted in the form of black and white negatives or black and white glossy prints.
Photographs will not be returned unless a specific request is made.
Units of measurement. Preferably measurements should be expressed in metric units. If other units are used, their metric equivalents should be indicated.
References. References should be listed at the end of the article, numbered in the order of their appearance in the article, also double-spaced. A reference to a book or other separately published work should include full indication of the name(s) of the author(s), title of the work, and publisher and place and year of publication. A reference to an article in a book should include the name(s) of the author(s) of the article, title of the article, editor(s) of the book and title of the book, publisher and place and year of publication, and the page numbers of the article. A reference to an article in a journal should include the author(s), title of the article, name of journal, volume and issue number and date, and page numbers of the article. Unpublished material should not be listed in the references.
Identification. Contributors should give their full name and official affiliation. If the material in the article has been previously presented or is planned to be published elsewhere - in the same or modified form - a note should be included giving the details.
Manuscript copies. The contributor should keep a duplicate copy of the manuscript. Manuscripts will not be returned unless specifically requested.
Contributions should be addressed to:
The Editor Food and Nutrition Bulletin 9 Bow Street Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
La rédaction du Food and Nutrition Bulletin recherche des articles traitant de sujets correspondent à ses thèmes (voir au verve de la couverture la politique éditoriale de cette revue). La remise d'un manuscrit ne signifie pas sa publication, qui dépend de l'opinion de la rédaction sur son intérêt et sa qualité. Les auteurs vent invites a se percher sur les récents numéros du Bulletin pour prendre connaissance de son contenu et de son style.
Langues: Les manuscrits peuvent être rédigés en anglais, en français ou en espagnol, et dans ces deux derniers cas, l'auteur ajoutera, si possible, un résumé en anglais.
Format: Les manuscrits doivent être dactylographies, en double interligne, avec une marge suffissante.
Longueur: Les manuscrits ne dovient pas, ordinairement, dépasser 4000 mots.
Tableaux et figures: Ils doivent être reportes sur des feuillets séparés. Les figures doivent être claires et précises, avec légendes explicites.
Photographies: En principle, les matériaux photographiques doivent être remis sous forme de négatifs noir et blanc ou d'épreuves noir et blanc sur papier brillant. Sauf demande expresse les photographies ne seront pas renvoyées.
Unités de mesure: On utilisera de préférence le système métrique. Si d'autres systèmes vent utilises, l'équivalent métrique doit être indique.
Bibliographie: Elle doit figurer a la fin du manuscrit, en double interligne; les publications doivent être numérotées dans l'ordre ou elles apparaissent dans l'article. La référence a un ouvrage ou a tous travaux déjà publics doit comprendre une indication complète du nom du ou des auteurs, du titre, da la maison d'édition et de l'année de publication. La référence a une communication figurant dans un ouvrage doit comprendre le nom du ou des auteurs, le titre, le responsable de la publication et le titre de celle-ci, la maison d'édition, l'année de publication et la pagination de la communication. Une référence a un article figurant dans un périodique doit indiquer l'auteur ou les auteurs, le titre de ['article, le nom du périodique, le volume et le numéro, la date et la pagination. Ne renfermez pas les références des manuscrits inédits.
Identification: Les auteurs doivent indiquer leur nom complet et leur fonction officielle. Si ['article a déjà été remis auparavant ou est retenu pour une autre publication-sous la même forme ou sous une forme modifiée-on l'indiquera de façon détaillée.
Copies du manuscrit: L'auteur doit conserver un double. Les manuscrits ne seront pas retournes a moins que leurs auteurs n'en fassent expressément la demande.
Les auteurs s'adresseront à:
The Editor
Food and Nutrition Bulletin
9 Bow Street
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
Los editores del Food and Nutrition Bulletin agradecen el envío de contribuciones pertinentes al tema de la revista (vea la política editorial de esta revista en el interior de la tape anterior). La presentación de un articulo no es garantía de su publicación, la cual dependerá del criterio de los editores en lo que respecta a su pertinencia y calidad. Se ruega a los que deseen colaborar que consulten los números recientes de Food and Nutrition Bulletin pare cerciorarse de su contenido y estilo.
Idioma. Las contribuciones podrán remitirse en español, francés o ingles. En cave de utilizar español o francés, el autor deberá incluir, de ser posible, un resumen en ingles.
Formato. Las contribuciones deberán presentarse mecanografiadas, a doble espacio, con márgenes amplios.
Longitud. Las contribuciones ordinarias no deberán exceder las 4.000 palabras.
Cuadros y figuras. Todos los cuadros y figuras deberán presentarse en hojas de papel por separado. Las figuras deberán presentarse en forma clara y precise y con rotulado legible.
Fotografias. El material fotográfico se presentara preferentemente en blanco y negro, en negativos o en impresión sobre papel brillante. No se devolverá este material fotográfico a no ser que así lo solicite el remitente.
Unidades de medida. Se utilizara preferentemente el sistema métrico decimal. De utilizarse otras unidades, deberán indicarse sus equivalentes en el sistema métrico decimal.
Referencias . Al final del artículo deberán consignarse las referencias, numeradas por orden de aparición en el articulo, también en doble espacio. La referencia a un libro u obra publicada deberá incluir indicación complete del nombre del autor o autores, titulo del trabajo, editorial y lugar y fecha de publicación. La referencia a un articulo de un libro deberá comprender el nombre del autor o autores del artículo, el título del mismo, editores del libro y titulo del mismo, editorial, lugar y fecha de publicación, y numeración de las paginas del articulo. La referencia a un articulo de una revista comprenderá nombres del autor o autores, titulo del articulo, nombre de la publicacíon, volumen, numero y fecha, así como la numeración de las paginas del articulo. El material sin publicar no debe incluirse en las referencias.
Identificación. Los autores deberán consignar su nombre completo y la institución en que cumplen funciones. Si el material del articulo ha sido presentado previamente o se prevé su publicación en otra parte,, en forma igual o modificada, se deberá agregar una note con detalles sobre dicha publicación,
Copias de la contribución. El contribuyente deberá conservar una copia del material que envíe. No se devolverán los manuscritos a no ser que se pica su devolución.
Las contribuciones deberán dirigirse a:
The Editor
Food and Nutrition Bulletin
9 Bow Street
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA