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Published by the United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan.
Editorial address:
Food and Nutrition Bulletin
Charles Street Sta., P.O. Box 500
Boston, MA 02114-0500, USA
Tel: (617) 227-8747
Fax: (617) 2279405
Subscription address:
United Nations University Press
The United Nations University
53-70 Jingumae 5-chome, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150, Japan
Tel.: (03) 3499-2811. Fax: (03) 3406-7345.
Telex: J25442. Cable: UNATUNIV TOKYO.
The Food and Nutrition Bulletin incorporates and continues the PAG Bulletin of the former Protein-Calorie Advisory Group of the United Nations system and is published quarterly by the United Nations University in collaboration with the United Nations ACC Sub-committee on Nutrition. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the United Nations University or the ACC Sub-committee on Nutrition.
All correspondence concerning the content of the Bulletin, comments, news, and notices should be he sent to the editor at the Cambridge project office address given above. All material may he freely reproduced provided acknowledgement is given and a copy of the publication containing the reproduction is sent to the Bulletin.
The United Nations University is an organ of the United Nations established by the General Assembly in 1972 to be an international community of scholars engaged in research, advanced training, and the dissemination of knowledge related to the pressing global problems of human survival, development, and welfare. Its activities focus mainly on peace and conflict resolution, development in a changing world, and science and technology in relation to human welfare. The University operates through a worldwide network of research and postgraduate training centres, with its planning and co-ordinating headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.
© The United Nations University, 1988
ISBN 92-808-0703-x
ISSN 0379-5721
Nutrition and urbanization (part 2)
Urbanization and nutrition in low-income countries
Urban malnutrition and food interventions
Basic food consumption in north-east Brazil: Effects of income, price, and family size in metropolitan and rural areas
Infant-feeding practices among urban Libya women
Determinants of childhood malnutrition in Jamaica
The introduction of semi-solid and solid foods to feeding infants
Nutrition and diarrhoeal diseases
Growth monitoring in Indonesia: An assessment of coverage and regularity of attendance, Gedangan village, Central Java, June 1978 November 1981
Protein enrichment of cashew wastes for animal feeds
Milling high-tannin and low-tannin varieties of sorghum
UNU projects on food and nutrition
Recent and Forthcoming UNU Publications on Food and Nutrition