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Table. Amino-acid scores of foods

117. Aerva 0.62 3.90 194 178 -0 128
118. African fan palm 1.28 8.00 280 104 32 145
119.Aisen 0.50 3.10 122 97 -0 32
120. Albizzia 1.11 7.00 333 209 -0 168
121. Alternanthera 0.75 4.70 254 211 - 80
122. Arracacia 0.12 0.80 26 0 5 2
123. Arum 0.35 2.20 54 63 52 75
124. Asparagus 0.34 2.10 96 60 25 47
125. Baobab 0.61 3.80 225 183 68 80
126. Bean 0.38 2.40 131 92 33 51
127. Beet(leaves) 0.34 2.10 60 62 21 37
128. Beet(root) 0.29 1.80 96 60 17 54
129. Beggarticks 0.61 3.80 176 160 -0 96
130. Bitter leaf 0.85 5.30 196 218 -0 80
131. Black plum 0.19 1.20 55 55 -0 43
132. Bombax 0.37 2.30 120 106 -0 79
133. Broccoli 0.69 4.30 218 161 46 109
134. Brussel sprout 0.75 4.70 252 199 58 71
135. Burweed 0.67 4.20 226 184 -0 148
136. Cabbage 0.26 1.60 50 61 17 35
137. Cadaba 1.47 9.20 387 276 -0 203
138. Calabash 0.70 4.40 210 153 -0 114
139. Caper 1.34 8.40 436 376 -0 327
140. Carrot(root) 0.18 1.10 44 32 8 26
141. Cassava 1,12 7.00 437 327 102 195
142. Cauliflower 0.45 2.80 160 119 39 44
143. Celery 0.18 1.10 27 38 14 25
144. Celosia 0.43 2.70 126 109 -0 88
145. Cornsalad 0,38 2.40 147 114 36 17
146. Cowpea 0.53 3.31 198 -0 33 20
147. Crassocephalum 0.51 3.20 150 140 -0 73
148. Crateva 0.94 5.90 271 217 -0 182
149. Cucumber 0.13 0.80 35 21 6 8
150. Eggplant(leaves) 0.74 4.60 222 172 -0 88
151. Eggplant(fruit) 0.19 1.20 63 44 12 19
152. Egyptianmarjoram 0.64 4.00 78 129 64 0
153. Elephantgrass 0.42 2.60 63 -0 -0 50
154. Endive 0.29 1.80 78 71 30 35
155. Eryngo 0.37 2.30 45 58 42 62
156. Falsesesame 0.67 4.20 214 180 -0 88
157. Fameflower 0.38 2.40 75 71 -0 62
158. Fenugreek 0.74 4.60 219 215 60 66
159. Fleurya 0.93 5.80 273 279 -0 215
160. Groundnut 0.70 4.40 223 171 -0 119
161. Hogweed 0.72 4.50 207 166 -0 121
162. Horseradish tree 1.31 8.20 476 368 -0 312
163. Inula 0.14 0.90 20 38 20 -0
164. Ipomoea 0.64 4.00 144 132 52 60
165. Joint fir 0.96 6.00 252 258 66 216
166. Lannea 0.54 3.40 199 141 -0 105
167. Lead tree 0.46 2.90 144 106 -0 86
168. Leptadenia 0.70 4.40 192 158 -0 52
169. Lettuce 0.21 1.30 50 54 10 24
170. Lucerne 0.67 4.20 247 194 72 116
171. Lupine 0.43 2.70 108 98 -0 37
172. Mallow 0.80 5.00 118 168 86 94
173. Mulberry 1.12 6.97 276 232 -0 133
174. Nigeria Afraegle 1.02 2.40 267 210 -0 198
175. Okra (leaves) 0.70 4.40 217 186 40 128
176. Okra(fruit) 0.34 2.10 70 49 12 49
177. Onion 0.22 1.40 63 20 20 16
178. Parsley 0.59 3.70 531 -0 74 18
179. Pavetta 0.51 3.20 134 118 -0 45
180. Pea(seed) 1.05 6.60 479 247 66 124
181. Pepper(Piper umbellatum) 0.74 4.60 226 195 -0 143
182. Pepper (Capsicum annum) 0.19 1.20 38 50 7 6
183. Pigweed 0.74 4.60 234 197 57 170
184. Polygonum 0.58 3.60 177 177 -0 58
185. Pumpkin(leaves) 0.64 4.00 254 204 52 118
186. Pumpkin(fruit) 0.16 1.00 43 27 11 9
187. Puncturevine 0.86 5.40 182 145 -0 70
188. Radish 0.18 1.10 48 42 4 10
189. Red pepper 0.66 4.10 252 -0 41 40
190. Rosary pea 0.90 5.60 298 237 -0 158
191. Scratchbush 0.45 2.80 135 138 -0 48
192. Senna sickle 0.90 5.60 326 281 -0 241
193. Sesame 0.75 4.70 203 218 -0 119
194. Solenostemon 0.69 4.30 186 177 -0 109
195. Spiderherb 0.77 4.80 280 188 -0 48
196. Spinach 0.35 2.20 159 116 34 82
197. Sugarcane 0.29 1.80 35 -0 -0 21
198. Tamarind 0.50 3.10 184 144 -0 50
199. Tassel flower 0.64 4.00 216 180 -0 132
200. Thyme 0.46 2.90 65 80 59 86
201. Tomato 0.18 1.10 32 25 9 14
202. Turnip(root) 0.14 0.90 17 25 11 11
203. Turnip(leaves) 0.50 3.10 157 127 42 56
204. Vinespinach 0.29 1.80 89 56 -0 47
205. Mush room (commonunsp.) 0.59 3.70 165 100 38 36
206. Mushroom (canned) 0.54 3.40 199 138 54 75
  Meat and poultry
207. Beef and veal            
(edible flesh) 2.83 17.70 1,573 812 198 704
208. Beef end veal (offals) 2.56 16.00 1,249 714 172 581
209. Caterpillars 2.43 15.20 979 651 197 726
210. Chicken (edible flesh) 3.20 20.00 1,590 794 205 764
211. Chicken (offals) 2.56 16.00 1,149 783 154 681
212. Horse 3.20 20.00 2,000 781 202 819
213. Iguana 3.84 24.00 2,266 1,797 257 626
214. Meat 2.56 16.00 1,206 645 -0 612
215. Mutton and lamb            
(edible flesh) 2.50 15.60 1,275 733 198 583
216. Mutton and lamb(offals) 2.56 16.00 1,357 758 246 333
217. Pork (edible flesh) 1.90 11.90 961 583 162 454
218. Pork (offals) 2.56 16.00 1,354 722 207 625
219. Rat 2.72 17.00 1,268 696 -0 748
220. Sausages 2.10 13.10 1,035 523 -0 530
221. Zebu 3.20 20.00 1,923 874 259 730
222. Wildebeest 2.88 18.00 1,558 685 193 665


223. Hen(whole) 1.98 12.40 863 634 184 717
224. Hen(yolk) 2.58 16.10 1,202 753 240 599
225. Hen(white) 1.78 11.10 739 532 176 708
226. Duck 1.63 10.19 743 652 173 988


  Fish, shellfish, and fish products
227. Fish 3.01 18.80 1,713 861 211 759
228. Anguilliformes 3.20 20.00 1,504 896 202 749
229. Beloniformes 2.72 17.00 1,673 830 223 726
230. Clupeiformes            
clupeiodei 3.20 20.00 1,802 1,027 214 864
231. Clupeiformes            
salmonoidei 2.88 18.00 1,604 786 199 650
232. Cypriniformes 2.88 18.00 1,590 789 184 887
233. Gadiformes 2.72 17.00 1,703 879 -0 773
234. Galeiformes 3.20 20.00 1,930 822 224 752
235. Mufiliformes 2.88 18.00 1,813 919 184 668
236. Porciformes            
scombroidei 4.32 27.00 2,328 1,067 320 951
237. Perciformes 2.72 17.00 1,605 718 185 685
238. Pleuronectiformes 2.56 16.00 1,631 799 220 529
239. Rajiformes 3.20 20.00 2,182 723 275 634
240. Crustaceans 2.56 16.00 1,262 730 184 668
241. Molluscs 1.60 10.00 797 469 130 432
242. Fish(canned) 3.52 22.00 1,844 964 211 644
243. Fish(cured) 6.40 40.00 3,680 1,990 422 1,709
244. Fish(frozen) 3.01 18.80 1,993 780 244 488
245. Fish(meal) 12.00 75.00 5,808 3,180 720 2,976
246. Whale(fresh) 2.36 20.40 1,712 1,020 205 877
247. Whale(meat meal) 13.80 86.00 6,293 5.589 883 2,166


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