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From time to time the Food and Nutrition Bulletin has emphasized special nutrition-related issues of importance to developing countries that have been relatively neglected. Two of these, intrahousehold food distribution and household food production, were included in recent special issues. The current issue is devoted primarily to articles on another important and neglected topic, the relationship between food and the possibility and cost of producing and processing it.

The article by Solomons and Gross on urban malnutrition, on page 43, was accepted for publication before the ACC Subcommittee on Nutrition (SCN) planned its symposium on this topic for its March 1987 meeting in Washington, D.C. It calls attention to a problem that is assuming increasing importance with urbanization and particularly the growth of huge metropolitan areas. The Food and Nutrition Bulletin for December of this year (vol. 9, no. 4) will be devoted to the papers on urban malnutrition that were presented at the ACC/SCN meeting.

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