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The Nestle Foundation has published the proceedings of the 1982 Nestle Foundation workshop on Evaluation of Nutrition Education in Third World Communities. Single copies are available to researchers actively involved in the evaluation of nutrition education in the Third World and may be obtained by writing to:

Nestlé Foundation

4, Place de Gare
P. O. Box 1051
1001 Lausanne, Switzerland

The CIBA Foundation has announced publication of its Symposium No. 97, Better Crops for Food, edited by Jonathan Nugent and Maeve O'Connor, Pitman Books, London, 1983. It is available for 25 British pounds from Pitman Books, Ltd. 128 Long Acre, London WC2E 9AN, England. Distribution in the United States is by Medical Education Division, CIBA Pharmaceutical Co., West Caldwell, New Jersey 07006, for US $35.00.


Dr. Abraham Stekel, investigator in the UNU-Associated Institution of the University of Chile in Santiago, has been awarded the 1983 International Prize of Modern Nutrition 1983 for his outstanding work in the field of nutritional anaemias. The award is offered by the Central Association of Swiss Milk Producers, Berne, and the ceremony was held September 30 1983 near Zurich. The prize awards Sw. Fr. 15,000.


The Project Planning Centre for Developing Countries at this University is offering a 12-week course on "The Planning and Appraisal of Rural Development Projects" 30 April-20 July 1984 for those involved in the identification and planning of projects in the rural sector.

The objectives are to:

• assess information requirements for project identification, formulation, and appraisal
• design relevant data collection systems
• identify potential projects in the rural sector
• design and formulate rural development projects
• appraise a project from the "commercial," "economic," and "social" viewpoints
• evaluate the impact of integrated approaches to rural development
• determine the financial requirements and budgetary effects of projects
• plan the implementation and management of rural development projects
• prepare and operate systems for monitoring and evaluation

Suitable applicants would be professional staff in Ministries and Departments of Agriculture; Veterinary Services; Natural Resources; Lands; Cooperatives; Rural Development; Agricultural Development Corporations and Banks; Central Planning Offices; Parastatal Organizations in the Rural Sector; Agricultural, Economic, and Engineering Consultant Agencies; Aid Donors and Administrators of Rural Development Projects.

Procedures for Applicants

Entrance qualifications: This course is open to all persons concerned with the planning, design, appraisal, and implementation of development projects in appropriate fields. Applicants will normally be expected to have a university degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant subject. It is also very desirable that they have had several years of experience in development planning and/or project work.

All applicants should have a sufficient knowledge of English to enable them to participate without difficulty. A test may be required for applicants from countries where English is not in use as a first or second language, and special pre-enrolment coaching in English is often arranged.

There will be approximately 25 places. In view of the likely competition for places, it is important that application be made as early as possible.

Fees and accommodations: The fee for each course, which is unsubsidized and therefore self-supporting, is British pounds 2,900, to cover accommodation as well as tuition but no meals. Accommodation for participants will be arranged for the duration of the course at a nearby University Hall of Residence; no accommodation is available in the Hall for spouses or families. A daily provision for subsistence and incidental costs of 10 to 12 British pounds is recommended.

Other course expenses: It is intended that the course will spend five or six nights on study visits away from Bradford. The British Council will make arrangements for the participants it sponsors, but those sponsored by other organizations should arrange to have a further 180 pounds available to cover the additional expenses for these visits.

A book allowance of 63 pounds is recommended.

Sources of finance: Although many participants are financed by their employers or government, others obtain financial awards to attend the courses. These may be obtained through a large number of bilateral and multilateral agencies such as:

• British Council
• EEC (European Development Fund)
• United Nations Agencies, including UNDP
• World Bank
• OPEC bilateral and multilateral agencies

Applicants should approach local offices of such agencies or their government department responsible for training. Sponsors will make all travel arrangements.

The Project Planning Centre has no resources to provide scholarships or financial assistance.

Those wishing to apply should send for applications from:
The Director, Project Planning Centre
University of Bradford, Bradford, West Yorkshire
BD7 1DP, England

Candidates who wish to be considered for awards from official sources must ensure that they are officially nominated by their governments.


United Nations University Fellowships in Spain, 1984, for developing specialists in post-harvest technology of rice for Latin American Universities. These Fellowships are sponsored by:

• The Ministry of Education and Science in Spain
• The Superior Council for Scientific Investigations in Spain
• Studies at the Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (IATA) de Valencia, a United Nations University Associated Institution, and organized by the Laboratory of Cereals and Oilseeds of IATA

The purpose of the Fellowships is to offer a graduate degree to Latin Americans in the science and technology of post-harvest handling of rice in order to contribute to a better utilization of this cereal, and to establish effective channels for co-operation among scientists and technologists concerned with rice in Latin America for their common benefit.

The training programme lasts for five months, beginning in July, and includes theory, laboratory and pilot plant exercises, visits to industry, seminars and workshops, familiarity with equipment, and design of a research and development project. The Fellowships cover all costs of training (theory, practice, and investigation) and provide, in addition, 75,000 pesetas per month for lodging and maintenance. The Fellowships must be endowed by the national institution in which the Fellow is employed for research and development activities relating to rice. Knowledge of Spanish is required. For more information, write to:

Dr. S. Barber, UNU, Programa ARROZ IATA, J. Roig 11, Valencia-10, España


Professor John Fleming Brock, 78, Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the University of Capetown Medical School and a pioneer in medical research, died in early July. It was the 1952 report of John Brock for the World Health Organization and Marcel Autret for the Food and Agriculture Organization on Kwashiorkor in Africa that brought this syndrome, described by Cicely Williams in Accra in 1931, to the attention of the world, and demonstrated it to be widespread throughout Africa.

John Everett Gordon, world renowned field epidemiologist, died in Natick, Massachusetts, June 27, 1983. Among his outstanding contributions were the description of weanling diarrhoea as a syndrome, stress on the importance of the second-year death rate, and his additions to the concept of the synergism between malnutrition and infection.

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