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1. T. A. Abdullah and S. A. Zeidenstein, Village Women Of Bangladesh: Prospect for Change (Pergamon Press, New York, 1982).

2, M. Acharya and L. Bennett, The Rural Women of Nepal: An Aggregate Analysis and Summary of Eight Village Studies, vol. 2, pt. 9 (Center for Economic Development and Administration, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, 1981).

3. M. Acharya and L. Bennett, "Women and the Subsistence Sector," World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 526 (World Bank, Washington, D.C., 1983).

4. E, Allison, Jr., "Mass Media Approaches to Nutritional Education in Developing Countries," in K. Shack, ed.,Teaching Nutrition in Developing Countries or the Joys of Eating Dark Green Leaves (Meals for Millions Foundation Santa Barbara, Calif., 1977).

5. APHA, Using Radio, Primary Health Care Issues Series (APHA, Washington, D.C., 1982).

6. E. J. Arnold and M. C. Netting, "Households: Changing Form and Function," Curr. Anthropol., 23(5): 571-575 (1982).

7. B. C. Ayres, Pregnancy Magic: A Study of Food Taboos and Sex Avoidances: A Comparative Study of Human Production (Human Relations Area File Press, New Haven, Conn., 1967).

8. S. Batiwala, "Rural Energy Scarcity and Nutrition: A New Perspective," Econ. Polit. Wkly., 17: 329-333 (1981).

9. G. Beaton and H. Ghassemi, "Supplementary Feeding Program for Young Children in Developing Countries," Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 35: 864-916 (1982).

10. G. Becker, "A Theory of the Allocation of Time," Econ. J., 75: 493-916 (1965).

11. G. Becker, The Economic Approach to Human Behavior (University of Chicago Press, Chicago,III.,1976).

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13. L. Beneria, "Reproduction, Production and the Sexual Division of Labor," Camb. J. Econ., 3(3): 203-225 (1979),

14. A. Berg, Malnourished People: A Policy View, World Bank Poverty and Basic Needs Series (World Bank, Washington, D.C., 1981).

15. W. L. Berggren, "Evaluation of Effectiveness of Education and Rehabilitation Centers," Proceedings of the Western Hemisphere Nutrition Congress, III (Future Publishing Co., New York,1971).

16. N. Birdsall and W. P. McGreevey, "The Second Sex in the Third World: Is Female Poverty a Development Issue?," paper prepared for the International Center for Research on Women Policy Round Table, Washington, D.C,, 21 June 1978.

17.J. Bryson, "Women and Agriculture in Sub-Sahara, Africa: Implications for Development (An Exploratory Study)," in N. Nelson, ed., African Women in the Development Process, J. Dev. Stud., 17(3): 2946 (1981).

18. M, Burk, "Manual on Analysis of Food and Nutrition Survey Data for Developing Countries," draft (1979).

19. M. Buvinic and N. Youssef, "Women-headed Households: The Ignored Factor in Development Planning," report submitted to AID/WID (International Center for Research on Women, Washington, D,C,, 1978).

20. J. C. Caldwell, "Education as a Factor of Mortality Decline: An Examination of Nigerian Data," Popul. Stud., 33: 395-413 (1979).

21. M. A. Caliendo and D, Sanjur, "The Dietary Status of the School Children: An Ecological Approach,"J. Nutr. Educ., 10(2): 69-72 (1978).

22. A. S. Carloni, "Sex Disparities in the Distribution of Food within Rural Households," Food Nutr., 7(1): 3-12 (1981).

23. A. S. Carloni, "The Impact of Maternal Employment and Income on the Nutritional Status of Children in Rural Areas of Developing Countries: What Is Known, What Is Not Known, and Where the Gaps Are" (ACC/SCN, New York, 1984).

24. M. T. Cerquiera, "Mass Media Approach to Nutritional Education: A Pilot Study in Mexico," in K. Shack, ed., Teaching Nutrition in Developing Countries or the Joys of Eating Dark Green Leaves (Meals for Millions Foundation, Santa Barbara, Calif., 1977).

25. R. H. Chaudry, "Determinants of Intra-familial Distribution of Food and Nutrient Intake in Rural Bangladesh," draft (Bangladesh Institute of Development Economics, Dacca, 1983).

26. L. C. Chen, E. Huq, and S. D'Souza, "Sex Bias in the Family Allocation of Food and Health Care in Rural Bangladesh," Popul. Dev. Rev., 7(1): 55-70 (1981).

27. S. Cochrane, D. O'Hara, and J. Leslie, "The Effects of Education on Health," World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 405 (World Bank, Washington, D.C.. 1980).

28. T. C. Cooke, "Mass Media and Marketing Approach to Nutrition Education," in K. Shack, ed., Teaching Nutrition in Developing Countries or the Joys of Eating Dark Green Leaves (Meals for Millions Foundation, Santa Barbara, Calif., 1977).

29. G. Da Cunha, "Telling the Mothers: 'You Can Breastfeed'," UNICEF News, 114(4): 15-17 (1982).

30. P. Davey, Report of the National Nutrition Survey, mimeo (rood end Nutrition Board, Accra, Ghana. 1962).

31. C. D. Deere, and M. Leon de Leal, "Measuring Women's Work and Class Position," Stud. Fam. Plan., 10: 370-378 (1979).

32. A. P. Den Hartog, "Unequal Distribution of Food within the Household: A Neglected Aspect of Food Behaviour," FAO Nutr Newsl., 10(4): 8-17 (1972).

33. K. Dewalt and G. Pelto, "Food Use and Health Ecology in a Mexican Community," in T. Fitzgerald, ed., Nutrition and Anthropology in Action (Van Gorcum, The Hague, Netherlands, 1978) pp. 79-93.

34. P. Dey, "Gambian Women: Unequal Partners in Rice Development Projects," in N. Nelson, ed., African Women in the Development Process, J, Dev Stud., 17(3): 109-122 (1981).

35. R. Dixon, Rural Women at Work: Strategies for Development in South Asia (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Md., 1978).

36. W. Drake and L. Fajardo, The Promotora Program in Candelaria: A Colombian Attempt to Control Malnutrition and Disease, 1968-74 (Community Systems Foundation, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1976).

37. T. Drummond, Using the Method of Paulo Freire in Nutrition Education: An Experimental Plan for Community Action in Northeast Brazil, Cornell International Nutrition Monograph Series No. 53 (Cornell University, Ithaca, N Y., 1975).

38. J. F. Dwyer, "Teenage Pregnancy," Am J. Obstet. Gynecol., 118: 373-372 (1974).

39. W. B. Eide and F. D. Steady, "Individual and Social Energy Flows: Bridging Nutritional and Anthropological Thinking about Women's Work in Rural Africa: Some Theoretical Considerations," in N. Jerome, R. Kandei and G. Pelto, eds., Nutritional Anthropology: Contemporary Approaches to Diet and Culture (Redgrave Publishing Co., New York, 1980).

40. P. Engle, "The Intersecting Needs of Working Women and Their Young Children" (Ford Foundation, New York, 1980),

41. P. Engle, "Maternal Care, Maternal Substitutes and Children's Welfare in the Developed and Developing Countries" background paper prepared for the ICRW Policy Round Table, "The Interface between Poor Women's Nurturing Roles and Productive Responsibiiities," Washington, D.C., 1981.

42. P. Engle and W. Butz, "Methodological Issues in Collecting Time Use Data in Developing Countries," paper presented at the Society for Research on Child Development Symposium Boston, Mass., April 1981.

43. P. Engle and R. J. Levin, "Sex Differences in the Effects of Malnutrition on Mental Development: A Review and Some Hypotheses," in J. Brozek and B. Schurch, eds., Malnutrition and Behavior: A Critical Assessment of Key Issues (Nestle Foundation, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1984).

44. P. Engle, C. Yarbrough, and R. E. Klein, "Sex Differences in the Effects of Nutrition and Social Environment on Mental Development in Rural Guatemala," in M. Buvinic, M. Lycette, and W. P. McGreevey,eds., Women and Poverty in the Third World (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Md., 1983).

45. R. E. Evenson, B. Popkin, and E. King-Quizon, "Nutrition, Work and Demographic Behavior in Rural Philippine Households" Yale University Economic Growth Center Working Paper No. 308 (New Haven, Conn., 1979).

46. P. Fazzi, "Women's Economic Activities: Their Role in the Improvement of Nutrition and Health" (UNICEF/Joint Nutrition Support Program, New York, 1983).

47. M. Fernandez and G. Pelto, "Anthropological Studies of Nutrition in Marginal Communities," in Nutrition in Health and Disease and International Development: Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, vol. 77 (Alan Liss Inc., New York, 1981).

48. A. T. Flegg, "Inequality of Income, Illiteracy and Medical Care as Determinants of Infant Mortality in Underdeveloped Countries," Popul. Stud., 36(3): 441-458 (1982).

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52. D. Franklin and M. Harrell, "Resource Allocation by Low income Rural Households: The Poor Also Choose" (USAID Bureau for Program and Policy Co-ordination, Washington, D.C., 1984).

53. D. Franklin and 1. Vial, "Food and Nutrition Policies: Does Women's Time Matter?," xerox (Sigma One Corporation, Raleigh, N.C.,1981).

54. P. Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Seabury Press, New York, 1970).

55. A. Fugelsang, About Understanding: Ideas and Observations on Cross-cultural Communication (Dag Hammerskjdid Foundation, Uppsala, Sweden,1982).

56. H. Gillespie, "Rural Women's Time Use," Stud. Fam. Plan., 10: 383-384 (1979).

57. H. Goldman, "The Nutrition of Children in a Coastal African (Liberian) Food Economy," unpublished Ph D. dissertation (Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., 1979).

58. M. Griffiths, Manoff International, personal communication, 1984.

59. M, Griffiths, R. Manoff, T. Cooke, and M. Zeitlin, "Mothers Speak, Nutrition Educators Listen: Community Participation in Materials Design, lndonesia" (Manoff International, Washington, D.C., 1981).

60. D. Gross and B. Underwood, "Technological Change and Calorie Costs: Sisal Agriculture in Northeastern Brazil," Am. Anthropol, 73: 723-740 (1971).

61. J. Gurney and A. Omololu, "A Nutritional Survey in Southwestern Nigeria: The Anthropometric and Clinical Findings," Environ. Child Health, 17(2): 50-61 (1971).

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63. J. P. Habicht, R. Martorell, C. Yarbrough, R. Malina, and R. Klein, "Height and Weight Standards for Pre-school Children: How Relevant are Ethnic Differences in Growth Potential?" Lancet, 6 April 1974, pp. 611-613.

64. J. P. Habicht, C. Yarbrough, H. Lechtig, and R. Klein, "Relationships of Birth Weight, Maternal Nutrition and Infant Mortality," Nutr. Sep. Int. 7: 533-546 (1973).

65. S. Hamilton, B. Popkin, and D. Spicer, Nutrition of Women of Childbearing Age in Low-income Countries: Significance, Patterns and Determinants (Carolina Population Center, Chapel HiII, N.C.,1981).

66. L. Harbert and P. Scandizzo, "Food Distribution and Nutrition intervention: The Case of Chile, "AGREP Division Working Paper No. 29 (World Bank, Washington, D.C., 1980).

67. L. Hilsum, "Nutrition Education and Social Change: A Women's Movement in the Dominican Republic," in D. Morley, J. Rohde, and G. Williams, eds., Practising Health for All (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1983).

68. J. Hitchings, Child Nutrition in Rural Kenya (Ministry of Economy Planning and Community Affairs, Central Bureau of Statistics, Nairobi, Kenya, 1979).

69. T. J. Ho, "Time Costs of Child Rearing in the Rural Philippines,"Popul. Dev. Fev., 5(14): 643-662 (1979).

70. P. Hollerbach, "Power in Families, Communication and Fertility Decision-making," Population Council Center for Policy Studies Working Paper No. 53 (New York, 1980).

71. R. Hornik, "Nutrition Education-A State of the Art Review," draft of paper prepared for the World Bank (World Bank, Washington, D.C., 1983).

72. G. Horowitz, "Intra-family Distribution of Food and Other Resources" (Nutrition Economics Group, USDA, Washington, D.C., 1980)..

73. P. Huston, Third World Women Speak Out (Redgrave, New York, 1979).

74. Information Center on Institutional Technology, IClT Report, Health Education by Open Broadcast No. 15. (Academy for Educational Development, Washington, D.C., 1976).

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76. N. Jerome, G. Pelto, and R. Kandel, "An Ecological Approach to Nutritional Anthropology," in N. Jerome, R. Kandel, and G. Pelto eds., Nutritional Anthropology Contemporary Approaches to Diet and Culture (Redgrave, New York, 1980).

77. A. Johnson, "Time Allocation in a Machinguenga Community," Ethnology, 14: 301-310 (1975).

78. C. Jones, "The Impact of the Semry I Irrigated Rice Project on the Organization of Production and Consumption at the Intrahousehold Level" (USAID, Washington, D.C., 1983).

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80. J. Katona-Apte, "The Significance of Intra-Household Food Distribution Patterns in Food Programmes," Food Nutr. Bull, 5(4): 35-41 (1983).

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82. King-Quizon, E., "Time Allocation and Home Production in Rural Philippine Households," Philipp. Econ J., 17-36: 185-202 (1978).

83 E. King and R. E. Evenson, "Time Allocation and Home Production in Philippine Rural Households," in M. Buvinic, M. Lucette, and W. McGreevey, eds., Women and Poverty in the Third World (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Md., 1983).

84. S. Kumar, "Composition of Economics Constraints of Child Nutrition: Impact of Maternal Incomes and Employment in Low-income Households," unpublished Ph.D. dissertation (Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., 1977).

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87. J. Leslie, "The Use of Mass Media in Health Education Campaigns," Educational Broadcasting lnternational, September 1978, pp.136-142.

88. R. LeVine, "Women's Education and Maternal Behavior in the Third World" (Ford Foundation, New York, 1978).

89. F. Levinson, Morinda: An Economic Analysis of Malnutrition among Young Children in Rural Punjab (International Nutrition Policy Series, Cambridge, Mass., 1974).

90. K, Lewin, "Forces behind Food Habits and Methods of Changes," in The Problem of Changing Food Habits (National Research Council, Washington, D,C,, 1943).

91. J. Ling, "Prescribing Healthy Communication," Far Eastern Economic Review, 4 October 1984, pp. 40-41.

92. S. Lone, "Communications: A Potent Force for Change," UNICEF News, 114(4): 3-5 (1982).

93. M. Luz de Alvarez, Deprivacion y familia (Editorial Universitaria, Santiago, Chile, 1982)

94. Manoff International, "Radio Advertising Techniques and Nutrition Education A Summary of a Field Experiment in the Philippines and Nicaragua" (USAID, Washington, D.C,, 1977),

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96. Manoff International, Project Description: Nutritional Education and Behavior Change Component, Indonesian Nutrition Improvement Program (Manoff International, Washington, D.C., 1983).

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