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News and notes

International course in food science and nutrition
New books


International course in food science and nutrition

Maternal and Child Nutrition: The Prevention of the Main Nutritional Disorders in the World" will be the emphasized theme for 1986 of the international postgraduate course in food science and nutrition held annually in the Netherlands.

The course is designed to be of particular relevance to officials engaged in the formulation, administration, and implementation or evaluation of specific nutrition interventions that are targeted at the definite population groups of mothers and children in developing countries.

Requirements for admission:
1. Academic degree (B.Sc. as a minimum), or its equivalent, in nutrition, food technology, home economics, medicine, or a related field of study.
2. Professional position with tasks related to the theme of the course and through which dissemination of the acquired knowledge is possible and can be expected.
3. Some years of practical experience related to the theme of the course.
4. Fluency in the English language.

Course period: January-June 1986.
Place: Wageningen, Netherlands.
Language: The course will be conducted in English.
Fellowships: The Netherlands Government has fellowship programmes. The diplomatic representative of the Netherlands in your country can give you more information.
Application: For further information about the course programme and for application forms, contact the Netherlands Embassy in your country or write to the course secretary at the address below. The closing date for application is 15 August 1985.
Address: International Course in Food Science and
Lawickse Allee 11
6701 AN Wageningen
Tel.: 08370- 19040


The first international meeting on body-weight control will be held at Montreux, Switzerland, 1-4 April 1985. The causes and treatment of and health risks brought about by aberrant body weight will be reviewed by some of the world's leading authorities. The objective of the meeting is to inform health professionals, educators, and all those interested in the problem about current thinking in ail of the scientific disciplines involved.

A panel of internationally recognized experts in weight control have drawn up the programme for Professional Postgraduate Services, suggesting the most authoritative speakers to cover the many topics thoroughly. Unusually, the meeting will not be an occasion to present the results of original research but rather to review the current state of knowledge with a view to publishing both full proceedings and also a number of specialist monographs discussing various aspects of the problem in greater detail.

Further details can be obtained from Professional Postgraduate Services Ltd., Sunderland House, Sunderland Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 6JF, UK.

The Chemistry and Physics of Food Extrusion Cooking will be the topic of a meeting held by the Royal Society of Chemistry-Industrial Division, Food Chemistry Group, 19-20 September 1985, at the University of East Anglia/ AFRC Food Research Institute, Norwich, UK. Research papers (20 minutes plus 10 minutes discussion) are invited. A title and short synopsis (100 to 200 words) from those wishing to contribute should be sent to Dr. P. Richmond, AFRC Food Research Institute, Colney Lane, Norwich, UK.

Diarrhoea Dialogue is a free quarterly newsletter concerned with all aspects of the prevention and control of diarrhoeal disease, made available by the Appropriate Health Resource and Technologies Action Group Ltd. (AHRTAG). AHRTAG is now able to expand the circulation of the English and French editions of Diarrhoea Dialogue in developing countries and to supply back copies in English. There are also editions in Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic. Funds are also available to help set up local translations of the newsletter. Interested persons should write to AHRTAG, 85 Marylebone High Street, London W1M 3DE, UK.

The Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center publication catalog for 1984-1985 is available on request from the Center at PO Box 42, Shanhua, Tainan 741, Taiwan, ROC. The publications listed can be ordered from the AVRDC Office of Information Services. Most are available free of charge and will be posted upon request via surface mail. Single copies of all AVRDC publications are available to libraries free of charge.

Leaf Protein Newsletter, published by the Indian Statistical Institute, is a good resource for persons interested in extracting protein from leaves. To be put on the mailing list for this newsletter, write to S. Matai, Indian Statistics Institute, 203 Barrackpore Trunk Road, Calcutta 700 085, India.

New books

The Diet Factor in Epidemiological Research. A concerted action project on nutrition in the European Community (1982-1986). Edited by Joseph G. A. J. Hautvast and Wijnand Klaver, EURO/NUT Report 1. Ponsen & Looyen, Vijzelstraat 8, 6701 DC Wageningen, Netherlands, 1982, 154 pp.

Surveillance of the Dietary Habits of the Population with Regard to Cardiovascular Diseases. A concerted action project on nutrition in the European Community (19821986). Edited by Guy G. de Backer, Hugh Tunstall Pedoe, and Pierre Ducimetière. EURO/NUT Report 2. Report of an EC workshop, Ghent, Belgium, 7-9 November 1983. Stichting Nederlands Instituut voor de Voeding, Wageningen, Netherlands, 1984. 116 pp.

Human Nutrition: Better Nutrition, Better Life. Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Congress of Nutrition, Bangkok, Thailand, 1-4 November 1983. Edited by Vichai Tanphaichitr, Winai Dahlan, Voranunt Suphakarn, and Aree Valyasevi. Aksornsmai Press, Bangkok, Thailand, 1984. Available only from Institute of Nutrition, c/o Research Center, Mahidol University, Ramathibodi Hospital, Rama 6 Road, Bangkok 10400, Thailand. Payment by money order or bank draft, US$25 including postage. Shipment will be via sea mail upon receipt of payment; add additional US$20 if air mail is required.

Constraints on Kenya's Food and Beverage Exports. Michael Schluter, IFPRI Research Report No. 44. International Food Policy Research Institute in collaboration with the Institute for Development Studies at the University of Nairobi, April 1984. Available from the International Food Policy Research Institute, 1776 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036, USA.

Incorporating Nutritional Goals into /International Agricultural Research: Approaches and Opportunities. Report of a workshop jointly sponsored by the UN ACC/ Sub-committee on Nutrition and the International Agricultural Research Institutes, held at the International Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA), 29 Feb. - 2 Mar. 1984. A more complete proceedings issue, which will include the papers prepared for the workshop, will be available shortly from the International Food Policy Research Institute, 1776 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, D.C.20036, USA.

Data Needs for Assessing the Nutritional Effects of Agricultural and Rural Development Projects: A Paper for Project Planners. John B. Mason. Nutrition in Agriculture Series, No. 4. FAO, Rome, 1983.

Guidelines for Post Harvest Food Loss Reduction Activities. Industry and Environment Guidelines Series. United Nations Environment Programme, Industry and Environment Office, 17 rue Margueritte, 75017 Paris, France, 1983. US$10.

Readers are invited to submit appropriate news, notes, and announcements for the "News and Notes" section of the Bulletin.

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