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IUNS commissions and committees, 1986-1990
A meeting of the INFOODS Policy Committee in Budapest, 36 November, was attended by representatives of several national food-composition activities as well as members of the committee. There were three separate sessions: (a) a review of INFOODS activities, (b) a survey of East European food-composition activities, with special attention to the continuing work in Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Yugoslavia, and (c) an extensive presentation and discussion of food composition activities in Hungary. The meeting was organized with the very capable assistance of the Hungarian government through the offices of Prof. Peter Biacs and the Central Food Research Institute.
A workshop was held in Jakarta, 21-24 October, to review the work on food-composition data within South-east Asia since the ASIAFOODS meeting two years ago. The meeting was organized by Dr. Aree Valyasevi under the auspices of the ASEAN Sub-committee on Protein. The focus was on methodology- data collection and analytic procedures - with country reports being given on the situations within the ASEAN countries of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Resource papers were presented on the topic of quality control (Dr. Greenfield, University of New South Wales, and Dr. Schelling, Australian Government National Laboratories) and on the overall problems of food-composition data and how solutions to these problems can be part of the global effort (Dr. Rand, INFOODS). Discussion focused on plans for the future, with writing groups producing status summaries and recommendations. The entire proceedings will be published shortly. For further information contact Dr. Aree Valyasevi, ASIAFOODS Co-ordinator, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, c/o The Research Center, Ramathidoby Hospital, Rama VI Road, Bangkok 10400, Thailand.
An organizational meeting of LATINFOODS was held in Guatemala, 11-14 November, sponsored by the United Nations University, the International Development Research Centre, and ROCAP/AID. This meeting was organized by Dr. Ricardo Bressani of INCAP, with the assistance of the INFOODS Secretariat. Forty-nine scientists from 20 Latin American and Caribbean countries gathered to review the state of food-composition data in the region, establish a network of individuals and institutions, and formulate action programmes to improve the intraregional situation. Dr. Gary Beecher of the US Department of Agriculture presented an overview on the quality of food-composition data, and Dr. Rand of INFOODS presented an overview of how the Latin American organization could fit into the global INFOODS efforts. Several specific projects were discussed, and the meeting ended with a charge to the participants to begin investigating local needs and resources more completely and to build on the international linkages identified by this meeting. The proceedings and detailed recommendations of the meeting will be published in the near future. The meeting was very successful in starting to link together those in this part of the world who are involved with food composition. Anyone interested in further information should contact Dr. Ricardo Bressani, LATINFOODS Co-ordinator, Head, Division of Food and Agricultural Sciences, INCAP, Apartado Postal 1188, Carretera Roosevelt, Zona 11, Guatemala City, Guatemala.
Asian Congress
The Fifth Asian Congress of Nutrition, offering a series of lectures, symposia, and workshops on various topics of importance to nutrition scientists working in or interested in Asia, will be held 26-29 October 1987, in Osaka, Japan. The second symposium, organized by Kyoden Yasumoto of Kyoto University, will address the topic Food-Composition Data in Asia. For information contact the Fifth Asian Congress of Nutrition Secretariat, Department of Nutrition and Physiological Chemistry, Osaka University Medical School, 357, Nakanoshima 4-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka 530, Japan.
Call for Papers
The Journal of Food Composition and Analysis is a new peer-reviewed scientific journal covering all scientific aspects of data on the chemical composition of human foods, with particular emphasis on analytical methods for obtaining data; actual data on the composition of foods; and studies on the manipulation, statistics, storage, distribution, and use of food-composition data. The journal, sponsored by INFOODS and the United Nations University, will be published by Academic Press. Publication in 1987 is anticipated.
The editors are actively seeking high-quality manuscripts in the area of food composition and analysis. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts for publication to the editorial office at this time. Please submit manuscripts and requests for additional information to Dr. Kent K. Stewart, Editor, Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA; telephone: (703) 961-7986.
IDD Newsletter
In response to interest in iodine-deficiency disorders (IDD), a new organization has been formed to review IDD status on a global basis and to develop strategies for controlling and correcting IDD. Called the International Council for the Control of iodine Deficiency Disorders, it was formally incorporated in March 1986. Its members include physicians, public-health workers, nutritionists, communication specialists, economists, food manufacturers, and representatives of UNICEF, PAHO, WHO, and the World Bank. The council publishes a quarterly newsletter highlighting new research and developments and carrying reviews and abstracts of literature on iodine-deficiency disorders. The newsletter is available free. Please write to: IDD Newsletter, c/o Dr. J. T. Dunn, Box 511, University of Virginia Medical Center, Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA.
Master of Community Nutrition
The University of Queensland, Australia, is offering a course leading to the degree of Master of Community Nutrition in collaboration with the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University; Khon Keen University; and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. The course comprises seven months of academic work in Australia and five months of fieldwork in rural or urban areas of South-east Asia.
Course goats: To produce community nutritionists who can diagnose, alleviate, and prevent malnutrition.
Entrance criteria: Degree in agricultural, health, or social sciences from a recognized university; a minimum of two years' relevant work experience, with potential for effectively using training; proficiency in English language.
Major groups of participants: Those with a strong background in nutrition, presently working at a middle-management level; other professionals - e.g., economists, medical practitioners, and agriculturalists- involved in planning, implementing, and/or evaluating programmes with community-nutrition components.
Duration: 1 year, commencing mid-June.
Tuition costs: Approximately A$18,000 for the year (living costs, at present rate, approximately A$6,500; airfares needed to Brisbane and on to fieldwork).
Funding: There are few Australian government fellowships. Applicants should obtain funding from their own governments, United Nations agencies (WHO, UNDP, FAO, UNICEF, UNU), the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, or other sponsors.
Applications, accompanied by a copy of degree certificate and tertiary transcripts, statement of work experience and future potential, will be received at any time; for a course commencing in June of one year, applications should be received at the latest by the end of February of that year. If English language training is required, this must be undertaken before the beginning of the course, and applications should then be received in the year prior to the course.
Address all correspondence to the Course Director, Community Nutrition Program, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland 4067, Australia. Telephone: (07) 3773~337; international (61) (7) 377-3837. Telex: UNIQVLD AA40315.
In-Country Courses on Food Processing and Public Health
Tropical environments are characterized by a high risk of diseases and infections, many of which are spread by food and water. The safety and quality of the food supply is therefore of utmost importance to people's health in the developing world. In response to this issue, courses offering a unique combination of the principles of food processing and public health, organized under the auspices of Oxford Polytechnic, are conducted in various host countries. The courses enable the participant to identify key health hazards during food processing and to gain a thorough grasp of the methods underlying the provision of safe food and water to the community.
Among the benefits of the courses are:
The courses are taught in English, and participants should therefore be reasonably fluent in spoken English. There are no technical qualifications required for admission. Each course normally lasts three to four weeks in the host country. Course dates are determined largely by factors within individual countries (e.g., the agricultural season) and normally run in April or August/September each year. A maximum of twenty participants is allowed for each course. Notification of application and payment for courses should be finalized at least six months before the course is scheduled to begin. Courses may be sponsored by organizations or individuals, and the following expenditure will cover all course participants: tuition fees (on the order of £11,400), expenses for travel and accommodation for three tutors, and expenses for one week's orientation for one tutor.
For further information please contact: Dr. Jeya Henry, Oxford Polytechnic, Gypsy Lane, Oxford 0X3 OBP, UK; telex: 83147 VIA; telephone: Oxford 819818.
Request for Data on Nutrition in the Elderly
Few nutrition surveys provide separate data on the status of the elderly. The Committee on Geriatric Medicine of the International Union of Nutrition Sciences (IUNS) would like to learn of any significant body of information on the nutritional status of free-living elderly people or total representative populations of the elderly. It is interested in individuals 65 years old or older, and especially these older than 70 years. Reports of the availability of such information indicating the nature of the data and the sample should be sent to: Dr. Bertil Steen, Professor of Geriatric Medicine, Lunds University, Department of Community Health and Sciences, Varnhems Sjukhus, S-212 1 6 Malmö, Sweden.
The International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS), through its committees, is deeply involved in both scientific and policy issues with regard to nutritional sciences. The chairpersons of the committees take responsibility for giving adequate attention to studying and reporting on the charge of the committee. This can be done by correspondence with committee members and other specialists in the field, by meeting with committee members, or in any other way. An overview of the commissions and committees for 1986-1990 follows.
Commission 1: Basic Nutrition, Nomenclature, Procedures, and Standards
Responsible vice-president: Dr. Barbara A. Underwood
I/1: Nutritional Terminology
F. Weber (Switzerland), chairperson; K. Yasumoto (Japan), deputy
Charge: To review and recommend a tabulation of present usage in
nutritional terminology in co-operation with international
agencies, especially IUPAC. To prepare an IUNS booklet on
terminology used in nutritional sciences.
I/2: The Nutritional Aspects of Food Standards
A. L. Forbes (USA), chairperson; Margaret Cheney (Canada), deputy
Charge: To develop basic criteria for nutritional quality
considerations which could be used as a guide for commodity
specific committees of the Codex Alimentarius and similar bodies.
I/3: Dietary Recommendations for Populations
and Individuals
J. I. Pedersen (Norway), chairperson; E. Morava (Hungary), deputy
Charge: To develop guidelines indicating the uses and limitations
of estimates of nutrient requirements and allowances at
population and individual level and to review dietary goals and
I/4: Techniques for Measuring the Value of
Foods for Man
D. A. T. Southgate (UK), chairperson
Charge: To review techniques for the measurement of nutrients and
other constituents in food, including fibre; make recommendations
regarding the most appropriate techniques to use; collaborate
with international efforts such as INFOODS to improve and expand
existing food-composition data banks.
I/5: Ethics of Human Nutrition Experimentation
Monique Astier-Dumas (France), chairperson
Charge: To develop a code of professional ethics and
responsibility, and upon request to evaluate and make
recommendations on matters related to this charge.
I/6: Animal Models in Human Nutrition Research
A. C. Beynen (Netherlands), chairperson; M. E. Coates (UK),
deputy chairperson
Charge: To develop criteria for the use of animals in and guide
lines for the choice of experimental animals in human nutrition
research. To prepare a report for the next IUNS Congress, in
Korea (1989).
I/7: Practical Application of Protein
B. Torun (INCAP), chairperson; R. G. Whitehead (UK), deputy
Charge: To examine the practical application of the protein
recommendations, as well as the weaknesses and gaps in knowledge
in this field. The examination should be based upon the 1985
Report of a Joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultation on "Energy
and Protein Requirements."
I/8: Biological Evaluation of Fat Joyce
Beare-Rogers (Canada), chairperson; M. I. Gurr (UK), deputy
Charge: To review the biological role of different fatty acids in
human nutrition. To report about this at the next IUNS Congress,
in Korea (1989).
I/9: Drugs and Nutrition
Kharia Naguib (Egypt), chairperson; J. Hathcock (USA), deputy
Charge: To review the state of knowledge of the interaction of
drugs and toxic substances on nutrition.
I/10: Nutrition and Biotechnology
(In preparation)
I/11 : Use of Computers in Nutrition
(In preparation)
Working Group
WG l/1: Methodology for Evaluation of Dietary
J. G. A. J. Hautvast Netherlands), chairperson
Charge: To develop a manual of techniques for the evaluation of
dietary intake.
Special Topic
Chronic Energy Deficiency and Performance J. G. A. J. Hautvast (Netherlands), liaison officer with the International Dietary Energy Consultancy Group (IDECG)
Commission II: Human and Applied Nutrition
Responsible vice-president: Prof. Aree Valyasevi
II/1: Food and Nutrition Policy
P. Pinstrup-Andersen (IFPRI), chairperson
Charge: To promote understanding of the role of food and
nutrition policy, planning, and programme analysis in national
planning for development through meetings and publications.
II/2: Nutrition and Urbanization
Soekirman (Indonesia), chairperson; B. Schurch (Switzerland),
deputy chairperson
Charge: To study the changes in food-consumption patterns,
nutritional status, and quality of life which result from
urbanization. To discuss findings and actions at the next IUNS
Congress, in Korea (1989).
II/3: Infant and Pre-school Child Nutrition
Policy and Socio economic Change
Marina F. Rea (Brazil), chairperson; Elisabet Helsing (WHO),
deputy chairperson
Charge: To propose suitable nutrition policies and design
programmes in the area of infant and pre-school child nutrition
for countries undergoing rapid socio-economic change.
II/4: Nutrition and Anthropology
L. A. Vargas (Mexico), chairperson
Charge: To interpret and disseminate practical applications of
anthropological findings on critical food and nutrition issues,
amongst others through the organization of training workshops.
II/5: References of Growth and Physical
R. Trowbridge (USA), chairperson; O. M. Galal (Egypt), deputy
Charge: To develop guidelines for the use of international
references of growth and development, and make recommendations
leading to greater comparability in the interpretation of
anthropometric and developmental data.
II/6: Assessment of Population Nutrition Status
and Programme Evaluation
L. Arab (FRG), chairperson (for developed countries); J. Kevany
(Ireland), chairperson (for developing countries)
Charge: To review the experiences of nutrition surveys and
nutrition surveillance and evaluate its usefulness for predictive
purposes in (a) developed countries, and (b) developing
II/7: Nutrition in Primary Health Care
Priyani Soysa (Sri Lanka), chairperson; J. E. Rohde (USA), deputy
Charge: To analyse existing programmes and make recommendations
for improved maternal and child nutrition in primary health care.
II/8: Nutrition and Fertility
Madri N. Saxena (India), chairperson;
Charge: To evaluate and disseminate knowledge of the relationship
between nutrition, breast-feeding, and fertility.
II/9: Nutrition Requirements in Pregnancy and
D. J. Naismith (UK), chairperson
Charge: To evaluate current data on nutritional requirements in
pregnancy and lactation and disseminate relevant conclusions and
II/10: Geriatric Nutrition
M. L. Wahlqvist (Australia), chairperson
Charge: To review the present knowledge of nutrition and health
in the elderly, to publish a monograph on this and to make
research recommendations
II/11 : Mental Development and Behaviour
E. Pollitt (Peru), chairperson; Sally Grantham-McGregor
(Jamaica), deputy chairperson
Charge: To provide periodic appraisal of the significance of
current research findings and identify needed further research on
nutrition, mental development, and behaviour.
II/12: Nutrition and Physical Performance
Jana Parizkova (Czechoslovakia), chairperson; K. Satyanarayana
(India), deputy chairperson
Charge: To provide a summary of knowledge and stimulate research
regarding nutrition, physical fitness, and activity performance.
II/13: Nutritional Consequences of
Developmental Programmes
C. Gopalan (India), chairperson
Charge: To assemble available data regarding the impact of major
developmental programmes in developing countries on health and
nutritional status and to suggest feasible ways by which possible
deleterious effects could be avoided and the benefits increased.
II/14: Food Gardening for Improvement of
L. J. Teply (USA), chairperson; F. Solon (Philippines), deputy
Charge: To implement the recommendations of the Brighton Workshop
(August 1985) and consider additional priorities for action.
II/15: Rural and Household Food Handling
R. K. Malik (India), chairperson; B. Phithakpol (Thailand),
deputy chairperson
Charge: To promote the nutritional value, quality, and safety of
foods at the village and household levels, encouraging studies of
their economic, health, and nutritional implications, and the
dissemination of information on improved food handling practices.
Working Groups
WG II/ 1: Growth Monitoring and Nutrition
D. B. Jelliffe (USA), chairperson; L. F. Fajardo (Colombia),
deputy chairperson
Charge: To study the work on growth charts, to review the
decisions and actions to be taken with growth charts and devise a
"learning package" for teaching this to community
health workers.
WG II/2: Nutrition and Low-Cost Protein-Rich
Y. Hofvander (Sweden!, chairperson
Charge: To review PAG Guideline no. 8 concerning the composition
of low-cost protein-rich food supplements during the weaning
period and to report about this.
WG II/3: Food and Nutrition in Africa
T. N. Maletnlema (Tanzania), chairperson
Charge: To prepare a book on the present food and nutrition
situation in Africa, indicating relevant programme activities in
this field in the past 510 years, reviewing institutional needs
and developments, indicating availability of manpower, and
formulating manpower training needs in the coming decade. To
present the findings at the next IUNS Congress, in Korea ( 1
Special Topics
Nutritional Quality of Diets Utilizing
Traditional Food Plants
Erica Wheeler (UK), liaison officer
Charge: To monitor studies on the nutritional value and
food-consumption patterns of traditional food plants in various
geographic zones and to present a summary of findings at the next
IUNS Congress, in Korea (1989).
Health and Nutrition in Agriculture M. D. C.
Immink (Guatemala), liaison officer
Charge: To monitor studies related to health and nutrition in
agriculture and to present a summary of findings at the next IUNS
Congress, in Korea (1989)
Commission III: Nutrition and Health Problems
Responsible vice-president: Prof. Stewart Truswell
III/ 1: Clinical Nutrition
B. Isaksson (Sweden), chairperson; Lyn Howard (USA), deputy
Charge: To develop curricula for the training of clinicians for
academic research and teaching of clinical nutrition. To identify
and prioritize issues in clinical nutrition.
III/2: Nutrition and Cardiovascular Diseases
K. Widhalm (Austria), chairperson; A. Pagnan (Italy), deputy
Charge: To develop policy statements and guidelines about the
role of nutrition in primary prevention of cardiovascular
III/3: Nutrition and Obesity
L. Balabanski (Bulgaria), chairperson
Charge: To study the different prevalences of obesity around the
world and to study its impact on health in different parts of the
world. To report on the findings at the next IUNS Congress, in
Korea (1989).
III/4: Nutrition and Immunity
R. K. Chandra (Canada), chairperson; L. Salimonu (Nigeria),
deputy chairperson
Charge: To review new developments in the area of nutrition and
immunity and to formulate recommendations for future research.
III/5: Trace Elements in Human Nutrition
A. S. Prasad (USA), chairperson; G. Yang (PRC), deputy chair
Charge: To identify nutritional problems relating to trace
elements in various populations of the world.
III/6: Functional Consequences of Vitamin
J. A. Olson (USA), chairperson; C. J. Bates (UK), deputy chair
Charge: To assess the functional and health significance of
subclinical, biochemically identifiable deficiencies of vitamins
and of marginal states of vitamin nutriture.
III/7: Nutrition and Cancer
K. K. Carroll (Canada), chairperson; J. H. Cummings (UK), deputy
Charge: To develop authoritative summaries of the present status
of nutrition-cancer interrelationships and make research
Special Topics
Nutrition and iodine Deficiency Disorders
B. S. Hetzel (Australia), liaison officer
With the International Council for Control of iodine Deficiency
Disorders (ICCIDD)
Nutrition and Anaemia
R. Florentino (Philippines), liaison officer
With the International Nutritional Anaemia Consultancy Group
Nutrition and Vitamin A Deficiency
D. Karyadi (Indonesia), liaison officer
With the International Vitamin A Consultancy Group (IVACG)
Commission IV: Nutrition Education and Training
Responsible vice-president: Prof. Stewart Truswell
IV/1: Education of the Public with Special
Attention to Nutrition Education for Schoolchildren and Their
Joan D. Gussow (USA), chairperson; Wenche Barth Eide (Norway),
deputy chairperson
Charge: To develop policies and guidelines for nutrition
education of the public.
IV/2: Nutrition Training in Schools of
Medicine, Dentistry and Public Health
Jitka S. Vobecky (Canada), chairperson; Myron Winick (USA),
deputy chairperson
Charge: To formulate and promote nutrition curricula in schools
of medicine, dentistry and public health.
IV/3: Nutrition and Food Science in Schools of
Agriculture and Veterinary Science
R. Ferrando (France), chairperson; H. K. Henderickx (Belgium),
deputy chairperson
Charge: To develop specific recommendations for food science and
nutrition knowledge that will be part of the training of workers
in the agricultural and veterinary sciences.
IV/4: Nutrition in Schools of Home Sciences
I. Desai (Canada), chairperson; Helen A. Guthrie (USA), deputy
Charge: To develop and implement curricula for
nutrition-education training in high-degree schools of home
IV/5: Advanced Degrees in Nutrition Science
B. Nesheim (USA), chairperson; N. Hosoya (Japan), deputy
Charge: To provide regular compilation of advanced degrees in
nutrition science, inventorization of curricula, formulation of
training standards and recommendations with regard to
accreditation of such degrees, and promotion of advanced degrees
especial)y in developing countries.
IV/6: Nutrition Education and Training of
Nurses and Auxiliary Health Workers
E. F. Patrice Jelliffe (USA), chairperson; Mary Anne Small
Capistrano (Brazil), deputy chair person
Charge: To analyse the current situation concerning training in
nutrition in schools for public-health nurses and to suggest
modifications if required.
Special Topic
Training in Schools of Dietetics
A. Hekkens-Klaassen (Netherlands), liaison officer With the
International Committee of Dietetic Associations (ICDA)
Commission V: Nutrition of Animals
Responsible vice-president: Dr. Barbara Underwood Coordinator: C. C. Balch
V/1: Nutrition and the Production of Fish
C. B. Cowey (UK), chairperson; C. Y. Cho (Canada), deputy
Charge: To study the possibilities of fish production for human
nutrition and the nutritional quality of fish products.
V/2: Nutrition of Pigs
A. A. Rérat (France), chairperson; J. F. O'Grady (Ireland),
deputy chairperson
Charge: To study possibilities to improve pig nutrition and
production. To report on the use of the pig as a model for
different functional studies of nutrition in man. To advise
developing countries on the possibilities of pig rearing for
human nutrition.
V/3: Nutrition of Poultry
N. J. Daghir (Lebanon), chairperson
Charge: To encourage and participate in international scientific
activities leading to increased integration and dissemination of
knowledge on the nutritional requirements of poultry.
V/4: Nutrition of Ruminants
P. Thivand (France), chairperson
Charge: To encourage discussion on the comparative aspects of la)
young animal nutrition and (b) the microbial degradation of
dietary components in ruminants and non-ruminants, including man.
Working Group
WG V/1: Influence of Drying and Smoking on the
Nutritional and Functional Properties of Fish
J. Burt (UK), chairperson
Charge: To review available data on the effects of drying and
smoking for the preservation of fish on nutritional value,
safety, and functional properties, and prepare guidelines for the
use of these methods in developing countries.
For general information concerning the IUNS, please write to:
Prof. Dr. Joseph Hautvast
Secretary General, IUNS c/o Department of Nutrition
Agricultural University
De Dreijen 12
6703 BC Wageningen, Netherlands
For specific information about any of the IUNS committees, please write to the responsible vice-president:
Dr. Barbara A. Underwood
Vice-President, IUNS
National Institutes of Health
Bldg. 31, Rm. 6A-08
Bethesda, MD 20892, USA
Prof. Aree Valyasevi
Vice-President, IUNS
Department of Pediatrics and Institute of Nutrition c/o Faculty
of Medicine
Ramathibodi Hospital
Rama 6 Road
Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Prof. Stewart Truswell
Vice-President, IUNS
Biochemistry Department
University of Sydney
N.S.W. 2006, Australia